
  1. 流动家庭在家庭结构上核心家庭类型居多,家庭内部分工仍为男主外女主内的模式。

    Migrant family structure is basically the nuclear family , family internal division of labor is still the " male lord outside homemaking women " model .

  2. 青年女性对于男主外女主内的态度男主外女主内观念的现代释读

    Young women 's attitudes toward the idea of " men managing external affairs women internal A Modern Interpretation of " the Domestic Wife and Social Husband

  3. 美国女性获取高学历和学士学位的比例首度超过美国男性,这种趋势在某种程度上将对男主外女主内的传统分工重新进行界定。

    For the first time , American women have passed men in gaining advanced college degrees as well as bachelor 's degrees , part of a trend that is helping redefine who goes off to work and who stays home with the kids .

  4. 除了语言的认知原因外,男性在经济上占据支配地位,男主外女主内的固定分工模式和男尊女卑的封建思想教化是其产生的主要原因。

    In addition to the language cognitive reason , men are dominant in the economic the fixed domestic division of labor model of " men outside and women stay " and feudal ideological indoctrination of " women are inferior to men " are the main reasons .

  5. 朝鲜族性别角色分明,男主外,女主内。

    Korean majority distinguishes gender roles as outer-man and inner-woman .

  6. 这表明,传统的男主外,女主内的家庭分工模式在就业市场上同样存在。

    This result shows that the traditional family division is also exist in the labour market .

  7. 研究显示,过度工作状况的普遍存在会导致许多双职工夫妇回归到一种传统的男女分工的家庭模式&男主外,女主内。

    The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a separate spheres arrangement & breadwinning men and homemaking women .

  8. 她说,“男主外、女主内”的老观念现在发生了变化。她指出女性对职场的参与度上升,收入不断增加。

    women take care of the home inside ' has now changed , ' she said , pointing to the increased participation of women in the workforce and their rising incomes .

  9. 但是,由于中国历经了几千年的封建社会,男尊女卑、男主外、女主内的封建思想根深蒂固,很难被彻底消除。

    However , after several thousand years of Chinese feudal society , male superiority , men outside , women inside , deep-rooted feudal ideology , it is difficult to be completely eliminated .

  10. 在政治参与态度上,由于受传统男主外、女主内封建思想影响,存在着政治冷漠现象,政治认同度不高、政治信任较差、政治责任不强。

    Due to the influence of traditional feudal thought " men outside , women inside ", political apathy , low political identity , less political trust and weak political responsibility appeared in their political participation attitude .

  11. 已婚女性在节日中的角色非常重要,她们体现着男主外,女主内的社会分工,但同时又是以一种卑弱的内敛的角色出现在节日中。

    The married women are very important in festivals and represent the division model of work " Man outside , woman inside " . But at the some time , they play a trivial and humble role in festival .

  12. 她说,男主外、女主内的老观念现在发生了变化。她指出女性对职场的参与度上升,收入不断增加。

    ' The old perception that ' men work outside ; women take care of the home inside ' has now changed , ' she said , pointing to the increased participation of women in the workforce and their rising incomes .