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méi huā
  • plum blossom;club;meihua;mei flower;wintersweet;Japanese apricot
梅花 [méi huā]
  • (1) [Japanese apricot;meihua;mei flower]∶梅树的花

  • (2) [wintersweet] 〈方〉∶腊梅

  • (3) [mei flower]∶梅花形的

  • 梅花翅。--《聊斋志异.促织》

梅花[méi huā]
  1. 梅花和樱花是深受日本诗人青睐的名花。

    Japanese poets have great affection for plum blossom and oriental cherry .

  2. 并且先后获文化表演奖、梅花奖等最高奖项。

    And has won the " cultural performance award "," plum blossom Award " and other awards .

  3. 扑克牌的四种花色分别叫红桃、梅花、方块和黑桃。

    The suits are called hearts , clubs , diamonds and spades .

  4. 我出梅花。

    I played a club .

  5. 梅花是主牌。

    Clubs are trumps .

  6. 梅花开了。

    The plum trees begin to blossom .

  7. 没有一朝寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香

    Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall , where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms .

  8. 董重的这个系列的早年雏形并没有梅花、鸟和超现实的连体

    Dong Zhong 's series , in its embryonic stage , had no blossoms , birds or surreal chimeras .

  9. 你可以看出来打梅花K是赢牌的一招。

    You can see the king of club is the winning play .

  10. 亲缘关系相近的梅花品种AFLPDNA指纹分析

    AFLP DNA fingerprinting analysis of close genetic relationships of cultivars of Prunus mume Sieb . et Zucc

  11. 梅花鹿源BVDV基因E0克隆与序列分析

    Clone and sequence of BVDV E_0 gene of sika deer

  12. 梅花品种RAPD指纹图谱的建立可以为品种知识产权保护提供依据。

    The establishment of RAPD fingerprinting is applicable in cultivar identification and breeder 's rights protection of Prunus mume .

  13. 梅花品种AFLP分析鉴定研究

    AFLP Analysis of Prunus mume Cultivars

  14. 本研究通过构建梅花重瓣性F1作图群体,探讨了运用拟测交方法构建梅花分子遗传图谱的可行性。

    In the study , the feasibility of constructing a molecular genetic map using " double pseudo - testcross " strategy was discussed through establishing a F1 population .

  15. 梅花针刺络拔罐配合艾灸及TDP照射治疗带状疱疹40例

    Treatment of 40 Cases of Herpes Zoster with Pricking Blood , Cupping and Moxibustion

  16. 目的观察梅花磁针综合疗法治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of magnetic plum-blossom needle composite treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) .

  17. 梅花形排线用WW型行星传动机构

    WW Type Planet Transmission Mechanism for Blossom-form Arranging Wire

  18. 结论梅花磁针综合疗法治疗BPH疗效满意,是一种安全有效的新疗法。

    Conclusion Magnetic plum-blossom needle composite treatment has a marked effect on BPH and it is a new safe and effective treatment for BPH .

  19. 结果:36例中采用钢板内固定21例,梅花钉9例,V形针3例,国产带锁髓内钉3例。

    Results : In 36 cases of failure in internal fixation , there were 21 cases treated with plate fixation , 12 cases treated with common intramedullary nail and 3 cases treated with interlocking nail .

  20. 建立了ISSR、SSR反应体系,SSR扩增结果初步证实了梅花上存在MADS-box基因的可能性。

    The SSR , ISSR reaction systems were established . And the probability of MADS-box-like genes existing in Mei flower was primarily testified based on SSR result .

  21. 结论:4种内固定器中四孔钢板抗轴向扭转性能最好,梅花钉的三点弯曲刚度最强,对于胫骨骨折,Ender钉和矩形钉可以提供较好的稳定作用。

    Conclusion : Four hole plate provides the strongest torsion fixation and quincunx shaped nail provides the strongest bending fixation .

  22. 特异引物扩增得到了草莓、月季、梅花、石楠DNA水平FT基因全长,与拼接序列比对进一步证实了FT基因DNA水平序列信息。

    Full-length of FT gene was obtained from the DNA of strawberry , rose , plum , photinia through specific primers amplification , and FT gene sequence information was confirmed by alignment with the spliced sequences . 4 .

  23. 夏光、早夏16甘蓝杂交种DNA指纹图谱的构建2.利用MseI-EcoRⅠ的酶切及引物组合,建立了梅花及其近缘种187份样品的品种(种)的DNA指纹图谱。

    Establishment of DNA fingerprints on two cabbage hybrids of " Xiaguang " and " Zaoxia 16 " 2 . With use of Mse I - EcoR I digest and primers , fingerprints of the 187 samples were obtained .

  24. 首先将图像分解为两个序列,用2阶Neville滤波器构造预测和更新算子,对两个序列以矩形栅格和梅花形栅格的格式进行交替预测和更新;

    Firstly , image is decomposed into two serials , which are predicted and updated by two-order Neville filter on rectangle and quincunx grid by turns .

  25. 介绍一种采用新型铆接法&径向变形铆接技术的新型铆接机及该机铆头11瓣R型梅花状运动轨迹的运动分析和该机的主要结构的设计

    The article introduced a new style riveter which uses a new style riveting way & riveting technology of radial deformation in detail Motion orbit of 11 petal R style plum blossom form of its riveting punch was analysed , its main construction design was introduced

  26. 在F1群体中,符合1:1或3:1孟德尔分离比例的RAPD标记占总数的28.57%,理论上说,运用拟测交策略构建梅花分子遗传图谱是可行的。

    The RAPD markers segregating in a 1:1 or 3:1 ratio account for 28.57 % of the total RAPD markers . Therefore , it is feasible to use " double pseudo testcross " strategy to construct molecular genetic maps of Prunus mume .

  27. 对样品中SNP的检测有助于研究单核苷酸的变异引起的蛋白质功能的变化,从而作为梅花各种基因型与表现型的检测依据。

    SNP analysis will help to study the variation of single nucleotide caused by the change of the protein function , and as the plum flower type of various genes with phenotypes detection basis .

  28. 结果股骨型髓内分叉钉的生物力学性能明显优于Ender钉和梅花钉。

    Results The biomechanical properties of ITNs in resistance to torsion , bending and stretch were significantly better than that of Ender nails and cloverleaf nails .

  29. ML4型梅花弹性联轴器的应用

    An application of ml_4 & type flexible plum blossom coupling

  30. 本论文从构建蜡梅花cDNA文库入手,利用EST技术分析开花过程中的基因表达情况,在此基础上,克隆蜡梅凝集素基因,利用转基因手段初步分析其抗虫性。

    In this dissertation , we report the construction of the cDNA library from wintersweet flower , sequence and functional analysis of the expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ), cloning and functional identification of a lectin gene ( Cplectin ) from the library .