
  • 网络china business news;CBN;China Business Network
  1. •富士康推行机器人技术【第一财经日报(CBNDaily)】

    • a shift to robotic production by Foxconn ( CBN daily )

  2. 祝贺《第一财经日报》创刊5周年,并祝愿将来取得更大的成功。

    Congratulations to CBN on the5th anniversary and best wishes for continued success in the future .

  3. 接受上海报纸《第一财经日报》(ChinaBusinessNews)采访的乘客称他们“被高速”了。

    Passengers interviewed by China Business News , a Shanghai-based newspaper , called themselves ' hijacked by the high-speed trains ' . '

  4. 这一被标为绝密的指示由上海市委宣传部发出,并由《第一财经日报》母公司上海文广集团(ShanghaiMediaGroup)的主管签字。

    The directive , which was marked top secret , was sent by the Shanghai propaganda ministry and signed by executives at Shanghai Media Group , the parent company of China Business News .

  5. 总部位于上海的第一财经网周一的报道称,华为正与芯片制造商英特尔合作研发一款PC,预计2月发布。

    Huawei is working with chipmaker Intel Corp on a PC that is scheduled to be unveiled in February , Shanghai-based news site yicai.com said on Monday .

  6. 这一被标为“绝密”的指示由上海市委宣传部发出,并由《第一财经日报》母公司上海文广集团(ShanghaiMediaGroup)的主管签字。

    The directive , which was marked " top secret , " was sent by the Shanghai propaganda ministry and signed by executives at Shanghai Media Group , the parent company of China Business News .

  7. CNBC亚太对于能够与第一财经携手合作《中国经营者》节目感到非常荣幸。

    CNBC Asia is extremely pleased to be associated with China Business Network 's Managing China .

  8. 据《第一财经日报》报道,胶片巨头富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司10日正式将旗下化妆品护肤系列Astalift在中国上市,成为其转型的重要标志。

    Fujifilm launched its skincare line Astalift in China Monday , signaling the Japanese film-making giant 's move to try and tap new markets in order to stay afloat , the China Business News reported .

  9. 《第一财经日报》中的英文字母词语研究

    The Research of English Alphabetical Words in " Chinese Business News "

  10. 第一财经的衍生产品包括财经资讯产品和财经公关产品。

    First Financial 's derivative products include financial information products and financial communications products .

  11. 根据《第一财经网》上周二的报道,公民们需要盖大约100多个章。

    They will receive around 100 officially sealed documents , yicai.com reported last Tuesday .

  12. 据《第一财经日报》报道,银监会现在已经把这些贷款划分成了五类。

    The banking regulator has now divided these loans into five different categories , China Business News reported .

  13. 加入《第一财经日报》之前,她是上海《解放日报》的主任记者,报道覆盖宏观、金融和商业领域。

    Before Joining CBN , She was a senior reporter covering finance and business in Liberation Daily based in Shanghai .

  14. 据《第一财经日报》报道,腾讯公司昨日宣布,已经与中国最大的社区软件平台及服务商康盛创想达成收购协议。

    Tencent announced on Aug.23 that it has agreed a take-over deal with China 's largest online community software company Comsenz .

  15. 据《第一财经日报》本周二报道,为抑制不断攀升的房价,国家将尽快征收房产税。

    China may impose a property tax soon , to try and curb soaring property prices , China Business News reported on Tuesday .

  16. 目前,第一财经品牌旗下的媒体平台包括:广播、电视、日报、周刊、网站、研究院。

    Currently , First Financial brand of media platforms , including : radio , television , daily newspapers , weekly magazines , websites , research institutes .

  17. 第一财经商业数据中心发布的一份报告显示,90后,特别是那些1995年后出生的中国女性已成为线上零食的最大消费群体。

    A report released by CBNData shows that post-90s Chinese females , especially those born after 1995 , have become the biggest consumer of snacks sold online .

  18. 《第一财经日报》和鸿海在一份联合声明中表示,他们将携手合作为建设和谐社会,并增进劳工权益而努力。

    The newspaper and Hon Hai said in a joint statement that they would join hands in establishing a harmonious society and striving for workers ' rights .

