
  1. 第二次国共合作的历史背景是中国深受日本帝国主义的侵略。

    The second KMT-CPC cooperation occurred under the historical background that China was deeply encroached by Japan .

  2. 中间势力与第二次国共合作述评

    A Brief Account of the Contribution of the Intermediate Force to the Second Cooperation Between the CPC and Kuomintang

  3. 抗日战争时期的第二次国共合作,从形式上看是一次党外合作,并以军内合作作为连接党外合作的主要形式。

    The second cooperation between CPC and KMT made during the Anti-Japanese War was an outside-Party cooperation , with the inter-army cooperation as the main connecting form of it .

  4. 第二次国共合作形式新论党的创始人李大钊与工人运动

    A New Comment on the Form of the Second Cooperation Between Communist Party Of China ( CPC ) & Kuomingtang ( KMT ) Li Dazhao , the Founder of the Communist Party of China and the Working Class Movement

  5. 第二次国共合作时期爱国华侨的重大贡献再转由中华人民共和国驻该第三国使领馆证明,或者由当地的爱国华侨团体证明。

    The Great Contribution Made by Patriotic Overseas Chinese in the Second Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China ; and then delivered to the Chinese embassy or consulate in that third country for certification , or it may be certified by a patriotic overseas Chinese organization .