
  • 网络Special Edition
  1. 欢迎收看特别版的CNN学生新闻。

    Welcome to the special edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  2. 我们要欢迎你收看特别版的CNN学生新闻。

    We want to welcome you to the special edition of CNN Student News .

  3. 重新录制的特别版《卡萨布兰卡》发行了。

    A special remastered version of Casablanca is being released .

  4. 为纪念该片上映50周年,准备发行《北非谍影》的特别版录像带。

    A special version of ' Casablanca ' is being released on video to commemorate the film 's 50th birthday .

  5. case语句可以看作是if/else语法的特别版。

    Case statements can be thought of as specialized version of the if / else syntax .

  6. 《今日美国》(USAToday)推出了一个特别版,介绍这项活动。从周五开始,就能在星巴克门店里看到。

    USA Today has produced a special section on the initiative that will be available in Starbucks stores starting on Friday .

  7. 欢迎大家收听今天的CNN学生新闻的特别版。

    We are very pleased to welcome you to a special edition of CNN Student News .

  8. 欢迎收看亚特兰大的CNN新闻中心的本期CNN学生新闻特别版,我是卡尔•阿祖兹。

    Hello and welcome to this CNN special edition of Student News from CNN center in Atlanta , I 'm Carlo Auz .

  9. 艾玛这回是作为《Wonderland》杂志特别版的客座编辑,上周日的泰晤士报上先行刊载了一些摘要。

    Emma was guest-editing a special edition of the magazine , with excerpts printed in the Sunday Times .

  10. 随着四张DVD特别版的发行,《飞出个未来》在美国福克斯电视网削减了该节目生产的七年之后,终于在本周以新的系列回到了荧屏。

    Following four straight-to-DVD specials , Futurama finally returns to screens for a new series this week , seven years after the US Fox network axed production of the show .

  11. 该公司在欧洲和中国的工厂为宝马(BMW)、梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和阿斯顿马丁(AstonMartin)制造汽车,以满足超过产能的需求,或者制造特别版的小批量车型。

    It builds cars in European and Chinese plants to meet overflow demand or specialised , low-volume models for BMW , Mercedes-Benz , Chrysler and Aston Martin .

  12. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛大家好,我是CarlAzuz,今天是10月14日,星期四。欢迎大家收听今天的CNN学生新闻的特别版。

    Hi , I 'm Carl Azuz . It is Thursday , October 14th . We are very pleased to welcome you to a special edition of CNN Student News .

  13. 路虎举办了第一届“路虎G4挑战赛”,一项有特别版揽胜,发现和神行者支持的全球顶级户外探险竞赛。

    Land Rover runs the first'Land Rover G4 Challenge ' , an extreme adventure competition using specially-adapted Range Rovers , Discoverys and Freelanders with Defenders in support .

  14. 他们用优质纸印制了这本书的特别版。

    They printed a special issue of the book on high-quality paper .

  15. 特别版为高或低,工作温度。

    Special version for high or low working temperature .

  16. 热动力学的研究(ⅩⅩⅢ)&一级反应的精选峰高法《烈焰狂峰》二区豪华特别版

    Studies on Thermokinetics (ⅹⅹⅲ) & Selected Peak-Height Method for the First Order Reaction

  17. 《烈焰狂峰》二区豪华特别版秋季丰度最高、夏季次之、春季最低;

    Second peak occurred in summer , and the lowest abundance appeared in spring .

  18. 这不是限量版也不是特别版不值几个钱

    They 're not limited runs or special editions . Can 't be worth much .

  19. 大家好,欢迎来到发现中国的新年特别版。

    Hello and welcome to the special Chinese new year 's edition of discovering China .

  20. 后来加上了一些特写节目,开始时一些著名作家写的短篇故事的特别版。

    Feature programs were added later , starting with Special English versions of short stories by famous writers .

  21. 9月9日特别版的“本周伊始”将讨论格罗斯曼和他的影响力。

    A special edition of " Start the Week " on September 9th will discuss Grossman and his influence .

  22. 你要主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼了所以我们玩一轮特别版的“我演你猜”游戏

    You are hosting the academy awards , So we thought we 'd play a special round of Heads-Up .

  23. 那是个夏天,正好赶上《第三类接触》的特别版发布.

    This was the summer when the special edition of " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " was released .

  24. 在昨天的特别版节目中我们曾邀请你分享对于本周在俄克拉荷马致命龙卷风想法。

    In yesterday 's special edition we asked you to share your thoughts about this week 's deadly tornado in Oklahoma .

  25. 增加了新的谜题,优化了图像的质量,这个特别版将对新老冒险游戏迷都具有吸引力。

    With completely updated graphics and new puzzles , this special edition will appeal to old and new mystery game fans alike !

  26. 此外,为了向“最伟大的一代”的努力致以更深的敬意,我们生产了特别版打火机来纪念二战。

    To further salute the efforts of the " greatest generation ," we have produced special lighters commemorating the World War II memorial .

  27. 科学观测结果发表在美国科学杂志“科学”,一个日本探险家先特别版。

    The scientific observation results were published in a special edition of the US scientific journal " Science ," a first for Japanese explorers .

  28. 封面的文字写道,“美国的杂志:周年特别版”而在底部附近则是,“自由第一”。

    The cover 's text reads , " America 's Magazine : Anniversary Special " and near the bottom , " Freedom First . "

  29. 今天节目最开始为大家播放的视频表明了,为何今天的节目是特别版。

    That video clip we showed you at the start of today 's show gives you an idea of why today is a special edition .

  30. 今天的“大声喊出来”特别版来到了杜瓦尔女士的政治科学课堂。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Today 's " Shoutout Extra Credit " goes out to Mrs. Duvall 's political science class at North Bullitt High School in Shepherdsville , Kentucky .