
  • 网络Joint Task Force;Mission Against Terror;mat;The Grid
  1. 游戏简介:《反恐行动》是一款由金山软件自主研发和维护运营的3D主视角射击休闲网游。

    About the game : " anti-terrorist operation " is a software developed by Kingsoft operation and maintenance of the main perspective3D shooting Game leisure .

  2. RichardClarke是反恐行动分析家。

    Richard Clarke is a counterterrorism analyst .

  3. 上海合作组织(SCO)是发端于边界谈判的上海五国转变而来的,在地区和国际反恐行动中发挥了重要的作用。

    Shanghai cooperation organization & SCO , transformed from Shanghai Group Five , which originated from the boundary negotiations . SCO plays an important role in regional and international anti-terrorism actions .

  4. 最近,SSG都专注于本国的反恐行动,参与救援了2009年拉合尔警察学院袭击事件以及同年的巴基斯坦军事总部袭击事件。

    More recently , the SSG has focused on local anti-terrorist operations , taking part in ending the 2009 attacks on the Lahore police academy and rescuing the hostages of another 2009 attack on the Pakistan Military Headquarters .

  5. 她是反恐行动的一位关键的战略者。

    She is a key strategist in the campaign against terrorism .

  6. 我们将加倍特种部队的力量来进行反恐行动。

    We will double our special forces to conduct anti-terrorist operations .

  7. 境外反恐行动的理论研究与实践探索

    The Theoretical Study and Practice on Anti-terrorism outside National Boundaries

  8. 他们将训练伊拉克士兵,支持反恐行动。

    They will train Iraqi soldiers and support counterterrorism operations .

  9. 美国的反恐行动对亚洲地区的影响

    The Impact of U.S. Anti-Terror Operation on Asia

  10. 这两个国家联合开展反恐行动。

    The two countries partner in fighting terrorism .

  11. 反恐行动导致了禁宵令的实施、路障、任意逮捕和限制平民航空的局势。

    The operation resulted in , roadblocks arrests , and limited civilian air transport .

  12. 在对阿富汗实施举世瞩目的军事打击的同时,美国还在其它地方开展反恐行动。

    While the most visible military action is in Afghanistan , America is acting elsewhere .

  13. 芬太尼类化合物作为失能剂用于反恐行动可行性分析

    Discussing the possibility of using fentanyl and its anologs as incapacitating agents in Anti-Terrorist Operations

  14. 而那些穆斯林,他们的辩护者说,他们只是歇斯底里的反伊斯兰和反恐行动的无辜受害者。

    The Muslims , say their defenders , were innocent victims of anti-Islamic or anti-terrorist hysteria .

  15. 这两个阵营在巴基斯坦应当对美国加强反恐行动给予多少许可和支持这个问题上出现分歧。

    The two camps differ over how much approval and assistance Pakistan should give to stepped-up U.S.anti-terrorist operations .

  16. 他暗示,俄罗斯可能在一系列问题上停止与英国合作,甚至可能停止反恐行动。

    He hinted that Russia could stop cooperating on a range of matters , possibly even anti-terror efforts .

  17. 这部法律授权日本海上自卫队派遣船只为反恐行动提供燃油支持。

    The law authorizes the dispatch of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels to provide refueling support for antiterrorism operations .

  18. 留在伊拉克的50000人将参与训练伊拉克军队,反恐行动,保护美国外交官和其他人员。

    The 50000 that remain will training Iraqi forces , counter-terrorism operations , and protecting U.S. diplomatic and other personnel .

  19. 如果要开展反恐行动,你将更加依赖于伟大的智慧和技术。

    If you 're going to conduct counter terrorism operations , it relies more heavily on great intelligence and great technology .

  20. 军队在2008大选以后仍将在伊拉克,但是仅保存有限的非战斗力量,包括反恐行动和训练伊拉克军队。

    Troops could remain in Iraq after the2008 date but only for limited non-combat missions , including counterterrorism operations and training Iraqi forces .

  21. 乌克兰空管部门为何允许马航客机偏离常规路线,向北飞到反恐行动区?

    Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north , towards the anti-terrorist operation zone ?

  22. 同时,大众媒体作为一种战略资源已为各国所认识,媒体也成为政府反恐行动中的特殊武器,发挥重要作用。

    On the other hand , the mass media can also be regarded as one kind of valuable strategic resource in a government 's anti-terrorism endeavors .

  23. 就在北约成员考虑是否向阿富汗派遣更多的军队之际,反恐行动越来越不受到欧洲官员的欢迎。

    NATO members are considering whether to send more troops to Afghanistan at a time when the anti-terrorism campaign is becoming more unpopular for European politicians .

  24. 我也相信我们必须在反恐行动的出发点和具体行动方式方面更为公开。

    I also believe we must be more transparent about both the basis of our counterterrorism actions and the manner in which they are carried out .

  25. 因此,这就是一次针对此前巴军方反恐行动的报复行为,表明了这场战争将会旷日持久地进行下去。

    So really , this was retaliation to what was done by the military , and it shows how long this battle is going to be .

  26. 在今天的播报中,新疆有关部门将向能够在8月1日反恐行动中提供帮助的村民悬赏上亿元现金。

    In today 's podcast , authorities in Xinjiang reward villagers who helped with an antiterrorist operation on August 1 with millions of yuan in cash .

  27. 一位有影响力的也门牧师警告,在与美国合作进行反恐行动的时候不能被外国势力所“占据”。

    An influential Yemeni cleric has warned the country not to allow " occupation " by foreign powers as it co-operates with the US in counter-terrorism .

  28. 美国国会可能会阻挠这一拨款的变动,而且国会对此的初步反应是负面的。主要的民主党人对战斗机在反恐行动中的实用性表示怀疑。

    The U.S. Congress could block the change and initial reaction has been negative , with leading Democrats questioning the utility of fighter planes in counter-terrorism operations .

  29. 他补充说,他拒绝承认将恐怖主义与任何少数民族和宗教联系在一起。而这一点也受到穆斯林维吾尔族的否认,他们一直受到反恐行动的干扰。

    He added that he rejected linking terrorism to any ethnic group or religion , again a point debated by Muslim Uighurs who have been in anti-terror sweeps .

  30. 第二章在全面分析国家主权原则的基础上,拟就武力反恐行动与国家主权之间的辨证关系做一探讨。

    Chapter Two mainly discusses the relationship between the state sovereignty principle and armed anti-terrorism , on the basis of analysing the state sovereignty principle in an all-round way .