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nán nǚ
  • men and women;son and daughter
男女 [nán nǚ]
  • (1) [men and women]∶男女性的统称

  • 男女老幼

  • (2) [son and daughter] 〈方〉∶儿女的统称

男女[nán nǚ]
  1. 难道你不相信男女平等吗?

    Don 't you believe in equality between men and women ?

  2. 色情照片对男女都有刺激作用。

    Both men and women are stimulated by erotic photos .

  3. 在男女混杂的场合,我不愿意谈论这件事。

    I 'd rather not talk about it in mixed company .

  4. 她和加利∙格兰特在《育婴奇谭》中联袂出演男女主角。

    She starred opposite Cary Grant in ' Bringing up Baby ' .

  5. 这种疾病可能导致男女不育。

    The disease can cause sterility in men and women .

  6. 这个部门的男女比例是多少?

    What is the ratio of men to women in the department ?

  7. 这个班男女生人数相等。

    There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class .

  8. 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。

    My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage .

  9. 近年来,这个学院的男女学生比例出现了剧变。

    The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years .

  10. 街上挤满了男男女女和孩子们。

    The streets were packed with men , women and children .

  11. 壁炉架上面是一对男女的一些照片。

    On the mantel were photographs of a man and a woman .

  12. 充满暴力的男女关系中总是存在着死亡和凶杀的可能性。

    Death and murder always lurk as potentials in very violent relationships .

  13. 可以选择男女兼收或是分班的游泳课。

    You have a choice of co-ed or single-sex swimming exercise classes .

  14. 他们从相识到结婚前都未曾经历男女之事。

    They were both virgins when they met and married .

  15. 很多更长一些的外套是男女都可以穿的。

    A lot of the longer jackets are unisex .

  16. 他就读于一所男女生同校的综合性学校。

    He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school .

  17. 男女混合的舞池不安全,对女孩子尤其如此。

    A mixed-sex moshpit is not a safe place , especially for girls .

  18. 这所大学从1971年起开始实行男女同校。

    The college has been co-educational since 1971 .

  19. 男女之间没有差别。

    There is no difference between the sexes .

  20. 9,000多名退伍的男女战士列队行进而过,以悼念他们倒下的同志。

    Over nine-thousand ex-servicemen and women marched past in tribute to their fallen comrades .

  21. 他们的目标是2000年前使国会议员中男女人数相等。

    Their aim is equal numbers of male and female MPs by the year 2000

  22. 男女有各自的健身房。

    Men and women have separate exercise rooms

  23. 一直上男女混合学校的女孩知道如何去维护自己的利益。

    Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to stand up for themselves

  24. 他们错误地设想所有男女均见解一致。

    They have taken a wrong turning in their assumption that all men and women think alike

  25. 我们承认所有人——无论男女——都有权以自己的方式去生活,不管其方式有多么怪异离奇。

    We accept the right of all men and women to do their own thing , however bizarre

  26. 这个项目是以这个社会男女平等为前提的。

    The programme started from the premise that men and women are on equal terms in this society .

  27. 对于无数男女而言,浪漫是婚姻中极其重要的一部分。

    For a great many men and women , romance can be a most important part of marriage .

  28. 她谨慎地提出“性别,至少是男女的性征,也许能解释这个差异”。

    She modestly suggests that ' sex , or at any rate gender , may account for the difference '

  29. 你要是让男人和女人一起呆在不友好的环境里,男女关系肯定会紧张。

    If you have men and women thrown together in inhospitable surroundings , you are going to get some sexual tension

  30. 在这个温暖的夜晚里,空气中弥漫着汽油的味道,成群结队的年轻男女或是漫步在码头边或是泡在酒吧间。

    In the warm petrol-scented night , droves of young men and girls were strolling along the quays and packing the bars .