
  • 网络utility curve
  1. 决策论应用问题研究&计算机辅助绘制效用曲线

    An Applied Research of Decision Theory : Computer-Aided Determining of Utility Curve

  2. 效用曲线对避免风险型决策者的应用分析

    Analysis of Risk-avoiding Decision-maker Applying Utility Curve

  3. 用Excel辅助分析不同决策者的效用曲线

    Using Excel to Make an Auxiliary Analysis of Effectiveness Curve of Different Deciders

  4. 二为社会福利效应,采用的效用曲线方法。

    The second one is the social welfare effects , the method is utility curve .

  5. 最后,给出计算机辅助绘制效用曲线的操作步骤及应用例。

    Finally , the operational steps and an applied example of computer-aided determining of utility curve are given .

  6. 以决策者面对风险的态度为突破点,通过建立效用曲线并在最大效用原则下对有关决策问题进行优化,在一定程度上可大大降低决策方案的风险性。

    Analyse using the commander 's attitude to the risk as breakthrough point , by building the effectiveness function , the decision under the maximal availability principle is optimized .

  7. 本文陈述了人们对风险决策中期望收益准则的疑虑,分析了效用曲线的性质和对风险态度的关系,指出了效用理论在运用中的问题。

    This paper discusses the unreliability of " Expected Monetary Value " criterion in risk decision , analyses the nature of utility curves and the attitudes to risk , and points out the problems in the application of utility theory .

  8. 通过对效用曲线的研究,根据不同决策主体风险态度的不同将其划分成保守型、中立型和进取型三种基本类型,进而采用期望效用作为选取最优报价策略的标准。

    By using the expectation principle to make decision , the risk favor of different decision maker is considered . Through studying on the utility curve the decision maker is divided into three fundamental types : conservative , neutral and aggressive .

  9. 针对指标体系混乱问题,利用货币效用曲线分析影响个人消费贷款履约行为的关键性因素,参考国内外已有的指标体系,构建适合中国国情的商业银行个人信用评估指标体系。

    Concerning on current chaos personal credit index , a personal credit index of commercial banks has been established which references existed index systems in and abroad and applies money effect curve to analyze crucial factors effecting personal consuming loan default behavior .

  10. 第三,实现了用鼠标拖动的方法来调整曲线,并引导用户保证曲线的单调性,从而得到符合决策者特性的效用曲线;

    Third , the method of adjust curve by dragging mouse has been implemented , and the user is led to assure the single trait of the curve , so a utility-curve which accord with the characteristic of the decision maker will . be available .

  11. 古典经济学理论一般认为收入的增加使消费者到达更高的效用无差异曲线水平,因而能获得更高的满足程度,更多的收入会带来更大的幸福。

    Classical economic theory generally believes that increasing in income level could enable consumer to reach a higher level of utility curve , and a higher degree of satisfaction , thus more income will lead to greater happiness .

  12. 运用Logistic增长模型以及网络外部性理论绘制出电信企业网络外部性效用的S型曲线,并分析其的变化特点。得出网络外部性下电信企业的竞争行为和策略。

    By use of Logistic Growth Model and the network externality theory , we draw an S curve of the network externality avail of the telecom carriers for a clear analysis of underlying characteristics for the changes .

  13. 信息效用函数与Wundt曲线

    Information utility function and Wundt curve

  14. 航行试验中测向仪效用试验及自差曲线校正。

    Research on eccentric correction of dual lateral logging tool in highly deviated wells Function test and calibration self-heterodyne curve for direction finder on sea trial .

  15. 本文从需要的层次理论出发,论述了人的需要得到满足的特征,给出了需求层次的效用模型和效用曲线,分析了不同层次的需求满足的直观模型。

    From the view of hierarchy of need , the paper deducted the characteristics that needs are fulfilled and generated the value curves and straight value model of hier - archy of need . The model approved that high degree of need is based on fulfilled basic degree of need .

  16. 从效用的内涵及其基本特性入手,利用效用曲线将决策者分为三类,即风险规避者、风险偏好者和风险中性者(即风险理性人);

    Based on the meaning of utility and its basic features , the paper takes advantage of utility curves to classify decision-makers into three categories , i.e. , risk evader , risk liker and risk rational person .

  17. 接着,本文结合期望效用理论的基本原则,介绍了效用函数的确定方法,根据决策者的效用函数曲线求出其期望效用值。

    Then , based on the basic principle of Expected Utility Theory , it introduces the determinate method of Utility Function and seeks the Value of Expected Utility in the light of decision-maker 's curve of Utility Function .