
  • 网络bank risk;the risk of the bank
  1. VaR作为现代银行风险管理的国际标准和理论基础,日益受到国际活跃银行的广泛应用。

    VaR is thought the international standard and theory basis of modern bank risk management , which is increasingly applied to international flourish bank .

  2. 另外的两个有一定特色的创新点:一是将银行风险管理的风险价值(VAR)技术引入到个人外汇交易的风险概率测算,二是将市场心理纳入到汇率趋势影响因素统筹考虑。

    There are also two innovations of this paper . One is taking VAR of bank risk management into risk probability accounting of personal foreign exchange trade . The other is taking market psychology into consideration of exchange rate change .

  3. 分析了银行风险分析的一般理论和银行风险转移机制,并着重对我国现有金融体制下信贷风险的形成机理和银行不良资产结构变化的Markov过程进行了研究。

    The general theory about risk analysis and risk shift mechanism is also introduced . Especially , the formation mechanism of excess credit risk and the Markov process of structure transform of bad assets are discussed in detail .

  4. 研究了基于MS-MA分析框架的银行风险传染免疫策略。

    The immunization strategies of bank risk contagion have been studied under the MS-MA framework in this paper .

  5. 国有商业银行风险管理现状及对策研究

    On the Risk Administration Situation and Strategies of State-owned Commerce Bank

  6. 商业银行风险管理决策本身是个多目标决策过程。

    Risk management of commercial bank is a multicriteria decision-making process .

  7. 国有商业银行风险的表现形式和化解途径

    Risks of State owned Commercial Banks and Ways to Eliminate Risks

  8. 第二章在对市场经济环境下的银行风险进行描述以后,分析了转型时期的银行业的体制性风险。

    The second and third chapters discuss the financial risk during transition .

  9. 银行风险及其防治研究

    To Study for the Risks of Banks and Guarding Against the Risks

  10. 论我国现行商业银行风险管理法律制度的不足及完善

    On China present commercial bank risk management law system 's shortage and Perfection

  11. 全方位强化商业银行风险管理能力

    All-directions to Enhance the Commercial Bank Risk Management Ability

  12. 完善国有商业银行风险管理的构想

    Consideration of Perfecting Risk Management of State-run Commercial Banks

  13. 委托&代理理论与银行风险。

    Commission ? agent theory and banking risks .

  14. 银行风险定量监测与评级体系研究

    Bank Risk Quantitative Supervision and Rating System Research

  15. 国外投资银行风险管理现状与启示

    On the Management Situation of Foreign Investment Bank Risk and Its Reference to China

  16. 国外商业银行风险管理的招术

    Methods of Risk Management in Foreign Commercial Banks

  17. 其次,运用委托代理理论从产权代理关系、上下级代理关系、银企代理关系三个层面对国有商业银行风险成因进行了深入分析。

    Then follows the factor analysis from three levels based on entrusted agency theory .

  18. 商业银行风险管理的核心问题是商业银行资本和风险精确地匹配。

    The core issue of bank risk-management is the matching of capital and risk .

  19. 二是加强银行风险管理。

    Second , strengthen the bank risk management .

  20. 船舶融资租凭中银行风险规避的法律问题研究

    A Legal Study on Avoidance of Banks ' Risks in Financial Lease of Ships

  21. 加强和改善银行风险管理体系

    Enhance and Improve Banking Risk Management System

  22. 第三部分介绍了当前邮储银行风险管理的现状。

    The third part introduces the current situation of risk management of postal savings bank .

  23. 抵御银行风险的会计对策

    Accounting Measures to Avoid Risks of Banks

  24. 正视票据业务与银行风险

    Envisage Bill Business and Bank Risks Positively

  25. 银行风险与存款保险制度

    Bank Risk & Deposit Insurance System

  26. 银行风险评级体系的六个瑕疵

    The Flaws of Risk Evaluation System

  27. 把脉银行风险管理

    Probe into Bank Risk Management

  28. 巴塞尔新资本协议的颁布标志着银行风险管理进入了全面风险管理时代。

    New Basel Capital Committee marked the promulgation of bank risk management into a comprehensive risk management era .

  29. 在此背景下,上市银行风险控制成为了重要的研究课题。

    Corresponding to this background , to control risks of listed banks is becoming an important research topic .

  30. 第二章是电子银行风险概念及国内外监管现状。

    The second chapter is the concept and the current situation at home and abroad of the E-Banking risk .