
  • 网络Analytical knowledge;analysed knowledge
  1. 依据DFM系统推理的特点和提高推理效率的要求,提出零件可制造性分析知识库的组织策略。以回转类零件为例,采用ACCESS数据库建立了零件可制造性分析知识库。

    Based rotational parts and Microsoft ACCESS , the knowledge is set up , and the knowledge base is organized for improve the efficiency of reasoning engine .

  2. 在分析知识工程系统的基础上,介绍KBE的基本概念并阐述了KBE环境下LED产品知识的类型以及基于知识的管理。

    Based on the analysis of knowledge engineering system ( KBE ), the paper expounds the KBE concept and elaborates the LED product knowledge and its management characteristics within KBE .

  3. 用线型模型的参数估计与方差分析知识,对全套重复的不完全区组设计问题进行分析,找出了模型参数的估计量,并给出了假设检验的F统计量。

    This essay derived the estimated quantity of the model parameters and F statistical quantity of the hypothesis testing for unperfect block design by using parameter estimation and variation analysis of linear model . So it helps to get further conclusion of block design and factorial analysis .

  4. 基于双语模型的汉语句法分析知识自动获取

    Automatically Acquiring Chinese Parsing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model

  5. 有良好的化工生产基本知识和危害分析知识。

    Knowledge of basic chemical unit operations and hazard analysis methodology .

  6. 所以,从知识共享的主观障碍角度来分析知识共享问题具有较强的理论和现实意义。

    Thus , this paper studied knowledge sharing from its subjective obstacles .

  7. 概率论与数学分析知识的相互运用

    On Inter-using of Probability Theory and Mathematical Analysis in Solving the Problem

  8. 知识流动重在分析知识在系统要素之间的流动,是要素间互动的重要方式;

    Knowledge flows is important way by which the elements in system interact .

  9. 接着,论文实证验证了中小企业创新网络中知识转移影响因素概念模型,在分析知识转移的主要影响因素的基础上,验证知识转移机制的关系调节效应。

    The moderating effects of the knowledge transfer mechanism relation have been verified on the basis of analyzing the main influential factors of knowledge transfer .

  10. 因此,在分析知识共享中存在的各种障碍的基础上,有针对性地探索促进知识共享的对策。

    Therefore on the basis of analyzing all kinds of obstacles in knowledge sharing , this paper has put forward corresponding countermeasures promoting knowledge sharing .

  11. 文章介绍知识经济的特征,分析知识经济对会计的影响,并对会计工作的创新进行探讨。

    This paper introduces the features of knowledge-based economy , analyzes the influence of knowledge-based economy on the accounting , probes into the creation of accounting .

  12. 管理创新着重阐述了人力资源管理和管理创新的信息化手段等问题,充分分析知识经济时代人力资源地位的变化,提出人力资源管理是新条件下企业管理创新的重点。

    The Management Innovation chiefly probes into the changes of the status of the human resources and points out its pivotal function in today 's enterprises development .

  13. 通过分析知识地图功能和特点、多媒体教材的本质,探索在多媒体教材中基于知识地图组织知识点的方法。

    By analyzing the function and characteristics of knowledge map , and the nature of multimedia materials it explores the point of organizational knowledge based on knowledge map approach .

  14. 接着论述知识可视化的理论基础&双重编码理论,并从知识制品的角度分析知识可视化的本质;

    Then , It introduced Dual Coding Theory , which might be the theoretical basis of KV , and explored the essence of KV from the perspective of knowledge artifact .

  15. 因此讨论知识共享重要性,分析知识共享风险存在原因,并针对风险的存在问题提出化解办法,对于企业管理具有重要的现实作用。

    So it has very important reality effect to discuss the importance of knowledge sharing , analyzes reasons of the risk existence , and finds a solution to these questions .

  16. 当前的知识管理系统通常是按知识的流动过程来建模的,即从知识的产生、俘获、转换、集成、存储、分发和共享的角度来分析知识管理系统。

    The present knowledge management systems are generally modeled based on the flow course of knowledge , include generation , capture , conversion , integration , storage , diffusion and sharing .

  17. 本文通过分析知识产权保护与图书馆事业信息化发展二者之间的辨证关系,提出了促进二者协调发展的几点建议。

    In this paper , the author puts forward some advice about promoting harmonized development of the intelligence protection and the development of the library project informatization through analyzing both mutual relations .

