
  1. 他的眼睛近视得利害,放到眼底下才看得清。

    He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes .

  2. 除非你有非常多的观众和一个非常小的PPT屏幕,那么30磅的字体大小已经足够让你的每一个观众都看得清了。

    Unless you have a very large audience and a very small projector screen , 30-point font should be readable by everyone in your audience .

  3. Real-f公司称在这种面具上甚至能看得清个人的血管和眼球虹膜。

    Real-f claims you can discern individual blood vessels and irises in the models .

  4. 希望扫瞄机能看得清每个人。

    I hope for everyone 's sake the scanners do better .

  5. 眼睛有时是盲目的,用心才看得清。

    Eyes may be blind , we should see by heart .

  6. 只要人口能呼吸,人眼看得清,

    So long as men can breathe or eyes can see ,

  7. 这怎么看得清,简直就是缩微胶卷啊

    How could you even read this ? It 's like microfilm .

  8. 他挤进去停在一个能看得清的地方。

    He pushed in and stopped at where he could see clearly .

  9. 那是一眼就看得清的。

    One may see that at a glance .

  10. 这个位置合适吗?够高吗?你们都能看得清吗?

    Is that all right ? High enough ? Can you all see it ?

  11. 你能看得清那边的人是谁吗?

    Can you tell who is over there ?

  12. 没有人看得清他的笔迹。

    No one can decipher his sloppy handwriting .

  13. 月亮的光亮足以使我看得清要干的事。

    The moon gave enough light for me to see what I was doing .

  14. 这一切赫斯渥都看得清清楚楚。

    Hurstwood saw it all clearly enough .

  15. 我们坐在一张我能够勉强看得清字的长凳上。

    So we sat on a bench where I could just barely read the print .

  16. 后面的同学看得清吗,我写得够大吗?

    Can you read this in the back ? Am I making that big enough ?

  17. 我们移到了第一排以便能听得见看得清。

    We moved to the front row so that we could hear and see better .

  18. 路面上只有被前灯微蓝的光线照到的长长的一片能看得清。

    The roadwas only visible in the long patch of bluish brightness from the headlights .

  19. 你得有个眼镜才能看得清。

    You need glasses to see .

  20. 虽然他们只不过在绕着一个草坪兜圈子,这男孩子却能把这些东西都看得清清楚楚。

    The boy saw it all , and yet they were only going round the grass-plot .

  21. 青岛招聘网它像美国的卫星侦察仪,地面上什么东西它都看得清;

    It is like the United States satellite reconnaissance device , ground on what it can see ;

  22. 我扫到电脑里的照片没一张看得清的。

    None of the shots I scanned on my computer came out to have a clean image .

  23. 她视力不好,只看得清大号字,入座后点菜的任务就自然落到我头上。

    After we sat down , I had to read the menu . Her eyes could only read large print .

  24. 当我想要吸引男生时,我不想让他把我的一切都看得清清楚楚。

    When I am trying to attract a guy , I dont want to be an open book to him .

  25. 这项发明利用电脉冲让屏幕能在不需要电的情况下显示内容,在阳光直射下也能看得清。

    The innovation uses electrical pulses to create displays that require no power and can be viewed even in direct sunlight .

  26. 我们也接受图片或视频附件-如果您觉得那样更方便的话,不过,清确保文字部分能看得清。

    We also accept photos or video attachments if that 's easier , however please make sure the text is readable .

  27. 眼前的景象商人看得清清楚楚,那是一个巨大无比的黑色城堡。

    And the merchant could clearly see what lay in front of him . It was a castle , enormous and black .

  28. 不知是谁,汤姆心想可能是约翰的听差弗雷德吧,把码头的灯开了。现在一切全能看得清清楚楚了。

    Someone , Tom thought it was john 's boy fred , had turned the dock lights on and you could see well .

  29. 她原先坐在光线被遮住的地方,现在我把她的全身和面貌都看得清清楚楚。她苗条,显然还没有过青春期。

    Her position before was sheltered from the light ; now , I had a distinct view of her whole figure and countenance .

  30. 我要再试一次,老人下了狠心,虽然这时他的双手已经软弱无力,双眼一会看得清,一会看不清。

    I 'll try it again , the old man promised , although his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes .