
xié zhù
  • assist;help;cooperate;aid;hand;backing;give assistance;good offices;provide help to;provide help;lend a helping hand
协助 [xié zhù]
  • [assist;aid;help;give assistance;lend a helping hand;provide help to] 从旁帮助,辅助

协助[xié zhù]
  1. 凡愿协助者可拨此号码联系。

    Anyone willing to assist can contact this number .

  2. 我们正寻找愿意协助该团体工作的人。

    We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group 's work .

  3. 如果没有他们的协助,这事没有一样能办成。

    None of this would have been possible without their help .

  4. 救助人员协助分发谷物、牛奶及其他必需的食物。

    Aid workers helped distribute corn , milk and other staples .

  5. 英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。

    British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping .

  6. 两名男子一直在协助警方调查。

    Two men have been helping police with their enquiries .

  7. 我们得到一批志愿者的大力协助。

    We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers .

  8. 我们应邀协助。

    We were enlisted as helpers .

  9. 她协助筹备了晚会。

    She helped organize the party .

  10. 联合国承诺协助监督扫雷工作。

    The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines .

  11. 他协助招募志愿者到巴基斯坦打仗。

    He helped to recruit volunteers to go to Pakistan to fight .

  12. 我有两个助手协助经营。

    I have two assistants who help with the admin .

  13. 一架直升机运来更多的士兵协助搜索。

    A helicopter ferried in more soldiers to help in the search .

  14. 工作应以协助父母放松对子女的管教为重点。

    The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children .

  15. 警员基思·盖特协助逮捕了那些人。

    PC Keith Gate helped arrest the men .

  16. 她面临协助侵吞数十亿美元国家财产的指控。

    She faces charges of helping to plunder her country 's treasury of billions of dollars

  17. 总督已经调动了国民卫队协助清剿行动。

    The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation .

  18. 因涉嫌协助和教唆越狱囚犯,你将面临联邦指控。

    You 'll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict .

  19. 他认为你是从多伦多调过来协助当地警方工作的。

    He thought you 'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police .

  20. 总统将派出近2万名军事人员协助救灾工作。

    The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts .

  21. 康奈尔说应该用一个新的医学名词描述伯格的行为。他称之为“医生协助自杀”。

    Connell said a new medical term should be applied to Berg 's actions . He calls it ' medicide ' .

  22. 一组护士协助医生施行手术。

    A team of nurses assisted the doctor with the operation .

  23. 他受聘协助开发新设备。

    He was employed to assist in the development of new equipment .

  24. 我希望你协助我写下一本书。

    I should like you to cooperate on [ with ] the writing of my next book .

  25. 承蒙协助,谨致谢忱。

    Allow us to express our thanks for your kindly help .

  26. 他们鼓励并协助他学习科学。

    They encouraged him and aided him in his scientific studies .

  27. 他协助我撰写此书。

    He assisted me in the preparation of this book .

  28. 他们一定有内应,协助他们闯了进去。

    They must have had someone on the inside to help them break in .

  29. 倘若你有任何特别的需要,我们的空中服务员会尽量给予协助。

    Should you have any special needs , our flight attendants will do their best to accommodate you .

  30. 多蒙鼎力协助,无任感谢。

    We are extremely grateful for the trouble you have taken on our behalf . ; we very much appreciate all you have done .