
  • 网络COUNTER;Counterspell;counter-check
  1. 美国五角大楼昨日表示,中国军队正日益发展包括太空反制项目(counterspaceprogrammes)在内的各项能力,以便在台海冲突之外也能进行军事行动。

    The Chinese military is increasingly developing capabilities , including counter space programmes , to conduct military operations beyond any conflict in the Taiwan Strait , the Pentagon said yesterday .

  2. 美国国防部副部长威廉j林恩(williamj.lynn)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国和英国一直在研究如何反制网络攻击这一愈演愈烈的国际危险。

    In an interview with the financial times , William J. Lynn , US deputy defence secretary , said America and Britain had been working to counter the growing international danger of cyberattacks .

  3. 对于web容器的反制工具在设计或实现中所用到的核心技术进行了阐述。

    For the core technology used the web container tools in the design or implementation this paper states the concepts .

  4. 设计并实现了一种基于社会网络分析的P2P僵尸网络反制策略。

    P2P botnet control strategy based on social network analysis was designed .

  5. 该软件在设计上也许不经意之间犯了一个小失误,也就是会让反制方比较方便找到黑客的真实IP地址。

    The software 's design also inadvertently included a way for the reverse attacker to find the hacker 's real IP address , Eriksson said .

  6. CEC系统效能模型分析及反制策略研究

    Efficiency-Model of CEC System and Counterattack Methods

  7. 战略导弹反制NMD效能分析模型与反制对策研究

    The Study on Models and Countermeasure of Strategical Missile Efficiency Analysis Breaking through NMD

  8. 该文最后,依照仿真实例的结果分析,给出了战略导弹反制NMD系统的几点对策建议。

    At the end , a few of countermeasure suggestions of strategical missile breaking through NMD is put forward .

  9. 针对内因提升质量、调整结构,针对外因采取应对和反制措施,行使WTO规则赋予的合法权利是应对技术性贸易壁垒的基本对策。

    To improve quality and adjust export structure against inner factors , to answer and adopt countermeasures against exterior factors , and to make full use of the legal rights and interests endued by WTO rules are the basic strategy to TBTs .

  10. 这其中的一些理论渊源可以追溯至50年前的法国出版人和记者让-雅克•塞尔旺-施赖伯(Jean-JacquesServan-Schreiber),他在1967年出版了《美国的挑战》(TheAmericanChallenge),试图激励欧洲人反制大西洋对岸的威胁。

    Some of its intellectual roots stretch back 50 years to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French publisher and journalist , who tried to galvanise Europeans into countering the threat from across the Atlantic with the publication , in 1967 , of The American Challenge .

  11. 官员们表示,它着眼于夯实美国在亚洲的同盟关系,并且反制其他国家开发的反介入/区域阻绝(anti-access,area-denial)武器及战力。

    Officials say it is aimed at cementing US alliances in Asia and countering the anti-access , area-denial weapons and capabilities developed by other nations .

  12. B:我们该怎样反制人才流失的问题呢?

    B : How do we counter the lost of talents ?

  13. 对非法药品销售采取反制措施是很重要的。

    Its vitally important that we take action against illegal drug sales .

  14. 对等网络免费搭车反制机制改进方案的研究

    Research in improving framework of counteracting free-riding in peer-to-peer networks

  15. 法术反制不再造成较高的威胁值。

    Counterspell no longer generates a high amount of threat .

  16. 俄国人使用电子反制措施干扰了我们的战场制导系统。

    Russians are using electronic conter measures to jam our confict guilding systems .

  17. 中国公布了针对中国媒体在美国受到限制的反制措施。

    China has announced countermeasures against restrictions on Chinese media in the United States .

  18. 如果不加以反制,这些过度波动就可能导致永久性的伤害。

    It could happen that these excessive oscillations result in permanent damage unless they are countered .

  19. 奥系一旦被反制将会很痛苦(比如无法闪现等等)。

    Locking Arcane out of its school is very painful for them ( no Blink etc. ) .

  20. 但他暗示,美国试图加强与亚洲国家的关系,以反制中国。

    But he suggested the US was attempting to bolster relations with Asian countries to counter China .

  21. 由此,不论小博主还是大型媒体公司,对拦截软件都将能采取反制措施了。

    This will allow small bloggers as well as large media companies to take action against blocker software .

  22. 总之,反制美国决不只是喊两句口号,今天的中国有能力也必须做出实质性的反应。

    We need to fight against America 's offensive behavior not only in words but also with actions .

  23. 你需要一种积极的防御,主动找出并反制互联网上的威胁,他表示。

    You need an active defence that is seeking out and countering threats on the internet , he said .

  24. 中国外交部敦促美方撤销其错误决定,否则将采取反制措施。

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. side to recall its wrong decision or there will be countermeasures .

  25. 世界贸易组织在2019年允许华盛顿对欧洲价值75亿美元的出口采取反制措施。

    The World Trade Organization allowed Washington in 2019 to take countermeasures against European exports worth 7.5 billion US dollars .

  26. 针对美国收紧针对中国记者的签证规定的新决定,中国警告要采取反制措施。

    China has warned of countermeasures in response to the U.S. new decision to tighten visa guidelines against Chinese journalists .

  27. 尽管保护主义论调有些道理,但发达国家的跨国企业承担不起依赖政治反制措施的代价。

    Even when there is truth in the protectionist arguments , developed world multinationals cannot afford to rely on political counter-measures .

  28. 上周,美国又指定六家中国媒体为“外国使团”,中国随后宣布了反制措施。

    China has announced countermeasures after the United States designated six more Chinese media as " foreign missions " last week .

  29. 他们能够提供正面的东西,来反制鼓动人们买某些产品和装扮成某种样子的媒体影响。

    They can provide positive alternatives that counter the influence of the media to buy certain products and look a certain way .

  30. 中国和伊朗这样的国家将继续追求不对称手段,以反制我们的武力投射能力,文件称。

    States such as China and Iran will continue to pursue asymmetric means to counter our power projections capabilities , the document says .