
  • 网络Profit Model;profit pattern;business model;revenue model
  1. 打造多赢的IPTV业务赢利模式

    Establishing Multi-win IPTV Business Model

  2. 第二,在产品和客户两个维度分析了跨产品协同的赢利模式的运行机制,并在此基础上建立了跨产品协同赢利模式的二维协同实施框架。

    Secondly , it analyzed the operation mechanism of cross-product synergistic business model in both dimensions of products and customers .

  3. 中国汽车金融服务X赢利模式研究

    An Study on the Auto Finance Profit Pattern in China

  4. 在此基础上,论文从价值链理论和顾客价值最大化理论两方面,结合我国特有的经济环境,提出了汽车金融服务X赢利模式。

    Based on the theory of value chain and maximizing consumer 's value , joined with Chinese conditions , we advance X profit patterns of automobile finance service .

  5. “受赞助内容”赢利模式消息推送,已经成为用户获取好友信息的主要渠道。Facebook发现,“受赞助的内容”可以作为它营收的一个来源。

    Facebook sees " sponsored stories " in users ' news feeds , the main flow of information about their friends , as the tool for this job .

  6. IPTV在中国的发展还面临许多挑战,如监管政策不明朗,行业壁垒难以打破,赢利模式不明晰,技术规范不完善,但大趋势决定了IPTV的发展前景十分光明。

    The development of IPTV faces a lot of difficulties such as the unclear supervision policy , the industry barrier difficult to remove , vague profit models , and unmature technology specifications . However , the general development tendency decides a bright future of IPTV .

  7. 强化木地板企业赢利模式的研究与设计

    Research & Design of Mode of Making Profit for Laminate Flooring Manufacturers

  8. 第一部分对适合集成企业的赢利模式进行了探讨。

    Firstly , it discusses the profit model suitable for integration enterprise .

  9. 其次,对中间业务赢利模式进行分析,剖析商业银行现有的中间业务赢利模式。

    Then , it construes the current earning model of intermediary business .

  10. 汽车零部件配送中心赢利模式研究

    Study on Profit Mode of Automobile Spare Parts Distribution Center

  11. 赢利模式单一可能是上述问题存在的主要原因。

    Profitable single model may be the main cause of the problem .

  12. 付费体育频道营销及赢利模式探究

    Operation and profit - making mode of paid sports channels

  13. 传感器企业赢利模式与生产均衡优化模型研究

    Study on sensor corporations profit pattern and optimization model

  14. 造纸企业赢利模式怎么样?

    How is the payoff patterns of papermaking enterprises ?

  15. 中国股票二级市场赢利模式研究

    Research of the Best Profit Model of the Secondary Stock Market in China

  16. 我国流通企业赢利模式的创新研究

    The Profit Model Innovation Study of the Circulation Enterprises

  17. 商业健康保险的经营目标和赢利模式

    Operational Goals and Profitability Models of Commercial Health Insurance

  18. 基于创新价值链的赢利模式&中小乳品企业生存与发展之路的探索

    Profit Pattern of Value Chain Based on Innovation

  19. 银行中间业务的赢利模式研究

    The Middle Business of Bank Profit-earning Model Discuss

  20. 我国大型旅行社赢利模式选择研究

    The Study on Selection of Profit Modes of Our Country ' Large-scale Travel Services

  21. 大型商业零售企业的赢利模式

    The Profit Mode of Large Scale Commerce Retailers

  22. 基于知识与网络的企业赢利模式

    Profit Making Pattern Based on Knowledge and Network

  23. 广东电视移动传播公司手机电视赢利模式选择及实现策略

    The Profit Pattern Choice and Realization Strategy of Guangdong Mobile Television Media Co. LTD

  24. 我国体育类报纸生存现状和赢利模式研究

    The Study on the Survival Situation and Benefit Model of Sports Newspaper in China

  25. 面向开放式创新的高技术企业赢利模式研究

    The Research of the Model of High-tech Enterprises ' Profit Facing the Open Innovation

  26. 还通过对国外物流园区项目建设进行比较分析,提出适合我国国情的物流园区项目运营管理模式,同时,进行了物流园区赢利模式的分析;

    Meanwhile , carried on the analysis of the profit mode in the logistics park ;

  27. 构建物流企业的赢利模式

    Constructing Benefit-win Mode of Logistics Enterprise

  28. 网络游戏虚拟产品的交易是网络游戏运营商一种独特的赢利模式。

    Trading of online games virtual products is a unique profit model for online game operator .

  29. 抓住城市化契机创新大型工程企业的经营及赢利模式

    Seizing the Opportunity of Urbanization to Inaugurate the Operation and Profit Mode of Large Construction Enterprises

  30. 大型体育场馆设施赢利模式的探讨&广州天河体育中心案例分析

    Discussion of Profitable Patterns of Sport Venue Facilities & A Case Analysis on Guangzhou Tianhe Sport Centre