
  • 网络new economy
  1. 通过提供端到端的解决方案和增值服务,我们为您提供完美的INTERNET解决方案,帮助客户在新经济时代增强其业务发展。

    By providing end-to-end solution and value-added services , we are the premier E-Commerce Solutions Enabler to help our customers enhance their business in the new Economy .

  2. 如何对传统财务管理流程进行再造;EVA理论以其独特的优越性,在新经济时代下向传统财务管理提出挑战。

    In the new economy , theory of EVA has challenged the tradition performance evaluation due to the superiority .

  3. 计算机网络尤其是Internet的发展奠定了新经济时代的信息基础。

    The development of the Internet laid an information foundation for the new economic period .

  4. 随着以全球化和Internet为特征的新经济时代的到来,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争。

    Along with globalization and the Internet as the characteristics of the ew economic era , enterprises are facing more intense competition .

  5. 第3部分分析了传统价值递减理论与新经济时代的价值递增理论,从而进一步分析了e化价值链管理的重要战略意义。

    Part 3 analyzes the traditional theory of value descending and the new theory of value ascending and emphasizes the important strategic significance of E-VCM .

  6. 在全球化和Internet统领的新经济时代,产品的生命周期比以往任何时候都要短,企业面临的竞争前所未有的激烈。

    In the new economic times leaded by the global internationalization and the development of the Internet , the lifecycles of products are becoming shorter and the competitions are more intensive than ever .

  7. 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement)CRM是新经济时代激烈竞争的产物,是以客户为中心的经营理念,旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的管理机制。

    CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) is the product of fierce competitions in new economic era which aims to improve the management of relationship between customs and enterprises with the focus on clients .

  8. 在新经济时代,尤其是进入WTO后,研究和发展符合我国国情及企业特征的企业文化,使我国企业跟上世界管理理论发展的潮流,这已经成为企业管理学界急需解决的重要课题。

    In the new economy time , in particular , after entering the WTO , researching and developing the corporate Culture with our national conditions and business characteristics , to keep up with the world development trend of management theory .

  9. 文章阐述了随着新经济时代的到来,企业管理将发生一次全新的变革,追根朔源,实施ERP是企业管理的必由之路。

    Along with the new economic age coming , a great change will take place in our enterprise management . Tracing to its source , to put ERP into effect is the only way of enterprise management .

  10. XX充分研究了分销业的全球走势,综合大陆市场的特点和XX优势,将自身定位为新经济时代最有价值的“电子商务型网给营销企业”。

    After market research of international retail business , XX has decided to introduce Net Marketing into its business in consideration of the character of China 's market and predominance of XX .

  11. 目前XX又在合适的时机采用了电子商务技术,准备成为新经济时代最有价值的“电子商务型网络营销企业”。

    At present , XX is embracing electronic commerce for the translation into E-commerce Marketing Business from current business , which is expected to be the most valuable one in new economic era .

  12. 本文由客户管理管理的基本理念入手,从传统管理方式的弊端,房地产市场发展的要求及新经济时代对房地产信息化的要求三方面分析了房地产开发企业实施CRM的必要性。

    The article firstly analyse the basic idea , and discuss the necessity of implementation in three pieces : the malpractice of the traditional management , the development requirement of real estate enterprises , the requirement of the information construction .

  13. 论文的创新之处是针对新经济时代湖北中小企业营销环境的变化,利用SWOT分析方法提出了湖北中小企业的营销对策。

    The innovations of the paper are that the paper put forward the marketing countermeasures of SMES in Hubei from marking use of " SWOT " analytic method in view of the new marketing environments of SMES in Hubei in times of new economy .

  14. 略论新经济时代金融业面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges of Banking Industry in the New Economy Age and Countermeasures

  15. 新经济时代战略范式的转变

    The transformation of the strategy mode in the new economy era

  16. 那么在这个新经济时代,谁会成为赢家?

    So in this new economy , who are the winners ?

  17. 论图书馆在新经济时代服务功能的转变

    Change of service function in library under the new economic era

  18. 新经济时代企业如何进行非资本扩张

    Enterprises ' Non - Capital Expansion in the New Economy Age

  19. 新经济时代企业管理的世纪变革

    Century 's Changes of Business Management in the New Economy Era

  20. 美国企业加速器是新经济时代的产物。

    American business accelerator is a product of the new economy .

  21. 深化高等教育改革迎接新经济时代到来

    Reform the Higher Education to Meet the Approach of Neo-economic Age

  22. 新经济时代的科技发展大趋势

    Big Trend of the Technology Development in the New Economic Ages

  23. 新经济时代人才创新素质的培养

    On Cultivating Innovative Quality of Talent in New Economic Era

  24. 第二章,新经济时代的创业工具。对新经济的基本特征进行了详细分析;

    Chapter two , the crave out tool of new economic era .

  25. 新经济时代煤炭企业文化再造探索

    The research of rebuilding the coal enterprise culture in new economic time

  26. 基于新经济时代下的产品设计思维研究

    Research on Product Design Thinking Based on New Economic Era

  27. 新经济时代高等教育的战略选择

    Strategic Selection of Higher Education in the New Economic Age

  28. 新经济时代是激发企业家自我效能的时代。

    In new economic era entrepreneurial self-efficacy has been aroused .

  29. 新经济时代论商誉会计

    On the Commercial Goodwill Accountant in the New Economy Era

  30. 新经济时代企业知识资产经营策略

    Strategy of Enterprise 's Knowledge Assets Management in the New Economic Age