
  • 网络Technical Committees
  1. SIS是上海市标准文献资料的归口单位,也是国内最大的省级标准化研究和服务机构。

    As the body in charge of all kinds of standards and other documents related , SIS is the biggest standardization research and service body in China at the province level .

  2. 指定《国际卫生条例》国家归口单位:24小时的全球警戒。

    Designation of National IHR Focal Points : world on24-hour alert .

  3. 要求该国通过国家国际卫生条例归口单位在核实过程中进行合作。

    The State , through the National IHR Focal Point is required to cooperate in the verification process .

  4. 同时,为了能有效地运转,国际卫生条例国家归口单位网络需要建立一定的全球规范。

    At the same time , a level of global standardization is required for the network of national IHR focal points to operate effectively .

  5. 随着在建立国际卫生条例国家归口单位网络过程中取得的经验,对该准则有可能做出相应修改。

    It is anticipated that this guidance may be revised as experience is gained in the process of establishing the national IHR focal points network .

  6. 我们所有的机关中都有很多事要做,包括在工作归口单位网络的领域内,以及确保在实践中开展联合计划和实施。

    There is a lot to do in all our offices , including the areas of work focal point network , and making sure that joint planning and implementation is happening in practice .

  7. 根据《国际卫生条例》,要求每一国家指定《国际卫生条例》国家归口单位,负责每周七天、每天24小时向世卫组织提供信息并接受世卫组织的信息。

    Under the IHR every country is required to designate a National IHR Focal Point , charged with providing to and receiving information from WHO on a24 hour basis , seven days a week .