
  • 网络first secretary;Major Secretary
  1. 阿富汗遣返委员会第一书记

    First Secretary of the Afghan Repatriation Committee

  2. 理性选择是大学生村官对客观环境权衡后作出的,比如考录公务员,参加第一书记选拔,但它们能否实现更多的需要村官自己去努力。

    They make the rational choices after weighing the objective environment , such as choosing to be a civil servant and selection of the first secretary , but whether they can achieve requires village officials themselves to make more efforts .

  3. 苏共中央第一书记赫鲁晓夫在大会上关于国际形势的新论点及尖锐批评斯大林的秘密报告,引起了世界各国的普遍关注与震惊。

    Nikita Khrushchev , the first secretary of center of Soviet Communist Party ( SCP ), delivered two reports to this Congress in which he put forward new views on international situation and sharply criticized Joseph Stalin , leading to common concern and shock of countries all over the world .