
  • 网络the second major
  1. 所以,我选择了投资经济学作为我的第二专业。

    Then I chose Economics of investment as my second major .

  2. 我国高校图学教育的现状与发展对我国高校第二专业现状的思考

    On Current Education Situation of the Second Major and the Research on the Countermeasures

  3. 学生所修(所选)的第二专业。

    A student 's secondary field of study ;

  4. 我还对软件市场产生了兴趣,因此我选择了市场营销作为第二专业。

    I am also interested in the software market , so I chose marketing as a second professional .

  5. 对于他们来说,第二专业就意味着分心,并影响他们主专业的发展。

    To them , a minor would only mean a distraction and affect their performance in their major .

  6. 海伦在大学里学的是经济学,与此同时她把哲学作为第二专业来学习。

    Helen majors in economics at the university at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major .

  7. 总结,选择学习第二专业的学生是非常有意义的,就未来的就业发展来说。

    In conclusion , a minor for college studentsis demanding but rewarding so far as the factor of future employment is concerned .

  8. 但由于教学管理不到位,第二专业教学中存在实践环节缺失,办学质量不高等问题。

    However , there exist many problems in the teaching on the second major with the reason of ineffective management on teaching .

  9. 但是如果学生能够学习第二专业,那么就会非常不同。

    But if a student could manage to work on a minor on the side , it would definitely make a difference .

  10. 为了让自己更有竞争力,许多大学生都选择学习第二专业。

    In order to be more competitive in their future career , many college students choose to work on a minor besides a major .

  11. 目前该校在家庭经济学方面还没有授予学位,但这些课程往往是作为教育学学位的第二专业。

    There is no degree offered in Home Economics at present , but the courses are often taken as a secondary major with a degree in Education .

  12. 针对这些问题,以学生为本,从组织结构、营销、宣传、管理效率等方面进行改革,对提高我国高校第二专业的教学质量大有裨益。

    The article has analyzed the existing teaching problems and the solutions on enhancing the teaching quality on the second major from the aspects of organization structure , marketing , promoting and management efficiency .

  13. 尽管第二专业的学习需要更多的努力,那些选择学习第二专业的学生更能够拥有更好的工作,就那些没有第二专业的学生来说,因为这些学生不仅能够学习到更多的知识,而且还能拥有更好的工作机会。

    Despite the extra work required of the minor , those who choose to have a minor could have one more chance for his or her employment compared to those who don 't choose one , for they can not onlylearn more but also can be more competitive in their future hunting for jobs .

  14. 单位:一所大学医学院附属医院脊柱外科。第二,专业设置随波逐流;

    SETTING : Spine Surgery Department of the Second Clinical Hospital of Jinan University .

  15. 第二,专业设置随波逐流;重型颅脑损伤后凝血功能变化

    Coagulation Changes after Severe Head Traumas Department of Neurosurgery , the Second Affiliated Hospital

  16. 笔者所在的学校长春市第二中等专业学校属于中等职业教育。

    I teach in No.2 Secondary Technical School , which is a typical secondary vocational school .

  17. 广集众智共谋发展&石家庄职业技术学院第二届专业群建设论坛综述

    Collective wisdom for development-A review of the second forum of course cluster construction in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  18. 第二章专业合作经济组织效率问题的理论分析,从合作社的本质规定和特点出发,界定了农村专业合作经济组织的涵义。

    It started from discussing the nature and characters of the cooperative , and made the definition of the specialized cooperative economic organization in rural areas .

  19. 借助数学方法建立了工程招标投标社会耗散成本的数学模型,探讨了工程招标投标的经济效益,寻求了工程招标投标经济效益的均衡状态。第二,专业设置随波逐流;

    Second , mathematical model of social cost of bidding is set up through mathematics method , and the economic benefit of bidding is studied , as well the balanced state of the economic benefits of bidding is found out .

  20. 第一组和第二组接受专业按摩但第三组不接受。

    The first and second received a professional massage but the third did not .

  21. 调查对象为昆明第二职业中等专业学校的100名三年级学生。

    100 third-year students in Kunming No. 2 Vocational School participated in this study .

  22. 第二类是专业人士,包括律师、银行家和对冲基金经理。

    Second , there are the professionals , including lawyers , bankers and hedge-fund managers .

  23. 第二部分农民专业合作社发展中的法律瓶颈及深层原因。

    Part II , farmers ' professional cooperatives bottleneck in the development of law and underlying causes .

  24. 微软公司也非常受欢迎,在信息工程专业学生心目中排第二,商务专业学生心目中排第十一。

    Microsoft also proved popular , ranking second with engineering and IT students and 11th among business students .

  25. 第二部分研究专业美术与群众美术的特征,对两者进行比较,找出共同点。

    The second part of the fine art and mass art characteristics and compare them to find common ground .

  26. 第二,引进专业人才,对企业进行专业化管理,是企业更高效的运作,同时提高抵御风险的能力。

    Second , absorb more professionals , manage the enterprise in professional ways and improve the capacity of resist risk .

  27. 第二,在专业化分工协作的基础上,通过企业这种团队生产的方式,能实现规模经济和范围经济的效益;

    Second , on the basis of specialization and collaboration , economy of scale and of scope will bring about benefits through team production ;

  28. 第二部分对专业发展与教师专业发展内涵进行了科学的界定,并总结出思想政治课教师专业发展的内容。

    The second part makes a scientific definition of the ideological and political connotations of the professional development of teachers , and summed up the ideological and political content of the professional development of teachers .

  29. 包括:第一,保持调解机构的中立性;第二,加强专业调解人才队伍的建设;第三,完善配套衔接制度;第四,建立专门的医疗纠纷人民调解法。

    Firstly , to maintain the neutrality of the mediation mechanism ; secondly , strengthen professional mediation personnel construction ; thirdly , perfect the medical liability insurance system ; fourthly , the establishment of specialized medical dispute mediation method .

  30. 在人才培养上,第一,根据层次和需要进行分目标培养;第二,调整专业课程设置;第三,改善教学方法。

    On talent training , the first suggestion proposed is that carrying out variety-goal training program according to different levels and requirements of the students ; the second point is that adjusting specialty curriculum setting ; the third point is to improve teaching methods .