
tè sè
  • characteristic;feature;personality;facility;distinguishing feature;item;unique feature;flavour;tone
特色 [tè sè]
  • [characteristic;distingushing feature] 事物所表现的独特的色彩,风格等

  • 农业激进主义是1880年到1896年这一阶段的特色

  • 艺术特色

特色[tè sè]
  1. 她对当地房子墙上贴的特色年画非常有兴趣。

    She was very interested in the characteristic New Year pictures on the walls of local houses .

  2. 这是一个广为人知的英国特色。

    This is a well-known British characteristic .

  3. 浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色。

    The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture .

  4. 教堂的尖塔曾经是此地景观的重要特色。

    The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape .

  5. 许多现代建筑物的问题在于缺乏特色。

    The problem with many modern buildings is that they lack personality .

  6. 计算机绘图将会使你的演示具有专业特色。

    Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch .

  7. 他们担心会失去他们的民族特色。

    They are afraid of losing their national identity .

  8. 最新的款式有100多种新特色。

    The latest model has over 100 new features .

  9. 这个特色是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。

    This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users .

  10. 这个城镇的主要特色被这条新公路毁了。

    The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road .

  11. 这座建筑比任何其他建筑都能代表本城的特色。

    This building , more than any other , proclaims the character of the town .

  12. 他们的音乐风格开始表现出一种强烈的灵乐特色。

    They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound

  13. 他们的经营既有真正的专业水准又不乏个人特色。

    They run it with a truly professional but personal touch .

  14. 他的音乐风格独具特色。

    He 's got a unique sound and a unique style .

  15. 旅馆的礼品店里备有上好的印度手工艺品和其他一些特色礼品。

    The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries .

  16. 大花园是这处房产的特色。

    The spacious gardens are a special feature of this property

  17. 传统的西班牙食品美味可口,其特色菜肴值得寻访。

    Traditional Spanish food is delicious and its specialities are worth searching out

  18. 这家餐馆垄断了马德里的特色肉菜饭市场。

    This restaurant has cornered the Madrid market for specialist paellas

  19. 我吃的第一道菜是维也纳特色菜鸡蛋饼汤,也叫炒饼汤。

    I started with the Viennese speciality frittatensuppe , or pancake soup .

  20. 爱国歌曲长期以来一直是科威特生活的一个特色。

    Patriotic songs have long been a feature of Kuwaiti life

  21. 为了给人一种更为职业的形象,该党可能会丧失自身特色。

    In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality .

  22. 风车是马略卡岛风光的一大特色。

    Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape

  23. 马隆向外看着毫无特色的灰绿色的景致。

    Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape .

  24. 她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。

    She is compelling , spectral , fascinating , an unforgettably unique performer .

  25. 传统工艺继续保持原有的特色,没有因现代化手段的缓慢引入而改变。

    Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways .

  26. 这本书展现了维多利亚时代特色的精华。

    The book is a gem of Victorian idiosyncrasy .

  27. 吉他独奏是原版的特色。

    The original version featured a guitar solo .

  28. 莱茵兰菜是这家饭店的特色菜。

    Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant

  29. 厨师伊德里斯·卡尔多拉开出一份富有地中海特色的菜单,让人眼前一亮。

    Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean

  30. 古老的犹太人社区是布拉格最具特色的角落之一。

    One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto .