
  • 网络Radical feminism
  1. 支持和影响这场改革的主要力量就是激进女性主义法学派。

    Main supporting force behind this reform is radical feminist law school .

  2. 其实,莱辛并非一个激进女性主义者。

    In fact , Lessing is not a radical feminist .

  3. 近年来美国刑事法律政策改革之评析&一种激进女性主义的进路

    Analysis on Criminal Law and Policy Reform in U.S.A. in Recent Years & A Radical Feminist Path

  4. 自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义作为女性主义阵营中的两大主要流派,在女性主义理论与批判中的地位举足轻重。

    As two major school , Liberalism Feminism and Radicalism Feminism occupies important position in feminism theories and criticism .

  5. 本文拟从自由主义女性主义科学观与激进女性主义科学观的渊源、对科学的批判以及所产生的意义这三方面进行简要剖析。

    This article try to give a brief analysis from origin , criticism to science and significance about Liberalism Feminism and Radicalism Feminism view on science .

  6. 另一方面,作品中卡特虽然流露出对男性霸权的种种不满,但她对于激进女性主义者建立女性霸权和双性同体的构想也并不苟同。

    On the other hand , despite her discontent with male patriarchy , however , she does not consent to female hegemony and androgyny proposed by some radical feminists .

  7. 较之同时代激进的女性主义者,莱辛显得更为客观和冷静。

    Compared with some other radical feminists , Lessing is more calm and objective .

  8. 很久以来人们都把《简·爱》看作是激进的女性主义的典范之作。

    This essay is devoted to discuss the narrative of Jane Eyre , which has been taken for to be a paradigm of radical feminism .

  9. 我们还想知道您对当代激进的女同性恋女性主义文学创作和批评的态度?您是否认为它走的太远?

    We would also like to know about your attitude towards contemporary radical lesbian feminist writing and criticism ? Do you think that this has gone too far ?