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  1. 当时欧阳修已经是很有名的才子了,他在洛阳与著名散文家尹洙和诗人梅尧臣结为至交。

    He was already known as a brilliant young writer , and at Luoyang he befriended the renowned essayist Yin Zhu and the poet Mei Yaochen .

  2. 由于梅尧臣的境遇在宋人中具有代表性,故此可以认为,宋人普遍的仕宦经历对于造就宋诗的整体风貌也产生了类似影响。

    Because Mei Yaochen was a typical example of poets in the Song Dynasty , it can be inferred that public service experience had great impact in shaping the styles of Song poems .