
  • New Zealander;kiwi
  1. 新西兰人迈克·英斯利(MikeInsley)最近来到了中国,帮助改良保乐力加公司(PernodRicard)在中国的葡萄园。他说这个地方让他想起20世纪80年代末的新西兰马尔堡(Marlborough),那里是新西兰葡萄酒产业的中心。

    Mike Insley , a New Zealander who recently arrived to upgrade Pernod Ricard 's vineyards , says the area reminds him of Marlborough - the center of his country 's wine industry - in the late 1980s .

  2. 你是新西兰人还是中国人?

    Are you a New Zealander or Chinese ?

  3. 来自惠灵顿市议会的TomKong表示,近年来,体验中国文化的新西兰人变得更多了。

    Tom Kong , from Wellington City Council , says in recent years , more Kiwis have been sampling Chinese culture .

  4. 这个由人工智能(AI)驱动的新西兰人,通过脸书即时通与选民交谈,回答他们议题和选举方面的问题。

    The artificial intelligence ( AI ) powered New Zealander talks to voters through Facebook Messenger , answering their questions about issues and elections .

  5. 新西兰人,更确切地说Kiwis,(新西兰人自称几维人),友善好客。

    New Zealanders , or rather the Kiwis , are friendly and hospitable .

  6. IRD的运作也依赖于新西兰人自愿提供高度机密的个人信息。

    The IRD also relies on New Zealanders to voluntarily provide quite a high level of personal information .

  7. 本国物价继国家党上调GST后持续上涨以及政府的各种征费使勤奋工作的新西兰人感受到日常生活的捉襟见肘。

    Hardworking kiwi families are feeling the financial squeeze as prices continue to rise on the back of National 's GST hike and Government imposed charges , says Labour Leader Phil Goff .

  8. 澳大利亚人和新西兰人十年前在该市开了首家以意式咖啡为主的咖啡馆(例如FlatWhite和Kaffeine),从那时起,咖啡馆就不断出现。

    Aussies and Kiwis opened the city 's first espresso-focused coffee shops ( such as Flat White and Kaffeine ) a decade ago and they 've been popping up across the city ever since .

  9. 国家党的作法如上调GST、对最重要的基本食物(如奶制品等)的价格上涨视而不见,表现出他们和大多数新西兰人的生活是多么脱节。

    National 's increase in GST and the blind eye it is turning to increases in key foods like dairy show how increasingly out of touch it is with real life for most Kiwis .

  10. 这位新西兰人离开客栈时不仅觉得心情愉悦而且还深受文化的熏陶。

    The New Zealand native leaves feeling relaxed and culturally enriched .

  11. 我不是英国佬,我是新西兰人。

    I 'm no pommie , I 'm from new zealand .

  12. 新西兰人喜爱各种各样的运动和户外活动。

    New Zealanders love all kinds of sports and outdoor activities .

  13. 新西兰人在电费上已经交得太多。

    New Zealanders are already paying too much for their electricity .

  14. 他们吃茶叶蛋就像新西兰人吃薯片一样。

    They eat tea eggs just like how Kiwis eat chips .

  15. 新西兰人怎么中国话说的这么好!

    You New Zealanders are pretty good at speaking our language !

  16. 我想他们是澳大利亚人或者是新西兰人。

    I think they 're from Australia or New Zealand .

  17. 有深思熟虑的意图和一定程度的计划。新西兰人忧虑本国货币升值过度。

    Characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning .

  18. 与此同时,很多新西兰人也前往中国旅游。

    Meanwhile , many New Zealanders are visiting China .

  19. 新西兰人的真诚、友好和开放定会给你留下深刻印象。

    The honesty , friendliness , and openness of Kiwis will impress you .

  20. 但是澳洲人和新西兰人很火辣

    But the Aussies and Kiwis are so hot .

  21. 新西兰人也可通过填写调查问卷帮助其成长。

    New Zealanders can also fill out a survey to help her develop .

  22. 新西兰人的绰号是什么?

    What 's the nickname of new zealanders ?

  23. 因为新西兰人对这幕戏都很感兴趣。

    Because people in new zealand , they have vested interest in all of this .

  24. 这个土生土长的新西兰人出生在一个电影世家,她的母亲是导演简·坎皮恩。

    The New Zealand native has a movie pedigree , her mother is director Jane Campion .

  25. 所有新西兰人都可以享受全面的保健服务,这些服务大部分得到国家支持。

    Comprehensive health services , mostly supported by the state , are available to new zealanders .

  26. 不是树,而是雪,现在的新西兰人说,让他们受够了。

    And a little with the tree , now New Zealanders are saying enough with the snow .

  27. 新西兰人阿拉斯泰尔·格尔宾创造的纪录是在一只脚上穿上了最多的袜子。除了让脚破纪录外,他的嘴也要试试。

    New Zealander Alastair Galpin sought eternal eccentric fame for wearing the most socks on one foot .

  28. 你保持新西兰人的身份,而我是个印度人,我们就无法谈论手足之情。

    You cannot remain a New Zealander , and I a Hindu , and talk about brotherhood .

  29. 很多新西兰人将他们稳定的工作和生活归功于充满活力的中国经济。

    Many New Zealanders owe their jobs and livelihood to the resilience and dynamism of the Chinese economy .

  30. 事实上,新西兰人常创新冒险运动。

    In fact , they 're going out of their way to invent new adventure sports in New Zealand .