
  • 网络Excited;thrill
  1. 你不禁为这充满激情的场面激动不已。

    You couldn 't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation .

  2. 马丽琳因被接纳为俱乐部的会员而激动不已。

    Marilyn was thrilled by her acceptance into the club .

  3. 他谈起他死去的父亲时激动不已。

    He spoke feelingly about his dead father .

  4. 她百感交集,激动不已。

    A blend of emotions fermented inside her .

  5. 一听到那首歌我就激动不已。

    That song just does things to me .

  6. 大家都还在为摆脱了暴君的统治而激动不已。

    Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants .

  7. 我激动不已,几乎哭了出来。

    I got completely carried away and almost cried .

  8. 机械化的惊人潜力使制造厂和商人们激动不已。

    The breathtaking potentialities of mechanization set the minds of manufacturers and merchants on fire

  9. 我父亲看起来坐立不安,激动不已。

    My father seemed very restless and excited .

  10. 他们的到来令人激动不已,难以忘怀。

    Their arrival was dramatic and exciting .

  11. 劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。

    Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold .

  12. 她激动不已。

    She tingled with excitement

  13. 那庄严的场面使我们每个人都激动不已。

    The majesty of the occasion thrilled us all .

  14. 在一起漫游时,他无意中表现出来的稚气竟使她心中更加激动不已。

    What aroused her to something more than liking was his boyishness when they went tramping .

  15. 农民为自己的这一新发现激动不已,兴奋地对妻子说:“晒太阳是如此令人愉快,而人们却还不知道。我要把这一秘密献给国王,国王为了表彰我的忠诚,一定会给我很多赏赐物品。”

    He was very excited at his discovery , and he said to his wife , " Sun bath is so pleasant , but people do not know it . I will present this secret to the king , and he is sure to bestow5 many presents to me to reward my loyalty6 . "

  16. 西雅图——你可能很难相信,这个以咖啡闻名的城市会因为一家新咖啡馆而激动不已,何况只是另一家星巴克(Starbucks)咖啡馆。

    SEATTLE - It 's hard to believe that this coffee-crazed city would get excited about yet another coffee shop , particularly another Starbucks .

  17. 谷歌的这个项目让好莱坞激动不已,因为电影制片厂正在寻找新收入来源,以替代急剧下滑的dvd销售。

    The Google project has caused excitement in Hollywood because film studios are searching for new revenues to replace DVD sales , which are in steep decline .

  18. 我们有可能把用于GUI工作的内联、Perl和wxWindows与用于加快速度的任意C语言代码组合起来,一想到这些我就激动不已。

    From your C code . I 'm getting quite excited about the possibility of combining Inline , Perl , wxWindows for GUI work , and arbitrary C code for speed .

  19. 他不久前还在英国的一个脱口秀上出镜。在节目中,另一位嘉宾哈里森·福特(HarrisonFord)打破了一贯的寡言少语,宣称他非常欣赏康伯巴奇的福尔摩斯,这让康伯巴奇激动不已。

    Also , he had had an exciting experience on a British talk show , when Harrison Ford , a fellow guest , emerged from his taciturnity to announce that he loved him as Holmes .

  20. 最开始的四人小组学Scala学的很开心:经常是一个人发现了一个Scala的新特性,然后就激动不已,跟整个团队分享。

    The initial team of four had huge fun learning Scala : often one of us would come in raving about this new Scala feature we 'd discovered and sharing it with the rest of the team .

  21. 本届时装周上,很多人心目中的偶像、CommedesGarçons创办人川久保玲(ReiKawakubo)在巴黎看望了来自伦敦的年轻设计师、并欣赏其设计作品,让当事人激动不已。

    Comme des Gar ç ons founder Rei Kawakubo , a hero to many , caused palpitations during the week when she visited young London designers in Paris to see their collections .

  22. 在印度大陆东部200英里(326公里)处,Tata咨询服务中心的总技师AnanthKrishnan也在为一个低技术的设备而激动不已:清水过滤器。

    In Chennai , 200 miles farther east , Ananth Krishnan , chief technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services ( TCS ), is equally excited about an even lower-tech device : a water filter .

  23. 那些戴维本人听了总要激动不已的故事。

    The stories which David himself had thrilled to so often .

  24. 再看昔日的影片使我们激动不已。

    We got a bang out of watching the old movies .

  25. 她总有很多新奇的方式使孩子激动不已。

    She has many new ways to make her students excited .

  26. 因为没人会为收到邮件而激动不已了!

    Because no one is that excited to receive email anymore !

  27. 启动这一平台就让我激动不已。

    So I 'm just so excited to launch this platform .

  28. 家里的每个人都为琼的小孩感到激动不已。

    Everyone at home is thrilled about jean 's baby .

  29. 燃烧的红日冉冉升起令人激动不已。

    The crimson rising sun is always an exciting sight to watch .

  30. 她那优雅而又休闲的设计使时尚女性激动不已。

    Her elegant but casual designs inspired women of fashion .