
fēn zū
  • sublet;sublease
分租[fēn zū]
  1. 还有,我可以将公寓分租出去吗?

    Also , am I allowed to sublet the apartment ?

  2. 你可以选择分租或自住。

    You can sublet or live by your own .

  3. 我们将介绍在SaaS承载环境中支持多分租的原则和技术实现。

    You will learn the principles and technical implementation that support multi-tenancy in a SaaS hosting environment .

  4. 多分租(multi-tenancy)是指从共享的公共承载环境中为多个组织(客户)提供服务的能力。

    Multi-tenancy is the capability to service multiple organizations ( clients ) from a shared , common hosting environment .

  5. 我大三和大四时,在EastAdams街尽头和四位室友分租一栋五间卧室的公寓,其中一位名叫Chris的室友主修戏剧。

    My junior and senior years at Syracuse , I shared a five-bedroom apartment at the top of East Adams with four roommates , one of whom was a fellow theater major named Chris .

  6. 审核分租合同,负责跟进相关流程

    Audit the sublease agreement and responsible for following up the process

  7. 他们从市中心分租了一个小办公室。

    They sublease a small office in the centre of town .

  8. 她表妹有个地方要分租

    Her cousin has a place to sublet .

  9. 我们在夏季时,分租我们的公寓。

    We subleased our apartment over the summer .

  10. 公司把公寓分租给大学生。

    The company subleases flats to students .

  11. 多分租支持是整个运行时堆栈中进行了全面考虑的设计理念。

    Support for multi-tenancy is a design concern that cuts across the entire runtime stack .

  12. 我父亲有两所房屋,他将里面的房间分租给朋友了。

    My father owned two houses which he let out as rooms to his friends .

  13. 本文将说明多分租的概念,并将介绍软件作为服务的网络交付方法。

    This article describes the concept of multi-tenancy , and it describes the network-delivered approach to software-as-a-service .

  14. 便在爱德华街弄了一幢大房子,分租过活。

    She then took a large house in Edwardstreet , and has since maintained herself by letting lodgings .

  15. 贫穷的无序景致使我愉悦:陈旧的黄色木屋陷入新的砖造分租公寓的包围中

    Its the anarchy of poverty Delights me , the old Yellow wooden house indented Among the new brick tenements

  16. 在本文下面的内容中,我们将了解如何实现对多分租的支持。

    In the upcoming sections of this article , you will learn how support for multi-tenancy can be implemented .

  17. 多分租:多分租指组合应用程序能够从共享的公共承载环境为多个客户机服务。

    Multi-tenancy : Multi-tenancy is the ability of a composite application to service multiple clients from a shared , common hosting environment .

  18. 除非在得到出租人事先书面许可的情况下,承租人无权将租赁的集装箱分租给他人或将本租约中约定的权利进行转让。

    Lessee shall have no right to sublease the containers or assign its rights under this lease , except with the prior written consent of lessor .

  19. 自从他的火柴厂亏本以来,他将半边的厢房挪空了,预备分租出去,他又辞歇了一个饭司务,两个奶妈。

    Since his match factory had folded up , he had vacated one wing in case he had to sub-let part of the house , and dismissed one cook and two maids .

  20. 同样可以想象到,将来由经济收入所驱使的对地面层公寓的分租,可能会成为一种颇有价值方式,使得家庭能生存于将来的经济萧条期,或可以补贴养老金。

    Equally it is conceivable at some future time that the income generated subletting a ground floor flat could be a valuable way of surviving some future recession , or supplementing a pension .

  21. 生产设施及停车场租予里维埃拉海运私人有限公司(海滨集团的主要经营实体),河床也分租同一实体。

    The manufacturing facility and car park are leased to Riviera Marine ( Int ) Pty Ltd ( main operational entity in the Riviera Group ) and the river bed is sub-leased to the same entity .

  22. 房子是水泥墙,也有了自来水,与之前的棚屋相比,环境算是改善了,但因为我们跟希达亚图拉一起分租,加上几乎天天都有访客,屋里仍旧非常拥挤。

    The walls were concrete and there was running water so it was an improvement on our muddy shack , but we were still very cramped as we were sharing it with Hidayatullah and we almost always had guests .

  23. 全部或部分土地承租人或再承租人之分租,以及该等人士许可任何人租用全部或部分该土地;

    The subletting by a lessee or sublessee of the whole or any part of the land or for the granting by such person of a licence to any person to occupy the whole or any part of the land ;