
  1. 行政审裁分离制度的完善将有助于在行政主体内部建立比较完备的自我制约机制,对行政权力进行有效控制,提高行政程序的效率,体现行政程序的公正、高效。

    A perfect institution of Administrative Survey from Judgment can promote building a self-restricted mechanism for administrative subjects to prevent against power abusing and guarantee the efficiency and fairness of administrative procedures .

  2. 第四部分,提出完善我国行政审裁分离制度的必要性和应坚持的原则,具体包括有依法行政原则、行政公正原则、行政中立原则、行政效率原则和权责统一原则。

    This part showed us the necessity of improvement of our domestic Administrative Survey from Judgment and the five principles for improving and enhancing it , including the principle of administration law , administrative justice principle and administrative neutrality principle , administrative efficiency and reliable protection principle .