
  • 网络Agreed price;Strike price;Striking Price;Exercise Price
  1. 有义务随时按协定价格、也就是商定的汇率买进或卖出货币。

    Has the obligation to buy or sell at the strike price ? that 's the agreed exchange rate ? on demand .

  2. 股票购买选择权是一种协议,它赋予投资者在一定期限内按协定的价格购买或出售一顶数目股票的权利。

    Stock option is an agreement that gives the investor the right to buy or sell a specific stock at a preset price during a certain time period .

  3. 这是有史以来首次由中国生产商协定铁矿石基准价格协议。

    This was the first time ever that the benchmark prices were settled by Chinese producers .

  4. 本协定项下完税价格的首要依据是第1条所定义的成交价格。

    The primary basis for customs value under this Agreement is " transaction value " as defined in Article 1 .