
  • 网络winner-take-all;The Winner Take All
  1. 在这种规律的作用之下,大者恒大、赢者通吃成为一种必然趋势。

    In this kind of rule under the influence , strong being always strong and winner-take-all becomes a kind of inevitable trend .

  2. 这一方面对传统网络经济学赢者通吃的观点提出了挑战,另一方面也引发了发展中国家对软件产业发展模式和发展战略的思考。

    This , on one hand , has challenged the traditional network economics ' idea of Winner-take-all , and on the other hand , it has triggered the thoughts of the developing countries on the developing mode and strategies of software industry .

  3. 赢者通吃的奖金文化更加剧了这种状况。

    The effect has been exacerbated by the winner-takes-all bonus culture .

  4. 企业市场从来不是一个赢者通吃的市场。

    The enterprise market is never winner-take-all .

  5. 同时,他还认为,在群体环境中,赢者通吃的心理可能促使了这一现象的产生。

    And he believes that a winner-takes-all mentality in group environment may spur this phenomenon .

  6. 此外,赖志文表示,这不是一个赢者通吃的游戏。

    Furthermore , Mr Lai of Daiwa said , it was not a case of winner takes all .

  7. 我的初步观点是,它可能不会是一个赢者通吃的市场。

    ' My initial take is that it 's probably not going to be a winner-take-all market . '

  8. 制片公司不是大赚特赚,就是大赔特赔,这个结果反映出迎合大众的电影业赢者通吃的本质。

    Studios either thrived or withered , an outcome that reflects the winner-take-all nature of the mass-appeal movie business .

  9. 第一是“赢者通吃”市场的崛起——少数成功人士、企业和产品主导了世界经济。

    One is the rise of " winner-takes-all " markets in which a few successful people , businesses and products dominate the world economy .

  10. 很多竞争搞到最后成了“赢者通吃”,拔得头筹的公司变成实力中心。

    Many turn into winner-takes-all affairs , with the companies that come out on top ending up as centres of power in their own right .

  11. 标准竞争的一个显著的特点是赢者通吃,在知识密集型产业、技术密集型产业尤为明显。

    The standard competition is characterized by a significant " winner takes all " . This character is more apparent in the knowledge-intensive industries and technology-intensive industries .

  12. 尽管我热爱音乐,羡慕那些把音乐当成业余爱好的人,但这个行业正在深陷衰退,并且遵循极端的赢者通吃的规律。

    While I love music , and envy those who play as a hobby , the industry is in deep slump , and obeys extreme winner-takes-all tendencies .

  13. 在第二个机器时代,多数市场将是‘赢者通吃’,少数最成功者会获得大多数收入、关注和成功。

    In the second machine age , most markets will be ' winner-takes-most ' where a small number of top performers get most of the revenue , attention and success .

  14. 在当今的金融化世界里,这些技术更有可能被用于加快削减工作岗位、赢者通吃的趋势,就像之前的外包和在海外设厂等手段那样。

    In today 's financialised world , these are more likely to be used to accentuate the job-stripping , winner-takes-all trend already seen with previous techniques like outsourcing and offshoring .

  15. 他们的意思是,娱乐业显露出一个“赢者通吃”市场的经济特点:最为成功的参与者获得不合比例的超常回报,而绝大多数人只能赚取零星小钱。

    What they meant was that showbiz displays the economic characteristics of a winner-takes-all Market : disproportionate rewards accrue to the most successful participants , while a substantial majority earn peanuts .

  16. 这被称为体育历史上最伟大的逆转——美国甲骨文队和船长吉米·斯毕希后来居上赢得了美洲杯帆船赛冠军,斯比希掌舵甲骨文队72英尺长的双体帆船,在旧金山湾最后赢者通吃的比赛中连赢8场。

    What is being called one of the greatest comebacks in sports history -- Oracle Team USA and skipper Jimmy Spithill had come from behind to win the American 's Cup , Spithill steering Oracle 's 72-foot-long catamaran to its eighth straight victory in the final winner-take-all race in the San Francisco Bay .