
fǎn ɡé mìnɡ fèn zǐ
  • counterrevolutionary;counterrevolutionist
  1. 再一个因素,是反革命分子和坏分子的存在。

    Another factor was the existence of counter-revolutionaries and bad elements .

  2. 人民警察逮捕了那些反革命分子。

    The people 's police caught up with those counterrevolutionaries .

  3. 那些反革命分子向边界地区发动游击式的袭击。

    The counter-revolutionaries made guerrilla sorties into the border regions .

  4. 反革命分子固然注意它,革命人民尤其注意它。

    Counter-revolutionaries will naturally pay attention to it and revolutionary people even more so .

  5. 阴谋有时会报应在阴谋者身上。全党和全国人民对于反革命分子的阴谋活动,必须提高警惕性。

    The whole Party and nation must heighten their vigilance against the conspiratorial activities of counter-revolutionaries .

  6. 就全国说来,反革命分子的主要力量已经肃清。

    In the country as a whole , the bulk of the counter-revolutionaries have been cleared out .

  7. 原有的反革命分子肃清了,还可能出现一些新的反革命分子。

    Even after all the existing counter-revolutionaries have been combed out , new ones are likely to emerge .

  8. 劳动教养是为彻底肃清新中国成立后暗藏的反革命分子而创立的。

    Rehabilitation through labor is to completely wipe out hidden counterrevolutionaries and after the founding of New China founded .

  9. 对一切反革命分子,都应当给以生活出路,使他们有自新的机会。

    All counter-revolutionaries should be given a chance to earn a living , so that the can start anew .

  10. 如有反革命分子或其他破坏分子,乘机捣乱、抢劫或破坏者,定予严办。

    Counter-revolutionaries or other saboteurs who seize the opportunity to create disturbances , loot or sabotage shall be severely dealt with .

  11. 反革命分子和有某些反革命情绪的人们,将从胡风分子的那些通信中得到共鸣。

    Counter-revolutionaries and those with certain counter-revolutionary sentiments will find that the correspondence of the Hu Feng elements strikes a sympathetic chord .

  12. 目前关于反革命分子的情况,可以用这样两句话来说明:还有反革命,但是不多了。

    The present situation with regard to counter-revolutionaries can be described in these words : there still are counter-revolutionaries , but not many .

  13. 对于中层和内层的反革命分子,必须从现在开始,有计划地加以清查。

    As of now it is necessary to start a planned screening of counter-revolutionaries hidden in the " middle layer " and the " inner layer " .

  14. 如果说现在全国还有很多反革命分子,这个意见也是错误的。如果接受这种估计,结果也会搞乱。

    It would be wrong to say that there are still large numbers of counter-revolutionaries in China acceptance of that view would likewise result in a mess .

  15. 七必须坚决地肃清一切危害人民的土匪、特务、恶霸及其他反革命分子。

    7 bandits , secret agents , local tyrants and other counter-revolutionaries , all of whom are menaces to the people , must be resolutely rooted out .

  16. 听了不正确的议论也不争辩,甚至听了反革命分子的话也不报告,泰然处之,行若无事。

    To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them , but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened .

  17. 这样的革命知识分子,是我们党的一支依靠的力量。反革命分子固然注意它,革命人民尤其注意它。

    They take the stand of the working class and constitute a force our Party can rely on . Counter-revolutionaries will naturally pay attention to it and revolutionary people even more so .

  18. 必须分别情况,加以团结、教育和任用,只对其中极少数坚决的反革命分子,才经过群众路线予以适当的处置。

    We should unite with them , educate them and give them posts according to the merits of each case , and only a tiny number of die-hard counter-revolutionaries among them will have to be appropriately dealt with through the mass line .

  19. 这是完全必要的,这是广大群众的要求,这是为了解放长期被反革命分子和各种恶霸分子压迫的广大群众,也就是为了解放生产力。

    This was absolutely necessary , it was the demand of the masses , and it was done to free them from long years of oppression by the counter-revolutionaries and all kinds of local tyrants , in other words , to liberate the productive forces .

  20. 初期的劳动教养制度具有明显的政治色彩,在性质上既是一种强制教育改造的措施,同时也是一种安置就业的办法。其适用对象主要是针对反革命分子和各类破坏社会主义建设的坏分子。

    The system of Reeducation through Labor at initial stage is characterized by obvious political overtones , which not only a mean compulsory re-education in nature , but also a method of settlement and employment , and mainly targeted at counter-revolutionaries and bad elements destroying the socialist construction .

  21. 最严重的问题就是不分青红皂白,把一切领导干部都打成‘反革命修正主义分子’,排斥一切,文章不能做绝啊!

    The most serious problem is indiscriminately , all the leading cadres'hit into counter-revolutionary revisionists ' , the exclusion of all , article can not do ah !