
  • 网络Gender structure;Sexual Structure
  1. 从上海市体育人口的性别结构透视其妇女体育的开展

    Perspective on Woman Sports Development from Gender Structure of Sports Population in Shanghai

  2. 因此应该加强男健美操教师的培养力度,改善目前健美操队伍的性别结构。

    So we should strengthen the cultivation of male calisthenics teachers strength , improve current aerobics team gender structure .

  3. 第四部分:探讨近代湖南人口的性别结构的变化。

    Fourth part : Discussion modern times Hunan population sex structure vicissitude .

  4. 性别结构指数及其在我国的应用

    The Index of Sex Structure and Its Application in China

  5. 从人口性别结构谈构建和谐宜宾

    On Building a Harmonious Yibin City Sex Ratio On Harmony

  6. 南通市出生人口性别结构研究

    Study on the Sex Structure at Birth in Nantong City

  7. 一类具性别结构的食铒-捕食者系统周期正解的存在性

    Existence of a Positive Periodic Solution for a Prey-Predator Systems with Sex-Structure

  8. 不育控制下的具有性别结构的单种群模型

    Model of Single-species Population with Sex-structure Under Contraception Control

  9. 生育率转变过程中家庭子女性别结构的变化&对人口出生性别比偏高的另一种思考

    Change in Sex Composition of Children during Fertility Transition

  10. 在性别结构上,男性多于女性。

    In the aspect of sex structure , men are more than women .

  11. 其中人口的性别结构不平衡问题日益突出。

    The imbalance of population sex structure is becoming more and more serious .

  12. 带扩散的具性别结构的捕食模型分析

    Analysis of a diffusive predator-prey model with sex-structure

  13. 总人口性别结构趋于平衡,但出生人口性别比偏高。

    Sex ratio of total population tended to balance ; while birth sex ratio is somewhat higher .

  14. 具有性别结构的食饵-捕食者模型

    The Prey-Predator Model with Sex-Structure

  15. 伴随着中国的现代化进程,阶级分层与性别结构变动同步发生,错综复杂。

    With the progress of modernization in China , class is being stratified and gender-structure is being changed with complexity .

  16. 这种极不平衡的性别结构反应出一个事实,朝鲜难民的收入不抵韩国人平均收入的三分之一。

    The lopsided gender mix reflects the fact that North Korean refugees earn a third less than the South Korean average .

  17. 家庭收入、年龄结构、性别结构等因素对居民家庭白酒消费有着显著的影响。

    The family income , age structure , and sex structure has a dramatic influence to family liquor consumption . 3 .

  18. 科学发展观下透视我国人口性别结构失衡

    The Penetration on the Disproportion on the Sex Structure of Population in Our Country Based on the View of Science Development

  19. 城市流动人口在年龄结构、性别结构、文化结构、户口结构上特征鲜明。流动原因同中有异,流动前后职业结构的变化与所在城市的经济结构明显相关。

    The trait in age structure , sex structure , culture structure and registered residence structure of urban floating population is clearly .

  20. 首先根据考古学资料分析了先秦时期人口的年龄和性别结构。

    First of all , analyzed the age and the sex structure of the Pre-Qin China population based on the archeology data .

  21. 兄弟会社会结构主要从两方面展开论述,即兄弟会性别结构变化和兄弟会成员职业特点。

    The confraternity social structure mainly include two aspects , namely , the confraternity sex structure change and brotherhood members occupation characteristics .

  22. 人口学特征中,入境旅游者性别结构以男性占优势,但女性市场增长快;

    In the demography characteristic , the tourist sex structure to get the advantage by the male , but the feminine market grows quickly ;

  23. 实验组和对照组之间年龄、性别结构比较均衡,没有统计学差异;不同组的数据具有可比性。

    The experimental group and control group between age , gender structure is balanced , no statistical difference ; The different groups of data comparable .

  24. 教练员年龄结构合理,但职称结构、学历结构、性别结构不太合理。

    The composition of the coachs ' age is reasonable , but the structures of professional title , academic schooling and sex are not reasonable .

  25. 安徽省体育教育篮球普修课任课教师以中青年教师为主,年龄和性别结构比较合理。

    ( 2 ) the Anhui province sports education of general basketball course teachers to middle-aged and young teachers , age and sex structure more reasonable .

  26. 本文所要讨论的近代中学组织结构包括两个方面:组织行政结构与组织性别结构。

    Speaking concretely , the dissertation will study two kinds of organization structure , one is the administrative structure , and the other is sex structure .

  27. 虽然凯伊认为这种“老男孩”现象的出现有诸多因素,然而最主要的还是经济的稳定性和变化了的性别结构。

    Though she attributes a number of elements to the notable emergence of this boy-to-man subculture , chief among them are financial stability and changing sexual hierarchies .

  28. 我们必须了解日本社会的一个特点,那就是它的性别结构,类似美国五十年代的结构。

    One of the things we have to understand about Japanese society is its gender structure , a structure similar to what the United States had in the1950s .

  29. 调查发现,吉林省竞技健美操后备人才培养的主要问题是:1.吉林省竞技健美操后备人才年龄与性别结构不是十分合理,存在着一定的潜在问题,需引起重视。

    Jilin competitive aerobics backup talent age and gender structure is not very reasonable , and there was some potential problems , it is necessary to take seriously . 2 .

  30. 运算和系统分析结果显示人口增长的主要影响因素为:女性人口、城乡人口、年龄结构、性别结构和人口自然增长率。

    It draws the conclusion that finds out five main influence factors : female population , urban & rural population , age structure , sex structure and natural growth rate .