
nán zhuāng
  • menswear;men's clothing;mens clothing
男装 [nán zhuāng]
  • [mens clothing] 男人的衣服

男装[nán zhuāng]
  1. 有人曾几次试图引进几种新款男装,但没有一种流行开来。

    There have been several attempts to introduce new styles in men 's clothing , but none of them has caught on .

  2. 噢,这里是男装柜台。

    Oh , there 's the men 's clothing counter .

  3. 她女扮男装。

    She disguised herself as a boy .

  4. 波道夫·古德曼在第五大道上开了一家男装店。

    Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men 's store on Fifth Avenue

  5. 她指引他们去了男装部。

    She redirected them to the men 's department .

  6. 他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。

    He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men 's Store .

  7. 她女扮男装,这样就可以上战场了。

    She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield .

  8. 她得去男装部找一条腰围合适的裤子。

    She has to go to the men 's department to find trousers that fit at the waist

  9. 和贴身剪裁的男装、紧身连衣裙和高跟鞋说再见吧。

    Kiss your sharply-tailored menswear , your sheath dresses and high heels goodbye .

  10. 不久,全国的女人赶时髦,都女扮男装。

    Soon afterwards , all the women in the whole country followed the fashion and dressed like men .

  11. 假口袋的问题主要存在于女装,不过男装也经常沦为假口袋的牺牲者。

    The problem exists primarily with women 's apparel , though men 's suits often fall victim to the practice .

  12. 果然,不到一个月,全国各地女扮男装的风气就刹住了。

    Sure enough , in less than one month , the trend of dressing4 like men among women in the whole country was stopped .

  13. 不过,最新一季伦敦男装秀场上,男人们又把脚踝给藏起来了,性感的“男人味脚踝”不见了。

    But at the latest round of menswear catwalk shows - London Collections : Men , currently taking place in the capital - something is afoot .

  14. 故事始于祝英台女扮男装在私塾求学中遇到梁山伯,两人朝夕相处一起学习,书呆子梁山伯却未察觉祝英台是女儿身。

    It begins with a rich daughter who disguisesd herself as a man to pursue her intellectual needs at an academy . There she befriends Liang Shanbo . They study day and night together but because Shanbo is a gentlemanly nerd , he fails to recognize her feminine characteristics .

  15. Gap的男装、婴儿装以及Fit产品线的业绩都不错。

    Its mens , babies , and Fit lines are doing well .

  16. 男装购物网站MrPorter去东方寻找新鲜造型

    Mr Porter Goes East to Find Fresh Looks

  17. 统计数据将验证经过长期策划的纽约男装周(NewYorkFashionWeek:Men’s)是否会像组织者预期得那么成功。

    The metrics will determine whether the long-planned New York Fashion Week : Men 's was the success its organizers hoped for .

  18. 获得最具潜力男装设计师提名的是HoodbyAir、Orley和Ovadia&Sons的设计师。

    Their counterparts in fledgling men 's wear are Hood by Air , Orley and Ovadia & Sons .

  19. 纵观男装市场,这种有着军事元素的鞋子在Yeezy,Nike,和FearofGod都能够找到。

    Across the menswear market , military-inspired boots can be found from brands like Yeezy , Nike , and Fear of God .

  20. 男装TPO符号解析与应用

    Analysis of TPO Symbols in Man 's Wear and its Application

  21. 卡萨文是布鲁克林男装店IDOL的老板之一,他认为工装裤只会继续演化。

    Mr. Kasavin , a co-owner of Brooklyn menswear shop IDOL , sees only continued evolution .

  22. 在系扣式服装(即《广告狂人》(MadMen)中的装束)多年占据主导地位后,男装开始转向休闲风格。

    After a number of years in which a buttoned-up aesthetic held sway - the Mad Men look - men 's tailoring has taken a more relaxed turn .

  23. 《美国时尚男装》(AmericanFashionMenswear)一书作者罗伯特・布莱恩(RobertBryan)是经典ID手链的推崇者。

    Robert Bryan , author of the book ' American Fashion Menswear , ' is a proponent of the classic chain link ID bracelet .

  24. 他与合伙人埃利斯(ellis)合开了moustache店,这是一家男装专卖店及定制裁缝店。

    He and his partner Ellis co-own moustache , a Menswear boutique and bespoke tailor .

  25. JONES男装吸引着那些成功、自信、足迹遍及全球的男士,他们敢于尝试新事物、新时尚。

    JACK & JONES Men attracts those successful , self-confidence , the footsteps of men throughout the world , they dare to try new things and new fashion .

  26. 男装衬衫MTM系统中特体纸样处理研究

    Treatment of special body form pattern sheet in MTM system of men ′ s shirts

  27. JimmyAu's男装店备有小号的袜子和小至5码的鞋子,以及样式齐全的服装,从牛仔服到礼服应有尽有。

    Mr. Au carries smaller sock sizes , shoes down to a men 's size five and styles that run the gamut from jeans to tuxedos .

  28. 为了庆祝伦敦男装周,MrPorter的代表们与日本百货公司Beams合作,推出来自新兴品牌的六个系列,这些品牌之前不曾在日本以外的地方销售。

    Representatives of Mr Porter will celebrate London men 's fashion week with an unveiling of six collections featuring emerging brands previously unavailable outside Japan , in collaboration with Beams , a Japanese department store .

  29. 许多女人都自由自在地接受了性别混淆的时装概念,在奥丁(Odin)、卡德特(Cadet)和多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)购买小号的男装。

    Many women freely embrace the notion of gender fluidity , buying men 's wear in small sizes at stores like Odin , Cadet and Dover Street Market .

  30. 本次时装周,她把注意力放在驼色和1970年代CharlieGirl的感觉上,随之将大号男装、高腰喇叭裤以及针织运动套装推上了秀台。

    This season her focus was on camel , and a 1970s Charlie Girl feeling , with large men 's coats , flared , high-waisted trousers , and knit sweat suits on the runway .