
  • the first generation of only child
  1. 城市第一代独生子女家庭养老保障研究

    Pension Security of the First Generation of Only Child Family in Urban Areas

  2. 研究采用EXCEL及SPSS数据分析软件对调查数据进行整理和统计,以期为城市第一代独生子女父母养老问题研究提供诚实可靠的数据。

    The research uses excel and spss data analysis software to collate the survey dates and counts the dates and provides the honest and reliable up-to-date dates of the urban one-child parents .

  3. 回望实录:第一代独生子女长大成人独生子犯罪者心理状况对照研究

    A comparative study on the psychological state of criminal adolescences from the single child families

  4. 中国城市第一代独生子女父母的养老问题研究

    Pension Study of the First Generation of Only-Child 's Parents of Urban Areas in China

  5. 青岛市农村第一代独生子女家庭养老问题研究

    Investigation on Family Support for Old Age of the First Generation of Only Children in Rural Qingdao

  6. 以北京市为例,探讨我国城市第一代独生子女家庭养老保障的情况。

    Take Beijing as the example , this article discusses the situation of pension security in first generation of only child family .

  7. 伴随计划生育政策的出台,中国城市第一代独生子女家庭相继产生。

    With the family planning policy introduced , the Chinese city of the first generation of the one-child families have been established .

  8. 由于我国城市第一代独生子女出生在20世纪80年代中期以前,其父母正在步入或已经进入老年阶段。

    Because first generation of only child was born before the 1980s intermediate stages , his parents were marching into or already entered the old age stage .

  9. 自1979年我国实行计划生育后,中国第一代独生子女已经成人,四二一的家庭模式已成为主流,这样就对传统家庭的养老模式提出了挑战;

    Since we took the method of family planning in 1979 , the first singletons have grown up in our country . The family model of " four-two - one " is a mainstream .

  10. 不过,仍然需要提醒的是,已渐为人父人母的第一代独生子女们,应该好好利用自身资源、避免不利因素,教育好“独二代”。让孩子进入角色。家庭成员的爱和责任是循环的,而非单向的。

    What need to remind is that the first only children generation who have become parents should make good use of their resources , try to avoid adverse factors and well educate the second only children generation .

  11. 80后是非常特殊的一代人,他们生长于改革开放时期,是中国的第一代独生子女。

    The " after 80s '" are a very special generation . Most of them are the only child in their family , they grow up in the background that the reform and opening-up policy had carrying out .

  12. 他们的朋友圈小,但关系更牢固持久,而且,在很多场合和工作中,中国第一代独生子女已成为社会发展的主力军。

    they have small circles of friends , but their friendships are more solid and longstanding . Moreover , on many occasions , the first only children generation in China has become the main force of social development 。

  13. 中国自1978年实行计划生育国策至今已经27年了,吃麦当劳长大,现代意识强烈,曾被戏称为“小皇帝”的第一代独生子女已经开始长大成人、成家立室。

    Twenty-seven years after the implementation of the national policy of family planning , china 's first-generation of only children , who used to be called " little emperors ," have grown up and have families and careers of their own .

  14. 从内容上看,全面系统地对中国第一代独生子女大学生人格现状进行了辩证、客观的分析,为今后独生子女群体的研究和教育打下了基础。

    On the contents , this paper makes external and dialectic analysis of the personality situation of the Chinese single - child college students of the first generation , which lays a base for the research and education for the single - child group in the future .

  15. 中国第一代城市独生子女的社会适应

    Social Adaptability of First Generation Urban Single Children in China