
qì chē zhà dàn
  • car bomb
  1. 一枚威力巨大的汽车炸弹炸毁了警察总部。

    A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters .

  2. 警方表示,周五,至少有7人被那枚疑似是汽车炸弹的炸弹炸死。

    Police said at least seven people were killed on Friday by the suspected car bomb .

  3. 今日汽车炸弹袭击了巴格达周围的什叶派,导致12人死亡。

    Car bombs struck Shiite targets around Baghdad today , killing dozens .

  4. 一枚威力巨大的汽车炸弹炸毁了警察总部。

    A massive tar bomb blasted the police headquarters .

  5. 然而,这两起汽车炸弹袭击蓄意谋杀。

    Yet the attacks were meant to murder .

  6. 在伊拉克,杀人害命和汽车炸弹仍然是生活中常见的可怕景象。

    In Iraq , killings and car bombs continue to be a terrible part of life .

  7. 一辆汽车炸弹针对加沙边境附近检查站的两辆装甲车发动了袭击。

    A car bomb targeted 2 armored military vehicles at a checkpoint near the border with Gaza Strip .

  8. 汽车炸弹作用下冲击波的传播规律及建筑物的动力特性

    The Propagation Rules of Shock Wave and the Dynamic Properties of Buildings under the Effect of Vehicle Bombs

  9. 官员们说,在巴格达南面的一起汽车炸弹爆炸至少炸死两人,炸伤15人。

    Officials say at least two people were killed and15 others wounded in a car bombing south of Baghdad .

  10. 他们还大量参与了在伊拉克战争,支持汽车炸弹和自杀的狂热分子。

    They are also heavily involved in the war in Iraq by supporting the car bombers and suicide fanatics .

  11. 伊拉克摩苏尔警局遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人丧生。

    At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a police station in Mosul , Iraq .

  12. 不久前,警方担心这座高1776英尺(540米)的建筑物容易受到汽车炸弹的袭击,建筑师因此对原方案进行了重新设计。

    Architects redesigned it after police expressed concern that the1,776-foot ( 540-metre ) building could be vulnerable to truck bomb attacks .

  13. 叙利亚首都大马士革发生汽车炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少17人死亡,14人受伤。

    A car bomb has exploded in the Syrian capital , Damascus , killing at least 17 people and wounding 14 others .

  14. 针对汽车炸弹在城市中爆炸的复杂环境,分析爆炸冲击波在街道交叉口的传播规律及街道交叉口对冲击波压力和冲量的影响。

    In addition , the influence of the street junctions on blast wave impulses and pressure produced by vehicle bombs are considered .

  15. 伊拉克军队已经切断通往摩苏尔的主要道路,防止激进分子把武器和汽车炸弹运进摩苏尔。

    The military has closed off main roads leading to Mosul to prevent militants from smuggling weapons and car bombs into the city .

  16. 在白沙瓦的西北城市,警方称一次自杀式汽车炸弹袭击撞向一座大楼。现在嫌疑犯已经被拘留并被审问。

    Police in the northwestern city of Peshawar say a suicide car bomber rammed into a building where suspects are held and interrogated .

  17. 塔利班分子强烈否认他们与摧毁阿富汗东部一家医院的自杀式汽车炸弹袭击有关。

    The Taliban have strongly denied that they were responsible for a suicide car bomb attack that destroyed a hospital in eastern Afghanistan .

  18. 而袭击关键基础设施有远比这简单和廉价的方法,从恐吓电话到汽车炸弹以及劫持飞机等不一而足。

    There are far simpler and less costly ways to attack critical infrastructure , from hoax phone calls to truck bombs and hijacked airliners .

  19. 喀布尔警方刑事调查负责人阿卜杜勒.加法尔.塞义德扎达说,自杀式汽车炸弹在机场东门袭击了北约的一个车队。

    Kabul Police criminal investigations chief Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada says a suicide car bomber struck a convoy of NATO vehicles at the airport 's east gate .

