
fēn mǐ
  • decimeter (dm.);decimetre
分米 [fēn mǐ]
  • [decimeter (dm.)] 米制长度单位,一米等于十分米

分米[fēn mǐ]
  1. 本文主要阐述了基于目前成熟的VRS网络设计分米级差分GPS接收机。

    The thesis primarily sets forth the design of the decimeter DGPS receiver based on VRS NET .

  2. 结果表明,探地雷达的探测深度最大可达20m,分辨率最大可达到分米级。

    The results indicated that the penetrating depth can be up to 20 m with the maximum resolution of decimeter .

  3. 总光合势增加36.7%,光合速率增加CO20.57毫克/分米~2时以上,生长中心提早5天以上转至根部。

    Total photosynthetic potential increased 36.7 % and rate of photosynthesis increased more than 0.57 mg / min m ~ 2 of CO_2.The growth center was transfered to the root region more than 5 days earlier .

  4. 在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下,用经典的控制系统设计方法设计出了一套基于分米波导引的无人机自动起降控制系统,同时解决了控制律切换时的瞬变抑制问题。

    Automatic take-off and landing control system based on centimetric wave ILS guidance is designed in MATLAB / SIMULINK environment by classical control system design method . And at the same time , transient jump during control law ' switch is discussed .

  5. GDB-49型光电倍增管在分米级精度人卫激光测距系统中的应用

    Application of Model GDB-49 Photomultiplier in System of Laser Range Finding of Satellite with High Precision

  6. 该系统可以达到分米级的位置误差,厘米级的速度误差,0.2度的姿态角度误差,以及高于100Hz的输出更新频率。

    The system yield the performance of decimeter position accuracy , centimeter velocity accuracy , 0.2 degree attitude accuracy , and more than 100 Hz update rate output .

  7. 本文探讨脉冲星PSR2217+47分米波段流量变化的星际折射闪烁解释。

    The structure functions of the long-term flux variation in PSR2217 + 47 at decimeter wavelengths are analysed and interpreted in terms of refractive interstellar scintillation .

  8. 采用该功率合成链设计的固态功放组件,在分米波波段获得300W的线性输出功率,该组件在国产的彩色电视发射机中有良好的应用前景。

    The solid state power amplifier module designed using this power combining chain provides 300W linear power output in decimeter wave band . This module has bright prospects for its applications in color TV transmitters to be manufactured in China .

  9. 厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。

    The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter .

  10. 分米级精度人卫激光测距仪的接收系统

    The receiver system of the satellite laser ranging system with decimeter level precision

  11. 短分米波段上的长周期脉动现象

    Long-Period Pulsations at Short Dm Wavelength

  12. 首次发现了微波(短分米波段)高偏振U型爆发并给出解释;

    The microwave type U bursts with the high polarization degree are discovered and explained for the first time .

  13. 论述了分米波段天线背景噪声电平测量的重要作用、基本条件和要求。

    The paper discusses the importance of background-noise 's level of decimeter wave-band on antenna and its basical technical condition and request .

  14. 二十五米口径的分米、厘米波段望远镜、十米波段望远镜以及先进的光学望远镜终端设备。

    25-meter telescopes in the decimeter and centimeter wave bands , 10-meter wave band telescopes and advanced optical telescope terminal equipment will also be used .

  15. 虽然1立方分米的锝块释放出的辐射剂量不会使你丧命,但剂量还是非常大的。

    The dose from a 1-liter cube of the metal wouldn 't be enough to be lethal in our experiment , but it 's still substantial .

  16. 过了五、六天,水仙球上冒出了几根长短不一的枝条,有的大约有十分米长,有的才几分米。

    After a five or six days , Narcissus ball emitting a Jigen branches of varying lengths , some about a very-meter-long , some only a fraction meters .

  17. 它有三分米长,头比较小,眼睛也不大,就在嘴近边。

    It measured three decimeters long . Its head was comparatively small , and its eyes , placed near the opening of its beak , were also small .

  18. 在团团的青绿丛中,垂下粗大的球形果子,约一分米大,外表凹凸不平,好像六角形。

    From its mass of greenery , huge globular fruit stood out , a decimeter wide and furnished on the outside with creases that assumed a hexangular pattern .

  19. 我认得其中的爪哇鳗,真正跟蛇一样,长八分米,肚腹苍白,很容易跟两测没有金线的海鳗相混,分辨不出来。

    I recognized the Javanese eel , a genuine eight-decimeter serpent with a bluish gray belly , which , without the gold lines over its flanks , could easily be confused with the conger eel .

  20. 硬盘行业每年能够生产约6.5亿块硬盘,如果它们之中绝大部分是3.5英寸硬盘的话,那么每秒生产出来的硬盘的体积为8立方分米。

    The storage industry produces in the neighborhood of 650 million hard drives per year . If most of them are 3.5-inch drives , that 's 8 liters ( 2 gallons ) of hard drive per second .