
  • 网络effect light
  1. 三种非照明效果光的表现功能和应用特点

    The Representing Function and Applying Characteristics of Three Un-illuminated Lights

  2. 用于固定材质的PRT方法,根据绘制效果和光照的线性关系实现了动态光照下的绘制效果的实时更新。

    The algorithm of PRT used for fixed materials renders with dynamic illuminations in real-time according to the linear relationship between rendering results and illuminations .

  3. 结果表明,该系统对这三类废水均有较好的处理效果,光照90min后对实际印染废水的色度去除率>80%;

    The result showed that the system is efficient in treatment of these kinds of wastewater . More than 80 % of color removal is achieved in the actual printing and dyeing wastewater after illumination of 90 min ;

  4. 4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程

    Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes

  5. 结论玻璃离子修复牙体楔状缺损效果优于光固化树脂,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Conclusion : The clinical curative effect of glass ionomer is superior to the light curing composite in treating the wedge-shaped defects ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 列车制动摩擦材料的制动效果不能光看摩擦系数的大小,制动效果的最终表现是制动距离的长短。

    Brake effect of Train brake friction material is not decided by the coefficient of friction completely , the ultimate performance of braking effect is the length of braking distance .

  7. 介绍了由天然光创造的室内光环境,阐述了空间效果、光的构图;还介绍了室内光环境中的光和色彩,阐述了阴影效果、色彩效果;

    Stress is laid on the interior luminous environment created by the natural light with the space effect , the composition by light and the effect of light , shadow and colour ;

  8. 另外研究了不同光照强度及波长,不同甲醛初始浓度下TiO2-活性炭纤维材料处理甲醛的效果,光照强度越大,波长越短,甲醛初始浓度越低,处理效果越好。

    The different light intensities and wavelengths , as well as different initial concentrations of formaldehyde are also studied . The results show that , the greater the light intensity , the shorter the wavelength , also the lower the initial concentration of formaldehyde , the better the treatment effect .

  9. 进口声光调Q系统,锁光效果好,光损耗小,输出功率高,确保激光系统长时间稳定工作。

    Q system , adjustable import acoustooptic light effect is good , light lock loss , high power output for a long time , ensure the stability of laser system .

  10. 以其对吖啶橙的降解效果作为评价光催化活性的标准,与相同条件下制备的TiO2/玻璃膜相比,TiO2纳米线阵列膜具有很好的催化活性。

    The photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 nanowires array film measured by using an acridine dye solution as a model is higher , compared with that of TiO 2 / glass film .

  11. 光催化降解乙烯比直接紫外线光降解效果显著,光照10min时光催化乙烯降解率比直接紫外线光降解提高23.76%;

    Under 10 min illumination of UV light , the degradation rate of ethylene in TiO 2 photocatalytic treatment was increased by about 23.76 % , compared with that of the UV light without TiO 2 treatment ;

  12. 结果表明:A1-600纤维催化剂的催化效果最好,光照5h后的降解率为94.6%,高于同条件下P-25(91.4%)的催化活性。

    The results show that : Al-600 nano-fibers show the best photocatalytic performance . The efficiency of photocatalytic reaction is 94.6 % after 5 h illumination , which is higher than that of P-25 ( 91.4 % ) under the same test condition .

  13. 电子效果图后期光效处理实现方法与比较

    The achieve method and compare for dealing with late light-effects picture by computer

  14. 事实上为了增加任何舞台效果,棕色光从来没有使用过。

    As a matter of fact , brown is never used for any stage effect .

  15. 百草枯的控草效果及对光照和油菜产量的影响百草枯与草甘膦对蕨类植物的控制作用

    Weed control effect of paraquat in untilled fields and its influence on the light and yield of rapeseed

  16. 在黑暗中处理效果优于在光照条件下的处理。

    The protective function of6-BA to chilled rice seedlings in the dark was stronger than in the light .

  17. 最后,从原理上解释了杂散光修正效果受入射光波长影响的原因。

    Finally , the theoretical reasons why the incident light wavelength affected the stray light correction were explained .

  18. 目的研究各种抛光工具的抛光效果,寻求光固化复合树脂抛光的最佳途径。

    Objective To investigate polishing effects with different devices and explore the best polishing methods of light cure composite resin .

  19. 人们不断追求越来越真实的渲染效果,全局光照技术被越来越多的研究与应用。

    People continue to pursue realistic visual effects , and global illumination ( GI ) technologies provide a way to render more realistic images .

  20. 由于被注入腔内放大自发辐射的存在,为得到较好的注入控制效果,注入光的脉宽和进入被注入腔的延时必须恰当。

    Because of the exist of amplified spontaneous emission , when the injected beam is near the diffraction limit , the pulse width of the injected laser and delay time must be appropriate for obtaining ideal output performance .

  21. 通过对TiO2薄膜的水静态接触角测量,结果显示具有超亲水性。对所得到的TiO2薄膜考察了杀菌性能和光催化性能,发现具有良好的杀菌效果和一定的光催化能力。

    The TiO2 film had super-hydrophile by testing static contact angle and the bactericidal and photocatalytic properties were also tested and had better performance .

  22. 论文在重点研究并讨论用MPLS支持网络生存性的基础上,提出了要结合具体网络应用考虑生存性机制,以达到最好的效果,举出了光网络、MPLSVPN等的例子,给出了比较标准。

    Based on the research of supporting network survivability with MPLS , it 's proposed to combine idiographic network environment considerations with survivability mechanisms to obtain better effect . The examples including optical network and MPLS VPN and the Comparison Criteria were listed .

  23. 利用3个实验数据集测试该算法,并与其它相应的算法相比较,提出的非线性彩色空间对于肤色分割具有很好的效果,且对光照和姿态具有良好的不变性。

    As all the above-mentioned techniques are simple and efficient , the skin segmentation based on nonlinear color space method has the invariability of lighting and pose .

  24. 物体明暗效果的模拟以光照模型为数学基础,通过不同算法模拟光照射在物体上的反射、透射等效果。

    The simulation to object 's lightness effect was mathematically based on the illumination model . It simulated the reflection and transmission effect of light shinning on objects with different algorithm .

  25. 本文报道了我省在安徽省绩溪县镇头林场开展光皮桦优树选择的效果,并对光皮桦优树选择的技术进行了探讨。

    This paper reports the effect of Betula luminifera selection which was carried out at the Zhengtou Forstry Center of Jixi County , Anhui Province the selection technology for Betula luminifera .

  26. 通过分析比较自然光光导照明相对于侧窗采光、天窗以及电力照明的照明效果,说明自然光光导照明在建筑采光中的应用与前景。

    At last , effect of natural daylight tubular lighting and side-windows , above-windows and electric lighting are compared , based on it , application prospection of natural daylight tubular lighting in buildings are presented .

  27. 教室的光环境质量直接影响学生和教师的视觉作业完成效果,良好的光环境可以提高学习效率和减少视觉疲劳,保护青少年学生的视力。

    The luminous environment quality of schoolrooms has direct influence on the effect of visual task of the teachers and students ; good luminous environment can improve the learning efficiency and reduce the visual fatigue to protect the vision of the juvenile students .

  28. 其蓄积量超过海岸松、湿地松、火炬松35~112倍,超过云南松对照种源的15倍,收到较好的引种效果。4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程

    Its timber volume is 3.5 ~ 11.2 times that of P.elliottii , P.taeda , P.pinaster , and 1.5 times that of the check provenance of P.yunnanensis . Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes