
tè bié tí kuǎn quán
  • special drawing rights
  1. 其它可能的解决方案包括:由imf创造更多的特别提款权一种政府间货币。

    Other potential solutions would include the IMF creating more special drawing rights , an intergovernmental currency .

  2. 这种解决方案以特别提款权(sdr)的形式很容易就能形成。

    Such a solution is readily available in the form of special drawing rights .

  3. 在有条件地将人民币纳入IMF特别提款权货币篮子方面,法国似乎已达成了某种形式的协议。

    France appears to have secured some form of agreement of conditional renminbi inclusion in the SDR .

  4. 进行一次特别提款权分配,需要得到imf85%的成员国投票通过。

    Approval of an SDR allocation requires an 85 per cent majority vote of the IMF membership .

  5. IMF需要改变特别提款权的纳入标准,并维护货币甄选的可验证性。

    The IMF needs to change the SDR inclusion criteria and preserve verifiability of the currency selection .

  6. (2009年中国的储备资产增加了163亿美元的非外汇类资产,主要是黄金及国际货币基金组织(IMF)设立的特别提款权(SpecialDrawingRights)。

    In2009 China also saw an increase of $ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange , primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights .

  7. 黄金不再是特别提款权(sdr)的计算单位。

    Gold is no longer the unit of account of the sdr .

  8. 特别提款权货币篮子重新评估提供了一个使IMF成为改革催化剂、包容性推动者的机会。

    The SDR basket review represents an opportunity to position the IMF as catalyst for change and promoter of inclusiveness .

  9. 特别提款权是国际货币基金组织(imf)支持的一种合成货币单位,代表了一篮子实际货币。

    The SDR is a synthetic currency unit maintained by the international monetary fund that represents a basket of actual currencies .

  10. 斯特劳斯-卡恩所指的imf货币篮子被称为“特别提款权(sdr)系统”。

    The IMF boss was referring to an IMF currency basket known as the special drawing rights system .

  11. 这笔资金将来自国际货币基金组织(IMF)的金融工具特别提款权(SDR)。

    The money would come from the International Monetary Fund , from financial instruments known as special drawing rights .

  12. 今年3月,周小川表示,这一职能可由国际货币基金组织(imf)的计价单位由一篮子货币组成的特别提款权(specialdrawingright)来履行。

    In March , Mr Zhou said that role could be filled by the special drawing right , a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund as a unit of account .

  13. 特别提款权是IMF根据配额按比例提供给各成员国的资产和负债。

    Special drawing rights are assets and liabilities of the Fund provided to each member in proportion to its quota share in the institution .

  14. 大量发行特别提款权(SDR)IMF自有的储备资产的主意相当出色。

    The idea of a large issuance of SDRs – the IMF 's own reserve asset – is an excellent one .

  15. IMF份额分配、特别提款权和汇率监督这三项关键的制度在其改革中具有举足轻重的价值和意义。

    Share allocation of IMF , SDRs and foreign exchange monitoring system of the three key plays an important reform in its value and significance .

  16. 人民币是否被纳入国际货币基金组织(IMF)特别提款权的货币篮子,将是一块试金石。

    Whether the renminbi is added to the currencies that make up the International Monetary Fund 's special drawing right unit will be a litmus test .

  17. 6月将至,国际货币基金组织(IMF)很可能将决定把人民币纳入其特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子。

    Come June , the International Monetary Fund will probably decide to include the Chinese renminbi in its special drawing rights ( SDR ) .

  18. 一篮子货币、特别提款权(SDR)乃至人民币国际化,种种建议相继出笼,惟独不提明显可以取代美元的欧元。

    Currency baskets , SDRs , even internationalisation of the renminbi , have been mooted , but not the obvious alternative .

  19. 他们应承诺由国际货币基金组织(IMF)立即向其185个成员国一次性分配2500亿美元的特别提款权。

    They should make a commitment to an immediate , one-time allocation of $ 250bn in special drawing rights by the International Monetary Fund to its 185 member countries .

  20. 据斯特劳斯-卡恩事先准备好的讲话稿显示,这位IMF总裁说道:若想扩大特别提款权的作用,显然需要在国际政策协调方面实现重大飞跃。

    Increasing the role of the SDR would clearly require a major leap in international policy coordination , Strauss-Kahn said , according to a prepared text of his speech .

  21. 第二,IMF应同意让人民币成为特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子中的第五种货币。特别提款权是IMF的国际储备资产。

    Second , the IMF should agree to add the renminbi to the basket of four currencies in the Special Drawing Rights , its international reserve asset .

  22. 也包括中国官员在内的一些人谈到,可以转而将特别提款权(sdr)当作一种储备资产。

    Some , including Chinese officials , talk of a shift towards SDRs ( Special Drawing Rights ) as a reserve asset .

  23. 该计划体现了一些切实的成就:慷慨增加向国际货币基金组织(imf)提供的资金、增发特别提款权,以及增加贸易融资。

    This reflected some real achievements : a generous increase in funding for the International Monetary Fund , a new issuance of special drawing rights and a boost for trade finance .

  24. 中国还作出了一个耐人寻味的提议,即扩大国际货币基金组织(IMF)特别提款权(SDR)的角色,使其成为一种能够代替美元的储备货币。

    It also made an intriguing proposal to enlarge the role of special drawing rights so they could become an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency .

  25. 各国及市场也可在特别提款权(即SDR,反映主要货币组合)指定的资金方面进行尝试。

    Countries and markets may also experiment with financings denominated in Special Drawing Rights – or SDRs & which reflect a portfolio of major currencies .

  26. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  27. 由IMF新发行2500亿美元特别提款权的提议,将充实世界的储备资产池,为新兴和发展中经济体松绑。

    The proposed new issuance of $ 250bn of special drawing rights by the IMF would increase the world 's pool of reserve assets , freeing the hands of emerging and developing economies .

  28. 通过详细而认真的分析,他建议扩大国际货币基金组织(IMF)使用的账户单位特别提款权(SDR)的范围和功能。

    In a detailed and serious analysis , he suggested expanding the scope and function of special drawing rights , a unit of account used by the International Monetary Fund .

  29. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)正在探讨特别提款权(SDR)这一很少用到的人为创造的储备资产、以及新兴市场货币在国际货币体系中能够发挥何种作用。

    The International Monetary Fund is exploring the role of the special drawing right ( SDR ), a little-used artificial reserve asset , and emerging markets currencies in the system .

  30. 中国已呼吁改革全球储备货币体系、创建基于特别提款权(sdr)的新国际储备货币。

    China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .