
Migrant family structure is basically the nuclear family , family internal division of labor is still the " male lord outside homemaking women " model .
Young women 's attitudes toward the idea of " men managing external affairs women internal A Modern Interpretation of " the Domestic Wife and Social Husband
For the first time , American women have passed men in gaining advanced college degrees as well as bachelor 's degrees , part of a trend that is helping redefine who goes off to work and who stays home with the kids .
In addition to the language cognitive reason , men are dominant in the economic the fixed domestic division of labor model of " men outside and women stay " and feudal ideological indoctrination of " women are inferior to men " are the main reasons .
Korean majority distinguishes gender roles as outer-man and inner-woman .
This result shows that the traditional family division is also exist in the labour market .
The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a separate spheres arrangement & breadwinning men and homemaking women .
women take care of the home inside ' has now changed , ' she said , pointing to the increased participation of women in the workforce and their rising incomes .
However , after several thousand years of Chinese feudal society , male superiority , men outside , women inside , deep-rooted feudal ideology , it is difficult to be completely eliminated .
Due to the influence of traditional feudal thought " men outside , women inside ", political apathy , low political identity , less political trust and weak political responsibility appeared in their political participation attitude .
The married women are very important in festivals and represent the division model of work " Man outside , woman inside " . But at the some time , they play a trivial and humble role in festival .
' The old perception that ' men work outside ; women take care of the home inside ' has now changed , ' she said , pointing to the increased participation of women in the workforce and their rising incomes .