
fǎn gé mìng
  • counterrevolutionary;counterrevolution;anti-revolution
反革命 [fǎn gé mìng]
  • (1) [counterrevolution]∶反对前次革命的革命;反对现时的或近时的革命的活动和倾向

  • (2) [counterrevolutionary]∶反革命分子的简称

  • 一家反革命

反革命[fǎn gé mìng]
  1. 他们所处的理想社会崩溃了,社会进入恐怖时期,接着是反革命时期。

    Their ideal society collapsed around them into the Terror and then into the Counterrevolution .

  2. 阿Q:革命与反革命的悖谬

    A Q : A Contrary Man of Revolution and Counterrevolution

  3. 再一个因素,是反革命分子和坏分子的存在。

    Another factor was the existence of counter-revolutionaries and bad elements .

  4. 人民警察逮捕了那些反革命分子。

    The people 's police caught up with those counterrevolutionaries .

  5. 这就是中国革命和反革命的互相对比的全部形势。

    This is the whole situation of revolution versus counter-revolution in China .

  6. 那些反革命分子向边界地区发动游击式的袭击。

    The counter-revolutionaries made guerrilla sorties into the border regions .

  7. (《必须和反革命的破坏活动作坚决的斗争》一文按语)

    ( Note to " Wage a Resolute Struggle Against Counter-Revolutionary Sabotage ")

  8. 一切反革命战争都是非正义的,一切革命战争都是正义的。

    All counter-revolutionary wars are unjust , all revolutionary wars are just .

  9. 这须同外国帝国主义和本国反革命势力作战。

    It demands that we fight against foreign imperialism and the domestic counter-revolutionary forces .

  10. 这样出现反革命的危险会最大程度的降低。

    This way the danger of counter-revolution can be reduced to a great extent .

  11. 这就只有利于反革命,而不利于革命。

    And this will be to the advantage of counter-revolution , not of revolution .

  12. 反革命分子固然注意它,革命人民尤其注意它。

    Counter-revolutionaries will naturally pay attention to it and revolutionary people even more so .

  13. 关于杀反革命的数字,必须控制在一定比例以内。

    The number of counter-revolutionaries to be killed must be kept within certain proportions .

  14. 反革命打不破我们,我们却要打破反革命。

    The counter-revolution cannot smash us ; On the contrary we shall smash it .

  15. 反革命不多了,这一点要肯定。

    There are not many counter-revolutionaries left , a fact that must be affirmed .

  16. 反革命是什么因素?

    What kind of factor are counter-revolutionaries ?

  17. 〔26〕靖卫团是一种反革命的地方武装。

    [ 26 ] The Pacification Guards were a kind of local counter-revolutionary armed force .

  18. 他跑到反革命那里去了。

    He went over to the counter-revolution .

  19. 这种情况,基本地说来是不利于反革命,而有利于革命的。

    Basically , these splits are unfavourable to the counter-revolution and favourable to the revolution .

  20. 佛像被看作是反革命的东西。

    Buddha was considered a counter-revolutionary .

  21. 阴谋有时会报应在阴谋者身上。全党和全国人民对于反革命分子的阴谋活动,必须提高警惕性。

    The whole Party and nation must heighten their vigilance against the conspiratorial activities of counter-revolutionaries .

  22. 结果不但没有挽救国共统一战线,反而助长并加快了他们反革命的步伐。

    As a result , rather than saving the united front , they accelerated their anti-revolution steps .

  23. 我国从1983年开始先后组织了三次全国性的严打,主要针对严重刑事犯罪和反革命犯罪。

    China has organized three national Strike-hard mainly to fight against the serious crime and counter-revolutionary crime .

  24. 应该说,原因之一,就是我们相当彻底地肃清了反革命。

    One reason , it must be said , was our success in eliminating counter-revolutionaries fairly thoroughly .

  25. 就全国说来,反革命分子的主要力量已经肃清。

    In the country as a whole , the bulk of the counter-revolutionaries have been cleared out .

  26. 第二点,应当肯定,还有反革命,但是已经大为减少。

    Second , it should be affirmed that counter-revolutionaries still exist , although their number has greatly diminished .

  27. 经济一体化与地方行政立法变革&区域行政立法模式前瞻反革命可不可以转变?

    Economic Integration and the Innovation or Local Administrative Legislation ; Is it possible for counter-revolutionaries to change ?

  28. 原有的反革命分子肃清了,还可能出现一些新的反革命分子。

    Even after all the existing counter-revolutionaries have been combed out , new ones are likely to emerge .

  29. 所以,对反革命一定要杀掉一批,另外还捉起来一批,管制一批。

    Therefore , some counter-revolutionaries must be executed , others arrested and still others put under public supervision .

  30. 但是,我们在肃清反革命方面的成功,无疑是我们国家巩固的重要原因之一。

    Nevertheless , our success in eliminating counter-revolutionaries is undoubtedly an important reason for the consolidation of our state .