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  • 【体】club trick
  1. 论文以桥牌游戏为例,说明了用于运动估计的赢墩领出策略,优化设计了匹配误差序列,以重排匹配搜索的顺序,进一步加快了运动估计的速度,总结出了在H。

    In the paper , the winner-update strategy for motion estimation is demonstrated by the bridge game , and an optimal sequence of matching distortion is designed to reset the searching order for fast motion estimation .

  2. 如果你打方块K的话,本来是可以赢一墩牌的。

    If you lead a diamond ding , you can win a trick .

  3. 再进张:能赢一墩夺回牌权的大牌。

    The card that will take a trick and thus regain the lead .

  4. 我接连赢了六墩牌。

    I won six tricks in a row .

  5. 他以Q赢了一墩,然后连吊三轮方块。

    He won with the queen and then drew three rounds of diamonds .

  6. 我最后一局赢了五墩牌。

    I won five tricks in that last game .

  7. 红桃套有紧逼的可能性。她打出红桃十赢了一墩。

    There is squeeze possibility in heart . She made her ten of hearts .

  8. 她一连赢了4墩牌。

    She won four tricks in a row .

  9. 她打出红桃十赢了一墩。

    She made her ten of hearts .

  10. 我打出一张主牌,赢了那一墩。

    I played a trump and won the trick .