
  • 网络new marketing
  1. BSS业务支撑系统对新营销政策的支撑更加的灵活。

    BSS Business Support System for the new marketing policy , support more flexibility .

  2. 城市商贸批发市场的新营销思路&基于STV营销理论的思考

    The New Marketing Thought of the City Terminal Market & Based on the STV Marketing Thesis

  3. 在他接掌IOC之际,商业赞助商将目光转向体育运动,寻求新营销机遇,并将奥运会重新定位为推广世界最知名消费品的营销媒介。

    He took control as commercial sponsorship turned to sport for new marketing opportunities and re-oriented the games into a marketing vehicle for the world 's best-known consumer products .

  4. 21世纪新营销观念&可持续营销

    On the new marketing conception of 21 century : sustainable marketing

  5. 论开放式营销:高新技术市场的新营销模式

    Research on open marketing : a new model for hi-tech marketing

  6. 或许应该是策划我们的新营销活动。

    Maybe it should be the development of our new marketing campaign .

  7. 沃西基女士在新营销战略上的领导和创新

    Ms. Wojcicki 's leadership and innovation of new marketing strategies

  8. 第一是近期决定任命一位新营销经理。

    The first is the short-term decision about the appointment of a new marketing manager .

  9. 新营销中心的广告活动将在中国之外的所有市场开展。

    Advertising campaigns from the new centre are to be used in all markets except China .

  10. 我国大学生体育服务市场新营销组合理论研究

    Research of New Marketing Combination Theory About University Students ' Sports Service Market in Our Country

  11. 互联网络时代的新营销理论

    New Marketing Theory of Internet Times

  12. 在渠道策略中,完善提高新营销模式的运行效果。

    Strategy in the channel and improve the improve the operation of the new marketing mode effects .

  13. 网络营销不等同于传统营销,它是伴随着网络虚拟市场而诞生的新营销理论,具有很强的实践性和创新性。

    Web marketing , emerged concomitantly with fictitious web market as a new marketing theoretics , bear stronger practice and originality .

  14. 通过对我国市场和国际最新营销理念的分析,可以看出对我国的医疗设备维修领域来说提高维修服务水平是十分必要和紧迫的。

    After analysis as above , we can see it is necessary and very urgent for us to improve our service ability .

  15. 之后更多次在‘三分钟领悟’这个环节,讲解何谓策略性思维,新营销及管理概念。

    Gilbert was also a frequent speaker in the morning show 's '3 Minutes Realisation'speaking on strategic thinking , new marketing and management concepts .

  16. 该书综合提供了整个市场营销领域里的最新营销理论和研究主题,并在书中附有大量案例。

    Basic Marketing offers a very thorough integration of the latest marketing themes , topics , and examples woven throughout the body of the text .

  17. 服务营销理念是在市场营销观基础上发展而来的新营销观。

    The concept of service and sales , which develops on the basis of the Marketing concept , is a brand new mode of thought .

  18. 关系营销作为一种新营销理论与传统市场营销有很大区别,对企业具有重要作用。

    As a new theory of marketing and with an outstanding difference to the traditional theories , relationship marketing plays an important role for the enterprise .

  19. 网络营销作为适应网络经济时代的网络虚拟市场的新营销理论,是市场营销理论在新时期的发展和应用。

    Network marketing as a new marketing theory that adapts to dummy market of network economy age is development and application of marketing theory in new period .

  20. 在社会供给远大于消费需求的激烈竞争环境下,立足消费者体验的新营销模式&网络娱乐营销应运而生。

    In the furious competitive environment that social supply far outweigh the consumption demand , the new marketing mode based on the consumer experience - network entertainment marketing emerges as the times require .

  21. 特别是近几年来,随着车险电话销售、网络销售等新营销模式的推广,公司之间、渠道之间的冲突、竞争日趋白热化。

    Especially in recent years , along with the promotion of the phone sales , network sales and other new marketing mode , the conflict and competition between companies and channels becomes increasingly intensified .

  22. 在今年早上的规划会上,首席会计师说他对新营销计划有疑问,因此我们知道今天不会有任何决定或进展。

    Example : At our planning meeting this morning the chief accountant said he had an issue about the new marketing program , so we knew nothing would be decided or move forward today .

  23. 近年来,直销、服务营销、数据库营销、体验营销等新营销模式不断涌现,显示了企业日益关注消费者,关注消费的个性化。

    In the recent years , direct distribution 、 ministrant distribution database distribution and experience distribution come forth one by one , which show the enterprise is paying more attention to the customers and consumptive individuation .

  24. 接着,第二章介绍了研究的理论基础,包括营销和营销管理、营销策略的相关理论,以及我国服装行业的发展现状及服装营销管理的发展历程,还介绍了新营销观念的兴起。

    Then , the paper introduces theory basis , including marketing , marketing management , correlated theory of marketing theory , the actuality of Chinese clothes industry , developing course of clothes marketing management and new marketing conception .

  25. 这只是这家炸鸡连锁店在香港的新营销活动引发的突出问题中的两个,新营销活动推出了两款食用指甲油:原味和香辣。

    These are just two of the salient questions raised by the chicken chain 's new Hong Kong marketing campaign , in which it is offering lickable , edible fingernail polish in two flavors : Original , and Hot and Spicy .

  26. 本文通过主要分两部分去阐述整个电力营销系统的新旧系统的切换:1.描述整个新营销系统的规划,设计(包括总体架构设计,数据架构设计,物理架构设计)。

    This paper is mainly divided into two parts to elaborate the power marketing system and switching system : 1 describe the new marketing system planning , design ( including the overall construction design , data structure design , physical structure design ) .

  27. 最后提出,从营销队伍建设和管理,建立高效科学的信息管理系统和加强售后服务几个方面为新营销策略实施提供保障。

    Finally , the paper also proposed the supporting measures from the aspects of sales team building and management , setting up the efficient and scientific information management system and the strengthening of the after sales service to ensure the realization of the new marketing economy .

  28. 为此,西方学者提出了一种新的营销理论,即整合营销传播理论(IntegratedMarketingCommunication简称为IMC)。

    Therefore , some scholars in western countries have come up with a new theory called Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) .

  29. 随着Internet的产生和发展,网络营销作为一种新的营销方式应运而生并且得到了快速发展。

    With the generation and development of Internet , being as a new marketing mode , the network marketing arises at the historic moment and gets fast development .

  30. DH乳业新产品营销模式研究

    The Research of the New Product Marketing Model of DH Dairy