
  1. 行政救助使海难救助的法律关系复杂化。

    The administrative salvage makes the law relationship of salvage more complicated .

  2. 行政救助&构建和谐社会劳动关系的润滑剂

    Administration salvage & the lubricant for setting up the labor relation of harmonious society

  3. 在诸多化解社会矛盾和冲突的机制中,行政救助法律制度是其中较重要的一种。

    The administrative rescue legal regime is an important one in many effective mechanisms .

  4. 第四部分提出如何构建我国和谐性的行政救助制度。

    Chapter Four puts forward how to construct harmonious administrative relief system in China .

  5. 行政救助作为以保障生存权为核心内容的制度,不只是一项针对贫困现象设计的社会保障制度,它包含着更为丰富的内容。

    Life as core concepts , not only is a social security system for poverty .

  6. 第二章:在涉诉弱势群体执行案件中引入行政救助机制。

    Introduction of Administrative Aid System in implementation of vulnerable groups involved in a lawsuit .

  7. 行政救助制度研究

    On the System of Administrative Assistance

  8. 本文最后一个部分针对我国自然灾害行政救助立法存在的问题提出了一些立法建议。

    The last part of the article proposes a solution for the legislation problem of the administration relief of natural disasters .

  9. 行政救助制度是世界各国推行的一项重要法律制度,只是在各个时期的表现形式不同而已。

    The system of administrative assistance is an important legal system all over the world though the forms of it are different .

  10. 第二部分对行政救助的理论基础进行了论述。第三部分分析了国内外的行政救助制度。

    Chapter Two makes an analysis of the theory basis of administrative relief . Chapter Three deal with administrative system in China and abroad .

  11. 盐酸二甲双胍的制备法律援助这一概念与一般法律服务、司法救助、社会保障及行政救助等概念既有联系又有区别。

    There is difference as well as relation between legal aid and common law service , judicial reparation , social security , and administrative remedy .

  12. 其次,从一般法学原理的角度分析、介绍了我国自然灾害行政救助的特征和内容。

    Secondly , from the perspective of the general principle of law analysis , this paper introduces the characteristics and contents of the natural disasters in our country administrative assistance .

  13. 更重要的是在我国社会主义性质的国家背景下,行政救助制度被赋予了特殊的意义,即行政救助制度是实现社会主义共同富裕目标所需要构建的诸多重要法律制度之一。

    The more important point is that the system of administrative assistance is given special meaning which is one of the important legal systems in the background of socialist state .

  14. 但是,我国尚未有统一、完善的行政救助法,有关行政救助的规定散见于相关的法律、法规及规范性文件中。

    However , our country has not the unified and perfected administrative assistance system yet . The relevant regulation of the administrative assistance appears in the relevant laws and regulations and the regulatory files .

  15. 分析了学术界关于行政救助的概念界定,行政救助性质,功能和法律关系。

    The author analyzes of the definition of the concept , the nature , function and the legal relationship of the administrative assistant among the academic community . Chapter ⅲ is the thinking on the theoretical and legal base of the administrative assistant .

  16. 就目的而言,应急处理措施主要包括控制型与恢复型两类,具体表现为行政应急救助、强制、规制、征用、指导和协助等。

    As far as purpose concerned , emergency treating measures mainly include two categories : controlled and restored , and embody them in Administrative emergency rescue , compulsion , regulation , confiscation , direction and assistance , etc.

  17. 民间道德资源有力地支持了清代地方行政,乡村疫病救助就属典型之例。

    The folk moral resources were powerful support for the local administration in Ching dynasty .

  18. 交通事故社会救助基金是政府主导的行政性社会公益救助,是向交通事故受害者提供救助的应急机制。

    Accident Fund is a government-led social assistance administration of public welfare assistance , is providing relief to victims of traffic accidents emergency response mechanism .

  19. 在此基础上,辨明了公务员权利救济与公务员权利保障、行政救济、公务员救助的联系和区别,理顺了相关概念间的关系,进一步加深了对公务员权利救济概念的认识和定位。

    Afterward the author analyzed the differences and connections between remedy of civil servant rights and safeguard , administrative remedy , civil servant assistance and salvage .

  20. 笔者对动物园动物致害责任提出适用上的合理方案,并对遗弃或逃逸动物致害责任提出加强行政管理和设立救助基金的建议。

    I will put forward a reasonable scheme applicable to the damages caused by the animals in zoo , simultaneously , the suggestion to strengthen administrative management and to establish reform funds for damages caused by the abandoned or escaped animals is also contained .

  21. 现代服务行政理念下的行政救助,更注重对公民权利的保障及行使职权温和性。

    The administrative assistance under modern administrative idea pays more attention to the guarantee of human rights and the serving means in the course of exercising powers .