  18. 本文基于上述原因,通过分析知识管理和隐性知识管理的内涵,探讨了图书馆隐性知识管理的内涵。

    For the reasons above , this paper firstly probes into the implication of library tacit knowledge management based on the analysis of the implication of knowledge management and tacit knowledge management .

  19. 从知识经济的概念和特征谈起,分析知识经济对财务管理提出的挑战,论述财务管理面对挑战应采取的措施。

    The paper introduces the concept and characteristic of knowledge economy , analyses the challenge that knowledge economy proposes to financial management , and expounds the measures financial management should take when facing the challenge .

  20. 然后利用集值分析知识讨论了模糊函数的逆函数,模糊函数的可测性以及它的可积性,导出了模糊函数可测、可积的充分必要条件。

    Afterwards the reverses , the measurability and the integrability of fuzzy functions have been defined with the use of set-valued functions analysis theory . The Necessary and sufficient conditions about measurability and integrability have been obtained .

  21. 分析知识创新的内在规律:知识原生性与知识逻辑谐和性的统一、知识惯性与知识融合的统一、知识基因之间的融合性。

    Analysis of the internal laws of the knowledge innovation : the unity of the original harmony of nature and logic of knowledge , the unity of knowledge integration and knowledge inertia , the integration between the genes .

  22. 本文第二章通过分析知识经济时代特征和企业面临的新环境,论述了知识经济时代背景下的企业文化创新的必要性以及创新的动力;

    In the second section , through analysing the characteristics of the age of knowledge-based economy and the new environment encountered by enterprises , the thesis expounds the necessity of innovation of enterprise culture as well as motivation of innovation .

  23. 在分析知识创新内容及特征的基础上,指出知识创新对信息的需要,探讨了面向知识创新的信息服务的具体形式。

    Based on analyzing on the contents and features of the knowledge innovation , this paper points out the demand of the knowledge innovation on the information , and probes into the concrete forms of the information service facing the knowledge innovation .

  24. 阐述了知识经济的基本特征,通过分析知识经济对旅游饭店产品、人员及组织结构等方面的冲击,初步探索知识经济时代我国旅游饭店业发展的新趋势。

    This paper expatiates the general characteristics of knowledge economy , and through analyzing the impact of knowledge economy on the production , stuff and organization of hotels , the paper explores the new trend in the development of China 's hotel industry .

  25. 本文通过分析知识经济时代企业内外环境变化给企业发展带来的影响,对知识经济时代企业文化建设做了具体阐述,概括了企业文化建设对我国社会主义精神文明建设的重要作用。

    The paper analyzed change of inside and outside environment that brought influence on enterprise development in knowledge-based economy time , expatiated on enterprise culture construction in knowledge-based economy time , and generalized enterprise culture construction that had important effect on socialism spirit culture in my country .

  26. 本文从分析知识性员工的特点入手,对时代赋予知识性员工管理的新要求作了探讨,以期能抛砖引玉,引起更多人关注,在管理上实现新的突破。

    Through analyzing the characteristic of the intellectual personnel , this paper probes into the new time-endowed request for administrating the intellectual personnel , in efforts to throw out some bricks to attract a jade , draw more people 's attention and realize some new breakthroughs in administration .

  27. Rough集理论及其在GIS属性分析和知识发现中的应用

    Rough Set Theory and Its Application in Attribute Analysis and Knowledge Discovery in GIS

  28. 在充分分析农学知识的基础上,本文提出了一种利用XML技术实现基于知识的虚拟农作物生长过程的方法。

    On the basis of analyzing the agronomy knowledge , this paper presents one method to realize the knowledge-based growing process of virtual plant by xml .

  29. 分析了知识产权保护对技术创新的直接作用机制和通过FDI、国际贸易、技术引进三种国际技术转移渠道产生的间接作用机制。

    This includes the direct action mechanism and indirect action mechanism through the technology spillovers of three channels of international technology transfer , which are FDI , international trade and technology introduction .

  30. 分析产品知识的结构和表达方式,建立零件族、模块族和产品族的知识模型,研究产品族模型映射关系;提出基于共享产品平台的产品设计过程;研究基于XML技术的机械产品远程定制技术。

    Product knowledge structure and expression method were analyzed , and the knowledge models of part family , module family and product family were established . Mapping relationship of product family model was studied . Product design process based on sharing product platform was referred .