
fēn gōng
  • divide the work;division of labour
分工 [fēn gōng]
  • [divide the work;division of labour] 按不同技能或社会要求分别做各不相同而又互相补充的工作

  • 社会分工

分工[fēn gōng]
  1. 咱俩分工不分家。

    Let 's divide the work but still work together .

  2. CUBA与CUBS联赛管理机制中的组织结构设置不够健全;管理层次单一、组织分工不够细致;管理法制化建设有待提高。

    The institutional framework in mechanism of management of CUBA and CUBS can not be set up sound enough ; The administrative structure is single , divide the work carefully enough in the organization ; Manage legal construction and remain to improve .

  3. 当前工人与管理部门的分工将会改变。

    The current division of labor between workers and management will alter .

  4. 这些细胞都有各自的具体分工,但它们也相互联系。

    Each of these cells have their specific jobs to do , but they also interrelate with each other .

  5. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。

    There is a clear division of labour in ants .

  6. 分工明确,各有专责。

    The division of labour is clear-cut , each one being charged with specific responsibilities .

  7. 现代企业分工细密。

    Modern enterprises have a fine division of labour .

  8. 此外,还要讨论一下分工问题。

    In addition , we 'll discuss the question of division of labour .

  9. 当代社会分工日益细化。

    The modern social division of labour is becoming more and more specified .

  10. 咱们怎么分工?

    How shall we divide up the work ?

  11. 蜜蜂由于在蜂群中分工的不同,可分为三种:蜂后、工蜂和雄蜂。

    Honey bees have three castes for the division of labour in a hive : queens , workers and drones .

  12. 简化劳动和节省劳动的那些机械的发明,看来也是起因于分工。

    The invention of all those machines by which labour is so much facilitated and abridged , seems to have been originally owing to the division of labor .

  13. 小到几百,大到几千万的群落,生活组织都有明确的分工。

    In colonies that range in size from a few hundred to tens of millions , they organize their lives with a clear division of labor .

  14. 它们能精确识别食物和水源的方向,表现出了强大的团结和团队决策能力。象群内的分工也很明确。未来还有可能北移

    They can identify the direction of food and water resources very precisely and group decision-making .

  15. 加入WTO以后,我国纺织品出口规模持续扩大,纺织业的国际竞争力及国际分工地位不断提高。

    After entering into WTO , textile export quantity of our country enlarge continually , international competition and international status rise constantly .

  16. 飞机制造工艺路线分工计划及BOM管理系统研究

    Research of manufacturing process route planning and BOM management system ori-ented airplane manufacturing venture

  17. 本文针对配送车辆不确定的实时车辆调度问题,提出了一个基于RFID技术的实时调度框架,实现管理实时RFID数据,调度实时任务,协调物流系统各模块关系,达到分工与协作的目的。

    The framework incorporates management of real-time RFID data , scheduling real-time tasks and coordinating logistics system modules to achieve collaborative working .

  18. 针对中国加入WTO的新形势,全面参与经济全球化的国际分工,阐述了对我国土地资源配置的影响和导向。

    Facing to the new situation of china entering WTO and participating international assignment of economy globalization , this paper illustrates the effect and guidance that these elements produce .

  19. 嵌入式3D游戏引擎技术的出现是嵌入式3D游戏程序设计发展的里程碑之一,它也是软件工程、专业化分工和游戏产品的独特文化性要求在游戏开发中的综合体现。

    The emergence of embedded 3D game engine technology is one of 3D game programming development milestones . It also synthetically shows the software engineering , the specialization divides the work , game unique culture request .

  20. 指出面向现代CAPP的网络制造资源优化配置可分为工艺任务分工优化配置和可重构制造单元优化配置两个层次。

    The problem of manufacturing resource configuration and optimization faced to contemporary CAPP can be divided into two levels : the optimization and configuration of process task division and reconfigurable manufacturing cell .

  21. 在手机分工上,除了iPhone4S外,三星没有其他竞争对手挑战其产品地位。

    In the handset division , Samsung has no real rival models to challenge its products except for the iPhone4S .

  22. 组织变革中的企业内分工&对Becker-Murphy分工模型的扩展

    The Division of Labor in the Transformation of the Firm & A Development on Becker-Murphy 's Model

  23. 强调ERP软件实际上就是一个没有企业实体、但是有自己的组织结构、规范的运作流程、可以科学管理的虚拟企业。方法对各级各类护理人员进行统筹调配、合理分工、科学管理。

    It is stressed that ERP software is a virtual enterprise without enterprise 's body part , but has its organization structure , normative process , and can be managed scientifically . Method Nurses on all levels were organized as a whole , allocated reasonably and managed scientifically .

  24. 第一阶段:采用学生小组成绩分工法(STAD)协作式学习创设和谐氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣。

    During the first step , in order to increate students ' study interests I create a harmonious condition by using STAD .

  25. 南贵昆经济区产业分工与合作研究

    A Study of Industrial Division and Cooperation in Nan-Gui-Kun Economic Region

  26. 合作:现代图书馆分工效率的重要源泉

    Cooperation : the Main Fountainhead of Divisible Efficiency in Modern Libraries

  27. 分工的深化促进了企业的发展;

    The deepening of specialization has promoted the development of enterprises .

  28. 区域分工、产业聚集与西北五省经济发展

    Regional Diversion , Agglomeration and Development of the North-west Five Provinces

  29. 论区域分工与角色定位

    Discussion on the Regional Assignment and the Role 's Orientation

  30. 国际分工不断深化和扩大;

    International division of labor continues to deepen and expand ;