- bride-price;present;betrothal presents

(1) [bride-price]∶订婚之礼
(2) [present]∶古代诸侯间相互聘问之礼
Two families delivered betrothal1 gifts to propose marriage .
Dowry and Betrothal Gifts : A Review of Relevant Theories
He is a man without rank , fortune or permanent engagement .
The Cultural Dimension of Betrothal Gifts among the Minority Peoples of Yunnan
His offer to win her hand ?
I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price .
Bride Price in a Cross-Cultural Perspective : A Comparative Study on the Bride Price among the Ethnic Minorities in China
John Runman ( Yap 's Historical Society ): Stone money is not used to ask for a wife , for instance .
Marriage of the royal family in Shang Dynasty is closely related with politics and restricted by certain rules of rites . 4 .
Dancing with the music played by this gramophone ; the red gift box is so huge ! It is every bride-to-be 's dream !
But the dowry of the Song Dynasty is more prevalent than the Tang , and even more than the quantity of betrothal gifts .
CAPULET O brother Montague , give me thy hand : This is my daughter 's jointure , for no more can I demand .
She is seeking ' khula ' , a procedure through which a Muslim woman can divorce her husband by returning the dower that she received .
Several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts , the girl 's family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy 's house .
Yet because of the objection of the imperial families , he had to select a girl from an ordinary family and provide her with many betrothal gifts .
Then , after extensive bargaining , the two families would arrive at the amount of money and goods that would make up the gift to the girl 's family .
On the basis of fieldwork in Shanjiaji , a Hui village in southern Ningxia Autonomous Region , this paper analyzes the bride price and marriage circle of the rural Huis .
An Iranian man can end up in jail over dowry debts and there has been a judicial debate whether it should be adjusted according to the man 's financial status .
The rites of pilgrimage of Spring and Autumn period have originated from one of the five most important ceremonies of Western Zhou Dynasty & the rite of reception to guest .
The boy 's families gifts acknowledged the parents ' efforts in raising the girl , and by accepting the gifts , the girl 's family pledged her to the boy 's.
Generally , the higher the Bride Price , the greater respect the Groom is paying to the Bride and her parents ( as he is literally putting a high value on her !) .
After presenting engagement takens , the go-between would ask the bride 's family to chose among several auspicious wedding dates suggested by the boy 's family and also set a date for presenting betrothal gifts .
In marriage legal relationship before the formal establishment , men and women with their Friends and Family , exchange keepsake together will trust , accept dowry and often give each property to hope establishment of engagement .
As a kind of significant etiquette of politics and diplomacy , the rites of pilgrimage became maturity in Western Zhou Dynasty , gradually declined in Spring and Autumn period and totally withered away in Warring States period .
During the process of its development , the rites of pilgrimage are more than a kind of etiquette , but a type of ritual system which plays a continuing role in maintaining the rule of Zhou Dynasty .
Under Iranian law , a woman can claim her dowry or mahr , which is a gift pledged by the man at the time of marriage , at any time during married life or when getting a divorce .
Although scholars have different viewpoints concerning this issue , all of them share the idea that dowry and betrothal gifts are an important factor in building marriage relationship between the wife 's family and the husband 's family .
Last year 's Valentine 's Day wedding had all the elements of a real one : R7000 lobolo was paid for Shabangu , who wore a white wedding gown , and they kissed before exchanging rings and vows .
Dukes arrogated in saluting to Zhou King . Hegemonies began to challenge the authority of Zhou King . Ministates became the dependencies of great powers . Because of the connotations and functions of some etiquettes began to change , the rites of pilgrimage hierarchy were inevitably affected .
The boy 's family presented betrothal gifts of money and significant items such as tea , " Dragon ( male ) and Phoenix ( female ) " bridal cakes , pairs of male and female poultry , sweetmeats and sugar , wine and tobacco , accompanied by an itemized statement of these gifts .