
yíng dé bǐ sài
  • win the game;Winning;win the match
  1. 虽然他们竭尽全力想赢得比赛,最后还是以4比3的比分被击败。

    Despite all their efforts to win the game , they were defeated by 4 to 3 .

  2. 他放话说,他们一定能赢得比赛。

    He gave his word that they would win the game .

  3. 赢得比赛的胜利是全队付出努力应得的回报。

    Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made .

  4. 杰拉尔德不再是有望赢得比赛的热门人选。

    Gerald was no longer the odds-on favourite to win the contest

  5. 德拉尔图是位优秀的运动员,赢得比赛也是理所当然。

    Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved to win .

  6. 为了赢得比赛,她设计了一套华丽的婚纱礼服。

    She designed a gorgeous wedding dress in order to win the competition .

  7. 尽管那位第一流的职业骑手最有希望赢得比赛的胜利,但他身体感到不舒服,结果未得名次。

    Although favourite to win the race , the champion jockey had an off day and was unplaced .

  8. 吃掉对方的“帅”或“将”的玩家就可以赢得比赛。

    The player who catches the enemy General can win the game .

  9. 例句我赢得比赛时,我简直不敢相信这一切。

    I couldn 't believe it when I won the competition .

  10. 她在跑到最后一圈时摔倒了,因此她赢得比赛的机会渺茫。

    She doesn 't have a snowball 's chance in hell of winning the race after falling on the last lap .

  11. 三星White队最终赢得比赛的冠军,并获得了100万美元(约合612万元人民币)的奖金。

    Samsung White went on to win the championship and $ 1 million in prize money .

  12. 芝加哥以96比54赢得比赛,这成了NBA总决赛的历史。

    Chicago 's 96-54 win in game three was the biggest rout in NBA Finals ' history .

  13. 这种展现,被认为是一种荣耀。JessicaTracy研究表示,视力良好无碍和先天视障的人在赢得比赛时都做了同样的事。

    This expression , which is known as pride , Jessica Tracy has studied . She shows that people who are born with sight and people who are congenitally blind do this when they win at a physical competition .

  14. 如果没有杜兰特的加盟,斯蒂芬-库里或许或拿下他的第三个甚至第四个MVP,或许当年的金州勇士会找到一种同样伟大的方式来赢得比赛,巩固其传奇地位,而非站在风口浪尖面对千夫指。

    Maybe if Durant hadn 't leveled up the Warriors , Stephen Curry would have a third or fourth MVP . Maybe the original Golden State cast would have found a way to win just as big , cementing its legend without becoming the team so many rooted against toward the end .

  15. 这场雨有效地挫败了他们赢得比赛的努力。

    The rain effectively sabotaged their efforts to win the match .

  16. 那你闭着眼睛都能赢得比赛。

    Then you can win this race with your eyes shut .

  17. 换句话说,没有人希望他们去赢得比赛。

    In other words , no one expects them to win .

  18. 重要的是谁将赢得比赛。

    What counts is how the sides arrive at this game .

  19. 他们坐失赢得比赛的最后机会。

    They give away their last chance of winning the match .

  20. 他可以在这儿用一个长高飞球赢得比赛。

    He could win the game here with a long fly ball .

  21. 大都会队会以五比三赢得比赛。

    The Mets are gonna win that game , five to three .

  22. 赢得比赛最好的途径是什么?

    What 's the best way to win a race ?

  23. 我们都指望着那个男孩来赢得比赛。

    We are all counting on the boy to win the game .

  24. 那么,你想去赢得比赛吗?

    So , you 're going to win the tournament ?

  25. 可是你不能靠自己赢得比赛。

    But , casey , you can 't win going it alone .

  26. 我们队赢得比赛有希望吗?

    Is there any hope our team winning the match ?

  27. 运动员借赢得比赛来证明他是最好的。

    One wants to win to prove himself the best .

  28. 她赢得比赛后感到一阵激动。

    She felt a rush of excitement when she won the competition .

  29. 赢得比赛的那个男人是我的舅父。

    The man who won the game is my uncle .

  30. 让我看看你要如何赢得比赛。

    Show me how you 're gonna win the brigades .