  20. 星期五交通高峰期,一枚巨大的汽车炸弹在贝鲁特一处居民区爆炸,炸死至少八人,包括黎巴嫩的情报主管。

    A huge car bomb detonated on a residential street in Beirut at Friday rush hour , killing at least eight people including the nation 's intelligence chief .

  21. 英国警方昨日紧急收集证据,试图阻止一位医生离开澳大利亚,该名医生涉嫌与英国一起未遂汽车炸弹袭击案有关。

    British authorities were yesterday scrambling to gather evidence to stop a doctor allegedly linked to a failed plot to detonate car bombs in the UK from leaving Australia .

  22. 雅典城的天空虽然还没有完全放晴(最近发生的汽车炸弹事件便是明证),但是笼罩四周的阴霾正在逐渐散去。

    But crisis can breed creativity , and while all is not completely sunny as evidenced by the car bomb in the city this week the aura of gloom is clearing .

  23. 汽车炸弹袭击作为恐怖活动中最常见和危害最大的一种方式,具有行动隐蔽、发起突然、危害性大的特点,已经引起世界各国的广泛关注。

    The covert action , sudden initiation and great danger , terror explosion raiding have attracted global attention because they are the most familiar and harmful modes in the terror activities .

  24. 巴基斯坦最大城市卡拉奇星期一为一座清真寺外汽车炸弹事件的45名遇难者举行哀悼,这起爆炸还造成大约150人受伤。

    Pakistan 's largest city , Karachi , shut down Monday to mourn the 45 people killed in a car bomb explosion outside a mosque that also wounded about 150 others .

  25. 另外,恐怖袭击事件时有发生,汽车炸弹等爆炸或者化工厂的爆炸作用也可能使结构同时遭受高温和动态效应荷载作用,导致建筑结构局部损坏、坍塌,甚至整体倒塌。

    Besides , terrorist attacks , such as car bombers or explosions of chemical factories may cause the same influence on structure , leading to local failure , even overall collapse .

  26. 在大马士革袭击事件发生的两天后,在黎巴嫩北部港口城市的黎波里,一枚汽车炸弹在黎巴嫩陆军的一辆军车附近爆炸,炸死5人,其中包括4名军人。

    Two days after the Damascus attack , a car bomb exploded near a Lebanese army bus in the northern Lebanese port city of tripoli , killing five people including four soldiers .

  27. 伦敦人已经被上周五的汽车炸弹事件和周六的格拉斯哥机场事件搅得心神不宁了,本周四报道的地铁脱轨再次绷紧了他们的神经。

    Londoners , rocked by last Friday 's car bomb discoveries and Saturday 's attack on the airport in Glasgow , are on edge again , with a subway train derailment reported Thursday morning .

  28. 昨日,位于喀布尔的印度驻阿富汗大使馆遭到一枚自杀式汽车炸弹的袭击,造成17人死亡,并可能导致南亚地区出现新的紧张局势。长期以来,印度一直指责巴基斯坦支持武装暴力行为。

    A suicide car bomber attacked the Indian embassy in Kabul yesterday , killing 17 people and raising the risk of fresh tensions in south Asia , where India has long accused rival Pakistan of sponsoring militant violence .

  29. 巴格达什叶派地区昨天发生5起汽车炸弹袭击,导致至少170人丧生,成为美军和伊拉克部队2月份发动联合打击行动以来,巴格达发生的死伤最严重的袭击事件。

    At least 170 people were killed yesterday in five co-ordinated car bomb attacks in Shia districts of Baghdad , the deadliest attacks the city has seen since US and Iraqi forces launched a joint security crackdown in February .

  30. 与此同时,星期二早些时候,在巴格达北部一个安全检查站发生的一次汽车炸弹袭击事件中,有至少两人丧生,13人受伤。

    In the meantime , at least two people were killed and as many as13 wounded early Tuesday when , for the second time in as many days , a suicide car bomber attacked a security checkpoint in Baghdad .