
  • 网络administrative approval items
  1. 国务院将取消171个行政审批项目,同时将117个项目的审批权下放到下一级政府部门。

    The State Council will remove 171 administrative approval items , while the power to approve another 117 items will be handed down to government departments at lower levels .

  2. 天津开发区正在大力精简行政审批项目。

    TEDA is simplifying items of administrative examination and approval .

  3. 但目前行政审批项目仍然过多,审批权行使不够规范。

    But there are still too many items of administrative examination and approval , the examination and approval authority exercising enough specification .

  4. 对已经取消的行政审批项目,要切实加强后续监管工作,坚决杜绝各种变相审批行为。

    The cancellation of the administrative examination and approval items , should cogent strengthen follow-up monitoring work , and resolutely put an end to all kinds of covert approval behavior .

  5. 关于取消及下放外商投资企业和外国企业以及外籍个人若干税务行政审批项目的后续管理问题的通知

    Circular on Issues of the Follow up Management of some Administrative Examination and Approval Cancelled or Delegated to Lower Levels on Taxation for Foreign Funded Enterprises , Foreign Enterprises and Foreign Individuals

  6. 近年来广州市加大行政审批制度改革的力度,削减一大批行政审批项目,取得了一定的成效。

    In recent years , Guangzhou has furthered the reform of administrative approval system and curtailed a large amount of administrative approval projects with certain effects .

  7. 行政审批制度改革取得的主要成绩有:行政审批项目的数量大幅削减、行政审批的配套法律制度完善、行政审批权力的监督机制加强。

    The main achievements of the reform of administrative examination and approval system : substantial reduction in the number of administrative examination and approval projects , improving of the supporting the Legal Systems of administrative examination and approval mechanisms , strengthening the supervision of the administrative examination and approval authority .