
xīn wén ɡōnɡ zuò zhě
  • journalist;press;newspaperman;pressman;journo
  1. 他的姐姐是位新闻工作者。

    His sister is a journalist .

  2. 安德烈亚·洛伦茨(AndreaLorenz)是身居得克萨斯州奥斯汀市(Austin,Texas)的新闻工作者。

    Andrea Lorenz is a journalist living in Austin , Texas .

  3. 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

    Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral .

  4. 好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。

    If nature abhors a vacuum , journalists abhor a transition , when there is little news to cover .

  5. 尽管科学家在向新闻工作者和最终向公众传递信息方面作用重大,但通常无效沟通的责任都推到了新闻工作者一边。

    Even though scientists play a part in transmitting information to journalists and ultimately the public , too often the blame for ineffective communication is placed on the side of the journalists .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(imf)一般不会理会小小的新闻工作者。

    The International Monetary Fund does not normally respond to mere journalists .

  7. “寻求并报道真相”是《职业新闻工作者协会守则》(SocietyofProfessionalJournalistsCodeofEthics)的第一项核心原则。

    " Seek truth and report it " is the first core principle of the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics .

  8. 艾茜玛•山三钗是一位写作有关社交媒体文章的自由新闻工作者,她说这些年来Facebook扮演着建立关系和摧毁关系的双重角色。

    Athima Chansanchai , a freelance journalist who writes about social media , said Facebook over the years has played a role in both creating relationships and destroying them .

  9. 在他担任斯坦福大学商学院院长的头几个月,有线电视新闻工作者经常出现在校园的草坪上,mba学生似乎每天都在缔造新的互联网公司。

    In his first months as Dean , cable news crews were constantly on the campus lawn , and it seemed MBA students were forming new Internet companies every day .

  10. 反PPT党希望采用和平手段反对PPT的使用;它希望能有大量新闻工作者写出本文这样的文章。

    The APPP is hoping to fight PowerPoint through peaceful means ; it wants lots of journalists to write articles just like this one .

  11. 总部位于布鲁塞尔的国际新闻工作者协会的非洲项目负责人GabrielBaglo要求青年党立即释放Adan。

    Gabriel Baglo , head of the Africa program for Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists , called for Adan 's immediate release .

  12. 对新闻工作者的暴力攻击持续不断,可相关新闻报道却减少了,最近的几起攻击是针对一些作家,他们反对修建一条横穿莫斯科附近科希姆基森林(khimkiforest)的公路。

    Less coverage is given to ongoing physical attacks on journalists , only the latest of which have come against writers who had condemned plans to build a road through Khimki forest near Moscow .

  13. Pisa于2000年问世,自那以来它已发展为一个全球学校排行榜,受到各国政府、政策制定者及新闻工作者等各界的密切关注。

    The first Pisa test was performed in 2000 , but since then it has grown to become a global school league table , carefully watched by governments , policymakers and journalists alike .

  14. 新闻工作者如何适应新媒体发展的需要

    How to Adapt to the New Media Development Needs for Journalists

  15. 新闻工作者应记牢记人们有不同的文化传统,并对这些不同传统保持敏感。

    Reporters should remember and be sensitive to different cultural traditions .

  16. 但社会媒体给遵循职业操守的新闻工作者提出了新的挑战。

    But social media pose new challenges for the ethical journalist .

  17. 她指责该新闻工作者把报道的事硬说成是她说过的。

    She accused the journalist of putting words in her mouth .

  18. 希望能对业界相关新闻工作者提供一些参考。

    I hope it provide some useful relevant information to the industry .

  19. 着重在加强新闻工作者自身修养、健全新闻从业人员职业道德制度化建设和加快新闻立法方面提出了一些对策思考,以期对加强我国新闻职业道德建设有所裨益。

    I give some advice in construction of institutionalization and news legislation .

  20. 这位新闻工作者所关心的只是一霎那的时刻。

    The journalist is concerned only with the fugitive moment .

  21. 新闻工作者的素质应该有哪些?

    What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have ?

  22. 新闻工作者报道政府官员和公众人物的举止行动。

    Journalists report on the activities of government officials and public figures .

  23. 因此,新闻工作者的社会地位也是比较高的。

    Therefore , the social status of journalists is also relatively high .

  24. 把握政策是新闻工作者搞好宣传的立足之本

    Grasping the Policy is the Fundamentality of the News Workers ' Propagandism

  25. 第三部分,新闻工作者的新闻职业道德现状。

    The third part is present condition of news morality .

  26. 如今,任何拥有博客的人都可以成为新闻工作者。

    Now anyone with a blog can be a journalist .

  27. 对于新闻工作者来说,既是工作方法,更是指导原则。

    It means both working methods and guidelines for journalists .

  28. 在美国,新闻工作者力争做到客观。

    Journalists in the United States strive to achieve objectivity .

  29. 深圳市新闻工作者健康检查结果分析

    Analysis on the physical examination results of pressmen in Shenzhen

  30. 任何新闻工作者都不希望使自己的社会或国家受到伤害。

    No journalist wants to harm his community or country .