
  1. 效率主义与新产业组织理论一样将市场结构视为内生性的,这与市场结构外生性的结构主义截然不同。

    Efficiency ism and new-industrial organization illustrate market structure as endogenesis factor , while structure ism illustrate market as exogenous .

  2. 我们对社会纠纷处理的方式应不断从单纯的法律理想主义向现实主义转变,从程序主义向效率主义回归。

    We should transform the ways of mediating social issues from pure law idealism to realism , from procedure principle to efficiency principle .

  3. 效率主义和管理主义的教育价值取向确实促进了教育的发展,但这种价值取向最容易忽视的一个问题是,教育到底为什么?

    The value-orientation , to the extent , surely prospers education development . But one essential issue could easily be ignored : What is the purpose of education ?

  4. 随着经济的发展,以及认识论、学习理论等相关理论的演进,职业教育研究范式也经历了从社会效率主义到新职业主义的演变。

    With the development of economy , and with the evolution of epistemology and learning theory , the research paradigm in the curriculum and instruction of vocational education has transited from social efficiency doctrine to new vocationalism .

  5. 即由效率主义向正义内核转变、由追求经济收益最大化向最大限度地实现公共利益转变、由非制度化和非规范化的制度供给方式向制度化和规范化的供给方式转变。

    In terms it has to transform from efficiency to justice core 、 from pursuing the maximization of economic income to maximally realize public interests and from the supplying modes of non-institutionalization and non-standardization to the supplying modes of institutionalization and standardization .

  6. 管理主义政府模式是效率中心主义的。这一点,在理论上广受诟病。

    Efficiency is the most important thing in the managerialist government model , which has been denounced widely .

  7. 关贸总协定的成员国已大体上同意在全球贸易中用竞争性的自由市场体制取代代价高且效率低的保护主义政策。

    GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade .

  8. 收入均等、效率优先&凯恩斯主义的公平、效率和分配观

    Income Parity versus Efficiency Priority & The Keynesian standpoint of equality , efficiency and distribution

  9. 击破教师行为的这一理由后,接着又对教育公平与效率的关系进行论证,得出教育公平与效率只是工具主义语境下的两难。在教育的本体意义上,二者具有一致性。

    When teachers see this , they will agree fairness and efficiency of education is a instrumental dilemma in education , and in educational ontology , they are accordance .

  10. 从分析西方主流经济学家对效率范畴的界定及对影响经济效率因素的剖析出发,文章指出西方主流经济学家对效率范畴的态度和直接向人们推销特定的价值观:效率第一主义。

    Through an analysis of the definition of efficiency by the mainstream western economists , this paper points out that their view of efficiency leads them directly to value judgment .