
pìn yònɡ zhì
  • system of employment under contract
  1. 公共图书馆人员聘用制的实践与思考

    On the System of Employment under Contract for the Public Library Staff

  2. 聘用制护士心理健康状况主要表现在强迫症状、敌对、人际关系敏感等方面。

    Status shows system of employment under contract nurse mental health mainly in the field of depressed , body-rization , forcing a symptom and so on .

  3. 聘用制护士继续教育情况的调查分析

    A survey of status quo of continuous education of engaged nurses

  4. 部队医院医务人员合同聘用制初探

    Discuss on Contract Engaging System of Medical Staff in Military Hospital

  5. 株洲市聘用制护士组织承诺与离职倾向的研究

    Study on the organizational commitment and turnover intention of contract nurses

  6. 军队医院聘用制卫生专业技术人员招聘与管理探讨

    Discussion on Contract System of Medical Staff in Military Hospital

  7. 聘用制在经济欠发达地区高校的应用研究

    Applied Research on Employment System in the Colleges of Economically Underdeveloped Areas

  8. 在科研机构内部积极推行聘用制。

    The appointment system was followed in all research institutions .

  9. 高校推行全员聘用制问题研究

    On the System of Appointing the Overall Labors in University

  10. 高校人事聘用制改革与构建的新思考

    A Flexible and Lifetime Employment System of Appointment in Colleges and Universities

  11. 医院实行人员聘用制存在的问题和对策

    Problems in implementation of personnel engagement system in hospital and Its Countermeasures

  12. 高等学校教师聘用制问题研究

    Research on Teacher Employment System in Colleges and Universities

  13. 关于岗位聘用制及聘后教师管理的思考

    Reflections on Post Employment System and Management on Post-employment

  14. 聘用制护士职业素质测评模式的初探

    Exploration of the mode for measurement and evaluation of nurses'occupational diathesis in employment systemed

  15. 对图书馆试行人员聘用制的认识与思考

    Thinking on Trying out Engagament System in Libraries

  16. 论聘用制条件下高校思想政治工作的人本理念

    People-oriented concept in ideological and political work of higher institutions under the hiring system

  17. 对图书馆推行全员聘用制的思考

    Thinking on the personnel appointment system of libraries

  18. 从理论和实践两个方面,分析了高校推行全员聘用制过程中将面临的各种问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。

    Combining theory with practice , it analyzes some problems and solutions to them .

  19. 长效管理模式对聘用制护士职业状况的影响

    Effect of Long-term Administration Mode on Occupational Practice of Nurses Recruited by Contractual Employment

  20. 论聘用制下高校教师的权益保障

    On the Rights and Interests Guarantee of University 's Teachers under the System of Appointment

  21. 实行任期聘用制,建立科学、公正、客观的绩效考核制度;

    Carry out term engagement with a scientific , fair , objective assessment system of achievements ;

  22. 高校推行全员聘用制的思想政治工作探索

    Ideological and Political Work in Carrying Out the Entire-staff Appointment System in Institutions of Higher Learning

  23. 第四章主要是在上一章研究分析的基础上,针对教师全员聘用制实施中存在的问题,提出解决这些问题的对策建议。

    The fourth chapter provides some suggestions and countermeasures for the difficulties and problems discussed above .

  24. 聘用制护士的管理

    Management of Engaging System Nurses

  25. 我国公立高校已经普遍和教师签订劳务合同,实行聘用制。

    Teachers of public universities in our country generally have signed labor contracts implementing the employment system .

  26. 二是军队医院聘用制人员流失危机的控制与补偿。

    The second is the control and compensation of the brain drain crisis of the military hospital .

  27. 医院聘用制改革后对维护职工合法权益的思考

    Thinking about the maintenance of employee ′ s legal rights and interests after engage system reform in hospital

  28. 加强聘用制护士管理是军队医院亟待解决的新问题。

    For this reason , there is an urgent need to strengthen the management of contract nurses in the military hospitals .

  29. 在实施聘用制过程中要积极推动专业技术职称改革;

    In the course of implementing the appointment system , it is imperative to actively promote reform of professional and technical titles .

  30. 我国高校聘用制改革的成效需要实证研究技术的检验与新制度经济学相关概念的分析和解释。

    The efficiency of employment system in Chinese universities has to be verified by positivism method , and analyzed by institutional economics .