  19. 据《第一财经日报》报道,央行上海总部一位官员日前表示,中国下一个阶段将会继续稳健性货币政策。

    China will continue to implement a prudent monetary policy , a People 's Bank of China ( PBoC ) official told China Business News on Tuesday .

  20. 据第一财经日报报道,中国电商苏宁易购正在招募一批外国留学生当快递员,以保证春节期间物流的高效配送。

    Chinese e-commerce supplier Suning Tesco is hiring foreign students to work as couriers , to ensure efficient express delivery services during Spring Festival , China Business News reports .

  21. “我们欢迎中方来欧盟投资,包括新能源、环保、粮食安全等领域,”弗基耶对《第一财经日报》表示。

    " We would welcome the investment of Chinese companies in Europe , including new energy , environmental protection and food safety businesses ," Laurent Wauquiez told China Business News .

  22. 第一财经记者:总理您好。我们注意到您多次强调大众创业、万众创新,并将其认为是中国经济的新引擎。

    China Business News : Mr Premier , you stressed on many occasions the importance of mass entrepreneurship and innovation and you regard them as a new engine fueling Chinas economic growth .

  23. 《第一财经日报》专栏的资深财经记者阳歌说,有迹象表明中国的互联网泡沫可能会很快破灭。

    Doug Young , a Chinese media and technology expert who writes a column for Chinese-language daily China Business News , says there are signs the internet bubble in China may soon deflate .

  24. 从2013年开始,这位中国的亿万富翁就已经获得了一些报纸和网络平台或多或少的股份。马云涉足的企业包括商业评论、第一财经,而最令人瞩目的是马云对中国最大视频分享网站优酷土豆的投资。

    Since 2013 , the Chinese billionaire has acquired major or minor stakes in newspapers and online platforms , including Business Review , China Business Network and most notably China 's largest video-sharing site , Youku Tudou .

  25. 根据第一财经报道,朱先生表示,民政局工作人员告诉他,必须得自己填写好申请文书,如果填不了,就让原籍派出所开个“我是文盲”的证明。

    According to Zhu , clerks had told him he either must fill out all the paperwork on his own or provide an official police document that stated " I am illiterate , " China Business News reported .

  26. 根据新闻门户第一财经网报道,2014年,在陕西西安雁塔地区,共计24万元的人民币奖励被发放给了198对放弃二胎的夫妇。

    In the Yanta district of Xi'an , Shaanxi , a total of 240000 yuan in cash rewards was allocated in August 2014 to 198 couples who gave up having a second child , news portal yicai.com reported .

  27. 因此,本文在对专业频道证券类节目进行研究的同时,也对比分析了国内第一财经和国际上著名财经集团的价值链布局,以期对我国电视财经类媒体的发展提供一种借鉴。

    Therefore , in order to provide reference for Chinese financial television program , this essay not only studies the securities programs of professional financial channel but also analyze the value chain of CBN and some famous financial corporation .

  28. 据国内新闻门户网站第一财经报道,中国的搜索引擎巨头百度的首席执行官李彦宏在星期日的一次会议上,就公司旗下所有疾病类相关贴吧的丑闻做出了公开道歉。

    Robin Li Yanhong , CEO of China 's search engine giant Baidu Inc , issued a public apology at a meeting on Sunday about a scandal involving the company 's disease-related online forums , domestic news portal yicai.com reported .

  29. 铁道部武汉铁路局一位未具名官员是这样向《第一财经日报》解释这个决定的:铁路是一个非常注重社会效益的行业,但也要考虑市场经济和经营效益。

    An unnamed official from the ministry 's Wuhan branch explained the decision to the newspaper : While rail transportation is an industry with lots of social responsibilities , it needs to take into account the market economy and commercial benefits .

  30. 本周早些时候,《第一财经日报》一名行政人员在网上分享了这一宣传指令的截图。两位知情人士表示,这名员工目前已被停职,最终可能会被开除。

    An administrative employee of China Business News , a respected business daily , is no longer working and may eventually be fired , after she shared a photograph of the directive earlier this week , two people familiar with the situation said .