
fēn xī shī
  • analyst
  1. 埃森晢咨询公司分析师库兰认为,政府对科技展越来越感兴趣是必然的,因为科技已经成为我们生活中的一大部分。

    Curran , the Accenture analyst , said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives .

  2. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)分析师罗莱因•哈奇辛认为该公司2012年将会新开35家专卖店。

    Bank of America analyst Lorraine hutchsion thinks lululemon will open 35 stores in 2012 .

  3. 美国分析师在估计公司对公司业务市场大小时略显谨慎。

    American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market .

  4. 分析师认为,这一增长是通过扩大智能手机定义和降低价格得来的。

    The growth has come by expanding the definition of a smartphone and cutting prices , analysts said .

  5. 11月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

    Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups , signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation .

  6. 一部分答案是,这种情况在历来的高失业时期都存在。一定程度上是因为专家和分析师们认为宣称问题根深蒂固、不易解决会使自己听上去很严肃深沉。

    Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment — in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted , with no easy answers , makes them sound serious .

  7. 伯恩斯坦调查公司的分析师莎拉·塞纳托尔表示,早餐市场具有很好的赚钱潜力,因为其利润相当高。

    Breakfast has the potential to be very profitable , says Sara Senatore of Bernstein , a research firm , because the margins can be high .

  8. 分析师们指出,自助读书、热爱读书是印度人均读书时间超过别的国家的主要原因。

    Analysts said self-help and aspirational reading could explain India 's high figures .

  9. 高盛分析师预测,明年Twitter的收入将增长55%。

    The Underwriters ' analysts are predicting 55 % growth next year .

  10. 但分析师们也提到了其它因素,包括新股供应过量,最突出的就是中国农业银行(AgriculturalBankofChina)规模逾200亿美元的上市。

    But analysts also pointed to other factors , including an excess of new share supply , highlighted by Agricultural Bank of China 's huge $ 20bn-plus flotation .

  11. 业务分析师与应用分析师没有使用同一种语言(UML)形式化的表示他们的系统

    Business analysts and application analysts do not use the same language ( UML ) to formalize their systems

  12. 公司CEO沈文天在9月3日的电话会议中向分析师保证,苏黎世目前状况良好。

    In a September 3 conference call , CEO Martin Senn assured analysts Zurich was in good shape .

  13. Facebook旗下约有100名这类分析师(并且分析师队伍还有大量职位正虚位以待)。

    Facebook employs about 100 so-called analysts ( and lists plenty of open positions for its analytics team ) .

  14. 伯恩斯坦(BernsteinResearch)的分析师马克•纽曼(MarkNewman)表示,三星手机业务最坏的时候也有可能已经过去。

    Mark Newman , an analyst at Bernstein Research , says the worst could even be over for Samsung 's handset business .

  15. 《财富》(Fortune)就这个问题采访了一些硅谷内部人士,如CEO、分析师、管理专家和前惠普高管等。

    Fortuneasked a handful of Silicon Valley insiders CEOs , analysts , management experts and former HP execs to weigh in .

  16. 上季度IBM的收益为234亿美元,比去年同期下跌了5%,同时也低于分析师的预测。

    Revenue at the company fell 5 % last quarter from the same quarter a year earlier to $ 23.4 billion , below analyst forecasts .

  17. 该代码清晰易懂,并移除了JavaAPI版本上的大量繁杂代码,而这是业务分析师很乐意为我们验证的。

    This code was declarative enough and removed sufficient noise from the Java API version that our business analysts were happy to verify it for us .

  18. 言语的恶毒程度令人瞠目结舌,IHSGlobalInsight的汽车业分析师保罗纽顿(PaulNewton)表示。

    The venom in the rhetoric is quite stunning , says Paul Newton , a motor industry analyst at IHS Global Insight .

  19. 而且,许多分析师认为,接下来,BP应该会效仿康菲,进行业务拆分。

    That was the case with Conoco , and many analysts are starting to look to BP ( BP ) as the next in line for a split .

  20. 许多开发商、分析师、顾问和相关从业人员都同意,要想确保SOA成功,治理是SOA的一个关键要素。

    To make sure SOA succeeds , many vendors , analysts , consultants and practitioners agree that Governance is a critical ingredient for a successful SOA initiative .

  21. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(bernsteinresearch)驻香港分析师麦克沃纳(mikewerner)表示,中行等中资银行的动机与西方竞争对手不同。

    Mike Werner , analyst at bernsteinresearch in Hong Kong , says BOC and other Chinese banks have different motivations from Western rivals .

  22. 独立分析师与华尔街专业分析师都在跟踪苹果公司(Apple)的表现,而这两者的最大区别在于,独立分析师们更重视预测的准确性。

    The chief difference between the independent analysts who follow apple ( AAPL ) and their counterparts on Wall Street is that the independents put a premium on being right .

  23. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海的零售业分析师陈咏娴(SandyChen)表示,截然不同的方式反映出这两家连锁企业各自的经营哲学。

    Sandy Chen , retail analyst at Citigroup in Shanghai , says the radically different approaches reflect the two chains ' business philosophies .

  24. 接受彭博(bloomberg)调查的分析师们预计,明年基准美国原油的平均价格将达到每桶87美元。

    Analysts polled by Bloomberg expect benchmark US crude to average $ 87 a barrel next year .

  25. 下表列出了迄今我们的分析师小组中各分析师提交的iPod单品销量预估值。

    Below : the individual iPod unit sales estimates submitted so far by our panel of analysts .

  26. 去年九月,奥巴马公布法案时,独立经济分析师预测,该法案可以提供190万个工作岗位,并带动GDP增长两个百分点。

    When Obama unveiled the bill last September , independent economic analysts predicted it could supply up to 1.9 million jobs and add two points to the GDP .

  27. BarclaysCapital的资产分析师奈普(BarryKnapp)青睐削减成本成绩斐然的工业类股。

    Barry Knapp , equity strategist at Barclays Capital , favors industrials as a play on the cost-cutting binge . '

  28. 人们毫无疑问会对成本感到担忧,麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)的分析师本·沙克特(BenSchachter)说。

    People are certainly concerned about the expenses , said Ben Schachter , an analyst with Macquarie Securities .

  29. VSACapital分析师表示,进一步的支撑可能来自中国消费模式的转变以及整体增速下滑。

    Analysts at VSA Capital said further support could come from changing consumption patterns in China as well as the waning overall growth rate .

  30. 花旗集团(citigroup)分析师们表示,这项任命是一个“大胆动作”,并称赞梅尔管理技巧高超、也熟悉这个行业。

    Analysts at Citigroup said the appointment was a " bold move " , praising her organisational skills and industry knowledge .