
  1. 城市公共事业商品属于混合商品,在城市公共事业领域中,市场与政府、私人部门与公共部门的效率职能或失败都是客观存在。

    Urban public utilities are mixed goods , and in this area , the efficiency function or failure of market / government and private sector / public sector is objective reality .

  2. 管理体制,决定着街道办事处的命脉,决定着它的工作效率和职能定位。对街道办事处管理体制的研究,在理论与实践上都有重要的意义。

    Management system , to determine the lifeblood of the neighborhood offices , determine its efficiency and functions of positioning .

  3. 政府在公平效率中的职能不仅仅是调节收入分配,维护结果意义上的公平,它还包括更多的内容。

    The function of the government in impartiality and efficiency is not only to adjust the distribution of income and to keep impartiality in a sense of consequence .

  4. 发展电子政务是提高行政效率、转变政府职能的一个关键因素。

    Developing electronic government administration is a key factor in increasing administrative efficiency and shifting administrative functions .

  5. 公共组织的激励机制直接关系到公职人员的工作效率与公共组织职能的发挥。

    The motivation mechanism of public organization directly impact the publicofficers ' work efficiency and functions of the public organization .

  6. 在经典管理学理论基础上建立起来的以效率为核心的职能管理知识体系难以满足当今管理的需要。

    The conventional management methods , which are from the classic management theories and based on efficiency , appear hard to meet the modern requirements .

  7. 政府网站建设是推进政府信息化的重要方面,在提高政府效率、转变政府职能中发挥着重要作用。

    The development of e-government websites is a very important aspect of government informatization that play a significant action in promoting the efficiency of government and transforming the function of government .

  8. 公务员录用考试有利于提高公务员队伍的整体素质,增强国家行政管理效率,实现政府职能的转变。

    And it is used to improve the overall quality of the civil service , strengthen national administrative efficiency , and carry out the change of role and function of the government .

  9. 企业战略管理研究中以企业的利润、效率、行为、职能等为出发点的居多,对企业的生命周期演变及其可持续成长的研究重视不够。

    In the research on corporate strategic management , greater attention is directed towards the profit , efficiency , behavior and functions of an enterprise rather than its life cycle and its sustainable development .

  10. 首先介绍了我国碳排放权交易的初步探索,包括法律、政策及实践三个方面,并分析了当前交易存在的法律支撑不足、平台效率有限、政府职能定位不准等问题。

    I firstly introduce our tentative exploration in the aspects of legal , policy and practice , analyze the problems in the current trades including weak legal support , limited efficiency of trading platform and inaccurate orientation of government function .

  11. 首先一般性地研究了政府提供公共服务的效率,指出政府职能存在有效的边界问题,一些服务应该市场化。

    In the first , this paper carries out a study of the efficiency of government in providing public service in a general way and points out that there is an effective boundary in government functions and that some services should be market-oriented .