
  • 网络counterculture;Counter-Culture;the Counter Culture
  1. 二十世纪六七十年代的许多嬉皮士和反主流文化运动先锋

    A surprising number of people who came along as hippies and counter-culture folks in the ' 60s and ' 70s

  2. 珍妮正是反主流文化,反传统价值观的嬉皮士代表,她所做的一切都是与传统价值观念针锋相对的。

    Jenny is the representative of hippies who advocate the counter-culture and resent the traditional morals and values that she has betrayed .

  3. 28岁的加拿大游戏设计师亚当•特尔弗(AdamTelfer)被Wooga招至麾下。在他看来,柏林的悠闲氛围和反主流文化的魅力,有着很大的吸引力。

    For Adam Telfer , a 28-year-old Canadian game designer recruited by Wooga , the city 's laid-back atmosphere and counter-cultural charm were significant attractions .

  4. 上月,他们来到位于奥地利多瑙河沿岸的美丽城市林茨,参加一年一度的电子艺术节(ArsElectronica),这场数字媒体盛会吸引了全球各地的反主流文化技术专家。

    Last month , they descended on Linz , a pretty city perched on the banks of the Austrian Danube that hosts the annual Ars Electronica festival , a digital media event that has become a magnet for counter-cultural technologists from around the world .

  5. 运动具有反主流文化等特质。

    The movement has the characteristic of challenging the mainstream culture .

  6. 旧金山正在成为反主流文化运动的中心

    San Francisco was becoming the epicentre of the counter culture .

  7. 它如同《全球概览》一般,融合了反主流文化与科技。

    and it encapsulated the Whole Earth fusion between the counterculture and technology .

  8. 群居公社是反主流文化的社会模式。

    Communes were the social model in counterculture movement .

  9. 因特网与反主流文化运动

    Internet and the movement of anti - mainstream culture

  10. 似乎这也冲淡了反主流文化。

    This has seemingly diluted the anti-mainstream culture .

  11. 上世纪60年代,旧金山是“嬉皮反主流文化”的代名词;

    In the " 60s , San Francisco was synonymous with the hippie counterculture ;

  12. 不过乔布斯也不是一个彻底的反主流文化份子

    But Jobs didn 't share all the views of his counter culture buddies .

  13. 最后,本文简单论述了谢泼德与先锋派戏剧的关系以及反主流文化对谢泼德艺术道路的影响。

    Finally , emphasis is laid on Shepard 's relationship to Avant-garde theatre and counterculture .

  14. 前者是说,犯罪是反主流文化与主流文化冲突的表现形式。

    The former is to show the conflict between the mainstream of culture and the counterculture .

  15. 美国五六十年代的反主流文化运动体现出非常强烈的东方宗教倾向。

    The counterculture movements from the1950s to1960s in America showed a strong tendency to oriental religions .

  16. 却认识几个沉浸在20世纪60年代晚期反主流文化浪潮中的高年级学生。

    but he got to know some seniors who were immersed in the counterculture of the late 1960s .

  17. 犯罪是社会反主流文化与主流文化严重冲突的表现;

    Crime is the reflection of violent conflicts between the counterculture and the mainstream of culture in a soceity .

  18. 许多年轻人开始觉得“潮人”的外形很酷,并自发接受他们的反主流文化心态。

    Many young adults have started to view hipsters " outlook as cool and are adopting their counterculture mindset themselves .

  19. 有一个人在推动反主流文化人群与黑客的联合中发挥了作用,他就是斯图尔特·布兰德。

    One person who encouraged the denizens of the counterculture to make common cause with the hackers was Stewart Brand .

  20. 刑罚是社会主流文化限制和取缔反主流文化的表现形式之一。

    Punishment is one of the reflections of the mainstream of culture which limits and suppresses the counterculture in a society .

  21. 很多反主流文化的人认为电脑是不祥的,是奥威尔式的专制统治工具,应该为五角大楼和统治阶层所独有。

    Many in the counterculture saw computers as ominous and Orwellian , the province of the Pentagon and the power structure .

  22. 约翰·马尔科夫在他研究反主流文化群体与计算机产业关系的书《睡鼠说了什么》中这样写道。

    John Markoff wrote in his study of the counterculture 's convergence with the computer industry , What the Dormouse Said .

  23. 至少在我看来乔布斯从未跳出他那种反主流文化的思想体系

    He just saw things . As near as I can tell , Steve Jobs never left his counter-cultural frame of reference ,

  24. 去年有机食品的销售额已经达到了240亿美元,而有机食品在开始阶段被认为是只不过是一项反主流文化的运动而已,现在它已经变成一项巨大的商业了。

    What started as a countercultural farming movement has now become big business : organic food sales topped $ 24 billion last year .

  25. 在那段反主流文化的时代人们谈起不同的生活方式会觉得没什么不好生活可以不同

    Back in those counterculture times when people were talking about it being OK to live life different ways that life could be different

  26. 街头篮球是在特定历史时期、特定社会生活背景下与主流篮球运动相对立而产生的,相对应而发展的一种反主流文化运动。

    Compared with mainstream basketball , streetball represents a sort of anti mainstream cultural movement , generated against a specific historical background and social environment .

  27. 会议由另一位反主流文化与计算机产业融合的代表人物李·费尔森施泰因主持,他手拿指示器,态度随意自由。

    Presiding with a pointer and a free-form manner was Lee Felsenstein , another embodiment of the merger between the world of computing and the counterculture .

  28. 被电视及其他媒体正常化后,1970年代的反主流文化顺利地融入了1980年代的商业文化。

    Normalized by TV and the rest of the media , the counterculture of the 1970s was smoothly assimilated into the commercial culture of the 1980s .

  29. 然后到了20世纪60年代这个反主流文化与风格多变的年代,视频制作人让人给模特的长指甲涂上夺目的淡粉色。

    But then , in the 1960s , the age of counterculture and morphing styles , the filmmakers went for an eye-popping pale pink on the long talons .

  30. 电子计算机与反主流文化的互动、科技与文化的互动、网际交往的文化困境、网际交往异化现象,这些都值得我们去研究和探讨。

    The interaction between computer and counterculture , the interaction between technology and culture , the cultural dilemma of internet contact and dissimilation of internet contact should be studied and discussed .