
  1. 目前商业银行信贷风险管理主要是通过给借款企业评定信用等级来设定信贷准入门槛,通过审贷分离业务流程来减少操作风险。

    At present commercial banks manage credit risk mainly by evaluating enterprise credit rank to establish credit admittance standard and separating the loan operation to reduce operation risk .

  2. 文章首先运用信息经济学理论,通过建立委托&代理模型,分析了由于代理人、委托人之间的信息不对称给委托人带来的代理成本,并对审贷分离制度产生的原因作出理论上的解释。

    The paper first applies the theory of informational economics , through the establishment of principal-agency model , analyzing the agency cost caused by information asymmetry between the principals and the agent , presenting a theoretical explanation of the separation of credit and screening .